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How to deal with Rambo


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Having extensively examined the new guard book, I have come across something that I am afraid will give us a world of hurt brothers.


I specifically referto to Guardsman Marbo.


While I will not post complete stat lines here is a quich highlight summary.


He costs a little less than two terminators.

Comes with a demo pack.

Can be PLACED anywhere on the board more than 1 inch away from an enemy model and does not scatter.

Comes with a AP2 sniper pistol.

Has WS comprable to a chaplain.

Has more attachs base than a space marine captain.

Always wounds on a 2+ in CC.


Just last night I saw this guy pop up, blast 6 plague marines into goo, and next turn visciously knife a greater deamon to death.

Any ideas about how we would deal with such a model?

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No the DC is no longer a fire and forget weapon. The crazy part is that guard realy are retardedly broken now. I play guard and I shudder to think what I could do to most players with the new book.
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The biggest problem is GW doesnt playtest its new rules sets, so everytime they overdo a new list to bring it in line with the others, they usually end up going a little crazy..

This results in armies getting harder and harder and are becoming broken, if this continues 40k will just be stoopid!



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next turn visciously knife a greater deamon to death.


OK fair enough he has some interesting sounding stats and special rules (which considering he is a Guardsmen and can do things that Assassins cant is completely stupid - way to go GW you complete bunch of muppets) but how is it possible that he:


a) Survived any shooting if the person who stated he is T3 is correct and I assume he can only have a SV of 4+ or Stealth.

:lol: Hit a greater Demon with every single attack and for the Greater Demon to drop every save (it doesnt sound like a power weapon).

c) Got the drop on an entire Chaos army without, it appears, any reaction or counter attack?


He sounds like an interesting suicide troop but doesnt really scream longevity. Welcoming the new most overused character to the board it seems. Why is it that GW keep making the same mistakes in turning the game into a massive vehicle for stupid special characters, that is what ruined 2nd edition and what is going to ruin this one as well.


By the way I am not screaming cheese I am merely pointing out my distaste with GW forgetting about the fluff of these armies and deciding to borrow too much from Hollywood.



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In my case it is from the copy of said codex sitting on my table. Being a long running manager of a LGS has its advantages.


But yeah, Rambo has stealth. Which given him a 3+ cover save most of the time.


My main problem with this unit is that there is almost no chance of it not getting inserted into every tournament guard list.

For his points value, and the fact that he only takes up a single elites choice, there is no better buy in the guard codex.


Now add in squadrons of 3 Leman Russ MBTs weighing in at under 500 points for 3 vehicles and one heavy choice, and for under 10000 points you can bring 6 pie plates to the game. While still having plenty of points to spend on miscelaneous secondary units. Ultimately, the guard codex suffers from the same problem as the Ork codex. Your basic troops are moderately effective but too cheap. I can easily field 10 tanks (actual FA 12+ vehicles) in a 1850 point list and still put 70 - 100 guardsmen on the board.


But dow do you deal with something that gets placed and then drops a demo charge? Forgeting all his other special rules...

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Use units with infiltrate special rules and prey to get first turn, thats assuming that the new "Rambo" has to be deployed with the rest of the imperial force or comes from reserves like normal units. A flaming Land Speeder Storm with shotgun scouts could get the drop on this guy or even a Scout bike squad with 6 grenade shots carpeting the area.


I could be wrong and that he can pop up anywhere any turn on the field, which would mean bye bye Land Raider.


BTW how many "Rambo's" can be bought in one game?


Is he a single modal or can he bring a squad with him when he pops up?

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Sly Marbo is going to do a LOT of harm if he hits with the template he tosses at BS 5.


But it is an ordinance weapon, and as such he can't move and 'fire' it, nor can he fire his pistol.


If you can't kill a 3 wound, 5+ save, T3 model with some shooting before he assaults, you've got issues. If you can't beat him in assault more often than not, you've got issues.


On the weak side, he takes up an elites slot... the same slot as Ogryns (zomg HTH madness), and Stormtroopers with their AP3 yummies.


The biggest problem guard are going to have (I'm a guard player too) is fitting all of this neat stuff into their army in a way that synergizes well.

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AP:3 confirmed eh? Anyway according to the fluff Sly was the best stealther and knife fighter in any catachan regiment. If he didn't want you to see him you wouldn't. And the whole "pop up an throw a demo charge" thing already happens with the old codex. You take last chancers with maxed out demo charges and deep strike them. Effective suicide troops.
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The problem is that he does not deep strike, he is PLACED. As such, that demo charge will always be in the right place at the right time. It is not my largest complaint that said model cannot be kiled, it is that there is no way to do so before the demo charge earns his player the points back that he spent on him, several times over with a good target. If it causes the marine player to divert a squad to deal with him afterwards, so much the better.
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I'll shall ask again, how does "Rambo" appear on the field?


Does he appear any turn the imperial guard player chooses or does he have to appear once the armies are deployed?


All I want to know is will any infiltrating unit I have be able to intercept "Rambo" before he can set his charge.


Throw me a bone here pls.

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Everyone calls cheese every single time a new codex comes out, I'm really not worried about anything here.



tis not that broken

its awesome

but just tweked

it still has the same flaws

ie: guardsmen suck

and tank heavy is too easy too dismantle...

even easier with squadrons


so relax


marines still own

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You are correct, he can do nothing except shoot the turn he comes down. However, he has a DEMO CHARGE.


ST 8 AP 2 5" Blast


That alone makes him rediculous against other deep striking / elite armies.

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Like I said, he can't do jack the turn he comes in. Light him up. If he's T3, a single tactical squad should wipe him out in a single volley. Heck, one Krak missile, plasma shot, etc etc should turn him into a fine red mist with a single shot.


Sounds like a fun distraction for the IG players, but not a game-breaker by himself. I can see him panicking a squirrely player, but not anyone with a level head. His best use is probably to hit an HQ squad with the demo charge, or as a "red flag" to draw fire from a more reliable and crucial Guard unit. He's a squeak-toy. The Guard player drops him on the table and says "Come here, Boy! Come here!"

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Isn't his demolition charge an assault weapon, not an ordinance (thus allowing him to use it the turn he comes in)? The main problem with him seems to be that he pops up onto the table, throws his demo charge (with BS5, hitting with perfect accuracy more than 50% of the time) - sure, he then gets gunned down, but the problem is that he took out a squad of terminators or sternguard down with him in the process with zero ability to prevent. Even if you know it's coming, there's literally nothing you can do about it.
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