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Enduring Eagle's hear the Call

War Angel

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Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I War Angel hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) Three Units of Enduring Eagles Second Company - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice a month.



War Angel



Ok, i lied. im not doing three units of the second company.


one unit will be terminators from the first company. my other two units will be the completion of two tac squads, totaling to 15 Marines from second company, and 5 marines from first.



i should start friday with the building of my termmies and post up some pictures on sunday. ive got a nice little schedual to keep up with to make sure this works.

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im going to be continueing my current color scheme of dark blue, black shoulder's and white gloves/belts/helms. chapter badge and squad/company numbers will be red.


The Termie's will have a white legs/boots as well, thats the colors for the first company.


should look good i hope, i havnt done any models from my first company yet, so ive only seen it on the painter. keeping my fingers crossed

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  • 2 weeks later...




ok, i know it looks like i hacnt really touched these guys, but i couldnt work on them all last week, And i spent the weekend getting the differnt mold lines off. the other three are also mold line free, but because im against the snap on clone's of the AOBR (this is from that box) im trying to convert them all each in a unique way.


on the left you see a Termi whos leg i cut off and reposistioned. i had wanted it to be streching forword as though he where climbing stairs, however it didnt quite work out as i wanted, his leg is insted strched to his left (our right)


on the right, we see a Termi who insted of having the snap on termmy chest/head, i cut up at a normal marines chest and pushed that in, filling gaps with GS. though it really only change's the eagle on his cheast plate, this gives me the option of cutting up a terrmy head to see how to go about changeing the direction there looking. for him i may use another head that i'll bulk up with some GS.



the other three, I want to make the squad leader be pointing, but he still needs to have his SB and PS, so i think he'll be pointing WITH the sword. A third marine i want to have with his torso twisted as though he's faceing another direction (i had also wanted this marine to have an assault cannon, but i cant find anything good for that.


the final marine may just have a simple head twist, not sure. I dont want to repeat the same converson over and over, im trying to expand the uniqueness of my conversons.

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thats the helm i did. its not finished. one problem im having is it woulnt fit into the little hole that the heads supposed to go...



any ideas? advice? comments?

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the heads finished and glued in now, martin, as i took the new pictures, i noticed the old one....yeah it looks alot bigger then it really is. its actualy only slightly bigger then the normal one, but it has less volume because the sides are smaller.

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i just started working on that at the moment, its not working so well... im thinking if i do this, i would NEED to give that marine a heavy flamer or something.... he cant have a normal SB


im going to have a few more modifications to these guys done in a bit, should be updated at least by tomorrow, might have them sprayed by tuesday...

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almost done with these marines... im going to drill the barrels and add more ribbons to them before i post them as my second update (thoes pictures will have the other two in them, but they havent changed sence i last photoed them.



comments please? how is the terminator patern Eagle helm? having trubble decideing on weather or not to get an assault cannon or heavy flamer for the fith marine.... (these are the AOBR models so they did not come with a heavy weapon)

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heres the full squad (well, combat squad)


most of the GSed arms dont stay, the ones that do havnt cured yet. (ill take all of them off before painting/priming) i tried getting them to stay on but there a little camera shy today.







the one wih out a head, i have a replacement head/cheast for him, but im still wondering what to do.

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first, sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. the arms arnt glued on, and because of the GS, many of them woulnt snapto any more.


i cant get afew of them to stand on there own, and the lighting here leaves something to be desired... but any way, seeing as its possible you cant see it, i added alot of battle damage, some models having more then others. (the most being a tie between the second and third i would say, and the least being the first)


C&C if you want, theres probably not much to say about them, once again sorry for the poor pics, i'll try and get these guys painted and glued together so i can have a real update this weekend.

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Looking good War Angel. I'm close to finished with my United Space Marine Corps. I built a force that I could split with my son when we go to our gaming spot. As of now we are... 1Honor Guard for a Marneus stand in ,1Capt. Sicarius stand in with Command squad, 6x 10 man tac sqds, 2x 10 man asslt sqds., 2x 10 man dev sqds HB PC. 1 10 man Sterngarde , 1 10 man LOD sqd. ,2 Dreads , 6Rhinos ,2 Razorbacks, 2 Preds , 2 whirlwinds, 3 wip land speeders , 2 Land Raider Redeemers on the way and 1 scratchbuilt Thunderhawk . I'll try to get a "pass and review" pic up ASAP. Love your work , drive on.
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should look something like this (the above painter marine is for a marine outside of the veterans company)





still a few things im unsure about. the first picture is what i think to be a good representation of USMC dress blues on a space marine. For the veteran company, im going with the Marine Corps Drill team, which use's the white trousers....


because it would blend with the belt to much, i made that first bit just under the belt blue....


and when i had first started peiceing ideas together for this army, I thought "blood stripe...marine NCO's.... Veteran honours!!!!" the first company, every one would be a veteran, so blood stripes right? but the drill team dosnt use the blood stripe on the white pants....what would look better?


side note, will probably be adding a red trim to the shoulders, cause thats just me.... also the line around the neck tab will be red, see my WIP and look at the compleeted marines there to find out more.



that blue looks darker when i paint it....

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im very disapointed in the fact that i failed to finish these guys this weekend... but there is some good news



i learned alot this weekend painting these guys.... includeing


1). these are actualy the first terminator's....wait no i just realised i painted my wolve's myself, But they where spray and pray really....


2). painting white in large quantity's sucks... it sucks hard core.... and i dont think it helped that theres so many differnt things blocking a perfect stroke on them...


3). i do not like painting alot of guys at once... after 7 hours only accomplishing one color..... its very painfull and i start to get sloppy on the model at the end of the production line....


4). if done properly, i can make a preaty decent face, even though the directions said nothing but what color, i think it turned out fantastic in compairson to how i used to do it :D



that is all

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oh yeah, need oppinion, for thoes of you who know what im doing.... do i stick with the white pants, or should i add that blood stripe? what about the knee's? i was going to use that for rank/squad and such....


also the shoulders dont have a trim to them, which makes them look much differnt from even what a fellow first company (sternguard or vanguard) would look like.


thanks for the oppinion's C&C

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