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Pezz's Big Scary World Eaters Army WIP Thread

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Working on modeling my world eaters until I can make an order with TWS for some Vallejo MC bottles.


So far I'm modeling the following. I have a few different Army lists in mind, but I am just kind of doing what's fun right now.


10 Khorne Berserkers [Forge World Kits], working on 2, some of the mold lines were... cringe worthy

1 Khorne Lord on Juggernaut, converted for 40k

1 Terminator Lord Zhufor [ FW Kit ]

5 Possessed Chaos Space marines

3 Obliterators

2 Chaos Spawn of various themes, I have 5 more in my Tide box to make as well - they are so creativity/sculpting intensive I am working on 2 at a time.





[That's the old hand I sculpted for my old failed true-scale project]



[The Backpack is drying now]



[Zhufor's first pinned arm, I will be using the toothy helmet]



[The Four Possessed Stooges, a fifth's parts are soaking in diluted Simple Green]



[Eew! A bug spawn! I know it looks nurgle-ish but I really love the fly head.]



[My Khornate Spawn, that's a Collar of Khorne from the old Scyla model (i can't spell now)]



[some of my gap filling work on the Khorne spawn, filling in the gnarled muscly bits]


Ok that's all for now, just thought I'd share my wips as I go!

Thanks for the kind words. It takes me a long time to do these conversions because my life is busy and fully of student-ish things, so my class art projects always come first. I also tend to sculpt in layers so I like to let things cure on one side before doing another, so I'm not tempted to grip the model and squish fingerprints into the hard work I just did!


Anyway there's more than what I just posted. I also have a Forge World Khorne Dread with a left and right chainfist. Screwed his power plant up so he's going to need a little restorative work there.


So when I'm a little less hung over... too many blue kamikazes... Here's more conversion stuffs I have to work on! And believe me this will take a long time but I'll take pictures ^^


- Work on flamer conversion for possessed. For looks only. (Pinning flamer to body and sculpting a mutated arm engrossing the flamer)

- Chop off hooves and make spindly-buggy-gross feet for bug spawn. Also sculpt 4 bug...pincer... things on his abdomen.

- Sculpt spine ripping out of Khornate spawn's back // Sculpt maws in hands

- Pin Zhufor's other arm, glue shoulder pads to arm in position and then remove arms so inner details can be painted.

- Sculpt on the Juggernaut Rider's Axe to represent a daemonic Bloodfeeder // Sculpt part of fur cloak draping over backpack // Sculpt back banner


I think that's all I'll pile on my plate for now. I have 2 sprues of the Vampire Counts... undead wolfy... things. I am going to use them as generic Chaos Hound Daemon Puppies / Flesh Hounds since I'll most likely go for a more red palette with them, yay for cheapie troops. I also have 2 boxes of the metal bloodletters I always loved. Hooah.


Also if I can get some input...


I can't find a way to WYSIWYG the Juggernaut Rider. I've given him a backpack and a grenade on his belt, but I like the axe and shield so much I don't want to replace either for some sort of pistol. I tried mocking up a holstered one on him, and it just looked bad no matter where I put it. I could try to sculpt a holster of my own size, so it will fit no matter what. What do you think? Does it matter as long as it looks good?


Also I was wanting to run all Khorne Berserkers, but I am in love with the Forge World models, and only have 10 of those... so far. As such, I am thinking of running either the generic daemons or Chaos Space Marines as my other compulsory troop choice. You think it'd be cool to do a different sort of faction of CSMs working with the World Eaters? I mean like a faction / dark chapter that is Khornate in nature, just not gold and red. Maybe the one's in the book with the red armor on top dripping into the black armor on bottom (Knights of Blood?). Opinions welcome.

Have you tryed the CSM holster with all the extra goodies its kinda big for a marine IMO but on a mounted lord it would look good or bags/packs on the mount itself.I would keep the shield it adds style and gives a place to add some free hand.
Have you tryed the CSM holster with all the extra goodies its kinda big for a marine IMO but on a mounted lord it would look good or bags/packs on the mount itself.I would keep the shield it adds style and gives a place to add some free hand.


Agreed. I'm up here waiting for some Apoxie Sculpt to cure on the spawn, so I figured I'd check the thread again. I tried the holster that comes with the CSM/Berserkers but it didn't look very good. The grenade looks cool, but the holster just wouldn't look... right. I almost thought about sculpting a holster onto his leg or something like that.

Good news! My LGS can now order individual Vallejo paint bottles!! Now I can order my Model Colors that I want to use for this Army.


Didn't make phenomenal progress tonight, a lot of "fill gap. wait. Fill gap, sculpt a little detail back, wait. Sculpt more once putty cures a bit."




I mainly tried to get the backpack to properly adhere to this guy and yes it is pinned. There's Apoxie Sculpt in all the joints where the backpack touches the cloak, so that is curing now.


I'm going to experiment with pro-create and Apoxie Clay tomorrow for sculpting a maw on the hand(s) of my Khorne spawn. I tried it in Apoxie Sculpt and it was far too soft to hold really small, rigid details.. Apoxie Sculpt definitely is more suited to filling gaps and filling out organic areas and large shapes. I also may have some success with a 1:1 Apoxie Sculpt - Kneaditite mixture.


Because of Call of Chaos III, I will be focusing mostly on finishing the Khornate Spawn and converting the Juggernaut Lord for now.


On my priority sculpting list:

- Turn rider's axe into a proper Bloodfeeder

- Sculpt maws on Spawn's hands

- Sculpt a back banner for Mr. Juggernaut Buddy

niiiiice you are working on stuffs gain, yaaaaaaaaaay :lol:





Alex!! So nice to see you online. I'm gonna have a fig jam session with my boyfriend tonight (no, that's not 'what she said' :P), so more updates soon!


Glad to see you buddy.

So I've been up to some more work. No more work on the Khornate Spawn yet, I'm gearing up to do a big gap filling and sculpting session so a conversion on him is waiting until then. So for now...




[i've given him a chainaxe for a more World Eaters feel. The space marine helmet at his feet has been hollowed and will be in his hand along with dribbly bits]




[Awesome use of a Skaven bit, I think. I'm going to sculpt a mutated tentacle arm thingy infused to his flamer. I know he can't actually USE the flamer. I just like it]




[Dig this guy because of the raw axe. Yeah he's pointing at YOU. I think his arm needs more possessifying]




[A WIP conversion for one of my Obliterators using a Pit Slave buzz saw from another GW range, I think necromunda. Segemented wire thanks to Dragonforge! Needs much puttying and sculpting, will do during that next aforementioned session]




[The start of my bloodfeeder conversion using a mixture of Apoxie Clay and Pro-Create. I'm having a hard time controlling my medium so my sculpting isn't GREAT but it isn't like finger-printy GS blobs either so I guess it's a start. Part of my problem: I'm using HUGE sized colour shapers and need to order some size 0s]




[Now the body of my Juggernaut Rider comes together nicely. He will be the centerpiece of my army so I'm going a little bling with him. Banner caught in the wind, meat hooks are heavy and represent some force of motion from the Juggernaut. They are actually Dark Eldar Jetbike Chains, which I ordered in bulk before GW stopped the bitz orders]




For fun, here's an old attempt of mine at painting that kind of went awry. I got some red on his face, flipped out, and never touched it again. Looks like crap close up, lol... hopefully I can do better this time :\ using different reds.








Anyway next up is to finish off this Khorne Spawn and keep priming my juggernaut, slowly. I'm about to put my Vallejo order in, so I have plenty of time before paint arrives. Might as well not rush my priming job because of over-excitement.


Next up on the list: LEARN TO SCULPT.

lookin very nice pezz, im liking it!!


you can up the highlight a bit on the red, its a nice deep red right now tho, im loving it...gold also needs highlight, or more contrast i think




Thanks Alex, that was an older model. I feel I've improved overall in my ability to mix and assess colors at this point now, so hopefully it will turn out even better than that. Just starting a great lesson in 2-D design about color mixing, AND I'm learning to use oil paints with a drying agent in it (liquin), I see some experimentation on miniatures of some sort in the future.


I've got some vallejo paints coming as well, I like some of the pigments they have in bottle. Saves time so I dont have to mix my perfect base red over and over, plus from what I've used (little) thus far the quality is quite nice.


I was wanting to go a LITTLE brighter in the red, like Vallejo MC Flat Red... but yeah that reaper maroon gives it a dark edge. I'll mix some DA green into the red to make a nice desaturated shade.

I'm just playing the waiting game right now...




I'm trying to keep everything clean during priming. Spray from one direction to another a proper distance away and let a dusting fall on the miniatures, and do as many coats as necessary so the primer doesn't get rough but doesn't gloss or pool either. I've had great success so far, which I attribute to keeping my hands clean when handling the miniatures between coats and having cleaned them and de-greased them before assembly and priming.




I fear I may have found a mold line on Zhufor that I somehow did not detect before! What should I do here? Do they make brush-on primer so I can scrape this off, fix it, and spot-prime in that area?


The texture of the primer is really great so far. I'm excited!


...except that my order won't come for a little while. -head desk-


I need to work on my DWIV entry anyway

for brush on primer, i use the vallejo airbrush line, model air grey primer it's called...

it's pre-thinned, and super fine, since it's meant for an airbrush...

it won't damage your brushes, or the rest of your prime-job...


it's cheap from the warstore...




for brush on primer, i use the vallejo airbrush line, model air grey primer it's called...

it's pre-thinned, and super fine, since it's meant for an airbrush...

it won't damage your brushes, or the rest of your prime-job...


it's cheap from the warstore...





Thanks for that, I will give it a try.


Update for tonight: Still priming, still waiting on paints etc. There's going to be a gap in the priming as I've run out, those Taimya cans are little.

Holstered weapon on the mount might be cool. I thought about sculpting some sort of like supply pack to put on him with a gun on the side of it but honestly I love the model as it stands now visually and more holsters would just disrupt some of the beautiful details on this guy. I think I'll leave him as is, since the shield and axe arm just cover his sides anyway.


I'll be away working security at a sci fi convention for a few days, I think I'm gonna go thru fig withdrawal. At least I get to hang out with George Romero.

  • 3 weeks later...

Been working more lately! You can find these pics in the CoCIII thread also.



[Here he is all finished, rawr! I sculpted the muscle details out on him and added a touch of my own]



[Close-Up of the mouth in his right hand]



[Re-Sculpted Gap Filled Details of Death]




[Juggernaut and his Rider primed, save for the WIP bloodfeeder]


The Spawn is currently soaking in a water bath, I had to scrub him down with some diluted simple green a few times to ensure the vaseline I used to lubricate the putty and my sculpting tools was properly removed before priming. He's gonna be a tough cookie to paint.


I basically mixed a 1:1 mix of Apoxie Sculpt and Green Stuff to do the skin around the mouth on the hand and it ended up working quite well. Sticky and yet held rigid details well enough.


Lord Zhufor is done being primed except for his other arm, I'm having trouble with some of the chains on his power fist staying glued (way too tiny for proper pinning..). Also my test berserker primed nicely. Now I just have to do the rest of them, heh.

Update: May 5, 2009 !


Some things got done priming. I am still working on the bloodfeeder as my final projects for 2D Design have eaten up all my time. I have to do... 6 oil paintings in a week and a half. Even with liquin mixed in it takes a while to dry...


...so In the meantime, I've started painting! I washed down the Juggernaut Rider and the Juggernaut itself with diluted Skull White paint so that the little bits of exposed metal don't show. He got a little of the "fuzzy primer" effect, which seems to happen when my can is running low, I tried the stiff toothbrush trick and such and did what I could but IDK if I can prime him again. It's just on the tip of the banner's horns.


So while their Skull white coat is drying I started the red for my Test Berserker:






The main body is after about 7-8 layers of Red Gore, diluted to a soupy consistency and a teeny bit of Golden Flow Improver put in (I like it, sorry Starks. It's reminiscent of the way a liquin and mineral spirits mixture makes Oil paints behave). And by teeny bit, I mean a little squeezy pipette with a fine tip spewing a few drops.


On the 2nd picture, I've drawn a nearly invisible green arrow to his "butt plates" for lack of a better term. That's after about 2 layers.


So anyway, I'm going to shade with a mixture of red gore and DA green, and highlight hopefully with Vallejo Flat Red. It seems to be in between Red Gore and Blood Red. The problem with Blood Red, is that it's way too orange for me.


I am considering mixing Blood Red and Red Gore, but am unsure if the pigments will marry properly to get a more 'red' Blood Red than an 'orange' since I'm sure their vehicles are the same but pigments are different. Why not just highlight the Red Gore? Because I want it to have a sort of bright sheen to it.


Anyway that's all for now, folks. Waiting on my VMC Flat Red!


So just a quick TL;DR color list:


- GW Red Gore (Base Color)

- GW DA Green (Shading)

- VMC Flat Red (Base Highlight)

- GW Bronzed Flesh (Actual Highlight)

- GW Elf Flesh (Actual Highlight)

- GW Skull White (Actual Highlight)

- GOLDEN Iridescent Gold (Metallic Trim)

- GW Midnight Blue (Eyes / Plasma Gun Base), Probably working up to Ice Blue or just mix it with white. May use a more Ultramarine Blue.

- GW Tin Bitz ("Dirty" Mechanics / Chain Mail Color)

- GW Boltgun Metal (Metal weaponry)

- GW Chaos Black (Chainmail Base / Weapons)


That's all for now.

Just thought I might add that I have been having one of THOSE weeks. Today I was painting the berserkers head. After 13 layers of red gore I started to block in the shadows using some various mixes glazed onto the model. I then proceeded to accidentally knock the head off of the pin that was in the vise (I hold the vise while I paint) and it fell. Right into a well of thinned Bestial Brown.


I'm stripping it right now. Grrr.


I think I'm going to glaze some purple on my shadows though... it looks coool.


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