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The Dark Prince


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This is my Deamon, and belived or not its my fourth painted miniature so far. 3 mounth ago I bought a pack of 3 chaos marines ,some paints and just wanted to know if i will like the hobby and I loved it and decided to buy some more miniatures for my future army with the Deamon prince firstXD But unluckily my egzams started and some other things in my personal life and I didn't even have the chance to start painting again the worst thing was that my Prince was liying around for al that time:( Ha but with all problems gone now I can continue the hobby and this is the first miniature thats going to be in my Black Legion Army:)

Hope You like it and mayby point out what You dont like about him and give me some tips on what should I work more?










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for shame...

On to the model, the painting is really great, but i was hoping for a little more than a standard DP painted just like the gw black legion dp with wings on it when you dubbed him the dark prince. Overall its a good model though. 3/5 for standard model and painted just like gws(-2)


:edit: Took the time to read all of the post and realized that you are new to the hobby, so i forgive me if you thought my post was to harsch, cuz, i just meant to crit the things i didn't like, but hell, the painting makes up for it.

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No harm done:)

But I know what You mean:( I've done 3/4 of the job when I told to myself ";)" XD Its almost the same like in the GW site , aldouth I wanted a Black Legion Prince I noticed there is almost nothing individual in my work:/ but really at that point I only wanted to finish him:p

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Hehe that was also my big problem when I painted my two first models but then I found a great site http://www.chestofcolors.com/ where I learned that the paint should really be mixed up with water( u know mis3q=noobXD) and that 5 or more thin layers of paint are beter that one solid and a good thing that Im patient because it really taks some more time to paint and I still want to learn more technics to improve my skillXD
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