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How to deal with Rambo


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Isn't his demolition charge an assault weapon, not an ordinance (thus allowing him to use it the turn he comes in)? The main problem with him seems to be that he pops up onto the table, throws his demo charge (with BS5, hitting with perfect accuracy more than 50% of the time) - sure, he then gets gunned down, but the problem is that he took out a squad of terminators or sternguard down with him in the process with zero ability to prevent. Even if you know it's coming, there's literally nothing you can do about it.


I don't recall demolition charges being assault ordinance. I thought they were just ordinance weapons.

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That sounds horribly wrong :lol:

And I am a Guard player as well. Now, I just won't use him, but still....

Somehow, that was always what I liked about my Guard...they were just...you know...losers ^_^

I hardly ever won a game, but they were all fun and entertaining. Well, but I'm sure, I can still write lists that do that B) I, for one, am not interested in uber guard (ah, it sounds so funny to use "uber" on English :teehee: )

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Everyone calls cheese every single time a new codex comes out, I'm really not worried about anything here.


Yes I'm sure GW a multi-million dollar company doesn't "test" their product prior to putting it on the market. I mean it's not like they've been providing a quality hobby for 20+ years. That wouldn't make any sense at all.

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GW isn't perfect; otherwise why would they need rules FAQs and errata?


Regarding this individual unit, I think GW dropped the ball. This is a fire and forget unit that has a better than 50% chance of making his points back without even trying and with no defense possible. You should probably expect to see him in a majority of lists because there's no stopping him and there's always the chance that he managed to survive long enough to get into an assault, too.

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Hey just checked the codex it is indeed an assault 1 weapon


Disgusting. I guess the only defense is as listed above, cover saves. I'll have to wait til I read the codex myself before I can think of any other response to the guy.

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Here's the thing with marbo, he is somewhere between the chapter masters orbital bombardment, and a lictor.


So while orb bombardment is stronger (str 10 ap1 vs str 8 ap2) this will only make a difference against T7 fexen and wraithguard (and in instant deathing T5's), but the det charge is much, much more accurate (acounting the 3 inch improved acuracy for a large pie plate (2.5 from marker, .5 from model base)) orb bombardment has 39% accuracy (vs a single target) and marbo's det pack has 72% acuracy (vs a single target).

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Well he does sound like a very useful character. Guessing 70ish points. Need to see how well it does on the tabletop. Too often things in the codex seem better than they are on the table. Vanguard and Sternguard in my experience. Ironclad however rocks.
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Everyone calls cheese every single time a new codex comes out, I'm really not worried about anything here.


Umm... Chaos codex?

What about it? Are you saying people didn't claim cheese and were proved wrong (even though it's not a cheesy army)? Are you saying it's hard to beat? Easy to beat? Or are you saying something else entirely?


On topic- Marbo gives the guard a nice little something, so what? All armies have nice little somethings, I don't see the problem.

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What about it? Are you saying people didn't claim cheese and were proved wrong (even though it's not a cheesy army)? Are you saying it's hard to beat? Easy to beat? Or are you saying something else entirely?


On topic- Marbo gives the guard a nice little something, so what? All armies have nice little somethings, I don't see the problem.


People are looking at this and going; "Wait. So this guy deep strikes in, except with no scatter, with a better than 2/3 chance of being able to annihilate a unit of terminators, sternguard, tyranid warriors, or other expensive unit that I field, and there's absolutely nothing I can do to prevent it short of sticking all my expensive troops in a transport where they will do almost no good?"


And yes, I can see their point. I'm particularly unconcerned about Morbo, but that's because the only thing he could reasonably go after in my army lists with his AP2 blast template are tyranid warriors or zoanthropes, both of which are multiple wound models. Sure, he could try and bomb a hive tyrant or carnifex but at that point I wouldn't even turn around and swat him because he's got zero ability to affect the rest of the battle short of plinking away for a maximum 5 turns with a pistol - with which he'll inflict an average of 3.4 wounds.


He's got exceptional CC abilities for a guardsman, and the poisoned weapon + pistol is a nice touch but it doesn't stop the fact that he's a T3 model that will get his face smashed in by scouts that assault him. He's got no power weapon (that I'm aware of, not having a codex) and is only going to kill a single marine on the charge.


In short, the only thing he really has going for him is the ability to drop a S8, AP2 pie plate effectively anywhere on the table, once. And it's good enough and cheap enough that most everyone will want to use him for that ability, because it can't be stopped or interfered with.

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I've avoided putting my marines into rhinos for awhile because the Run rule allows you to get to objectives just as well as a transport. But with the plain silly number of ap3 weapons making their way into the game it's basically become a necessity. Seriously, in the C:SM and C:IG there are 3 new units with Template ap 3 weapons.


IG were already very strong. Now it's going to take a speciallized army to be competative with them.



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To be honest ive read the 'dex a couple of times at the local store and as a marine and a guard player i can see what they have done with both armys lately to make them more appealing but i can still see both armys inherant flaws.


Guard are still that.. Guard. hit them with anything above a lasgun and they fall over, the only army that guard have a decent chance to ignore most the shooting from is guard. crazy!


but as to Marbo, yeah hes pretty funky.. but it wasnt that long ago Guard codex had the assassin list from WH/DH in the guard codex so fluff/rules yeah it makes sense.. his actual tabletop ability? i might use him... maybe.


I can see his worth for the points but there is alot of 'shiney' stuff in the new codex that people will want to try out.


Anyone that uses reserves/outflank game.. a heads up that got missed in every rumor page i read on here/dakka/warsear,

the Advisor 'Master of the Fleet's Intercept Reserves rule does as people have said make your opponant -1 on reserve rolls which is bad.. but also '..if any enemy units arrive using the outflank rule, you may choose to make your opponant reroll the dice used to determine which board edge these units arrive from'


For someone that costs less than a Rhino the ability to mess with the reserve roll and the outflank roll is going to be used alot methinks

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To be honest ive read the 'dex a couple of times at the local store and as a marine and a guard player i can see what they have done with both armys lately to make them more appealing but i can still see both armys inherant flaws.


Guard are still that.. Guard. hit them with anything above a lasgun and they fall over, the only army that guard have a decent chance to ignore most the shooting from is guard. crazy!


but as to Marbo, yeah hes pretty funky.. but it wasnt that long ago Guard codex had the assassin list from WH/DH in the guard codex so fluff/rules yeah it makes sense.. his actual tabletop ability? i might use him... maybe.


I can see his worth for the points but there is alot of 'shiney' stuff in the new codex that people will want to try out.


Anyone that uses reserves/outflank game.. a heads up that got missed in every rumor page i read on here/dakka/warsear,

the Advisor 'Master of the Fleet's Intercept Reserves rule does as people have said make your opponant -1 on reserve rolls which is bad.. but also '..if any enemy units arrive using the outflank rule, you may choose to make your opponant reroll the dice used to determine which board edge these units arrive from'


For someone that costs less than a Rhino the ability to mess with the reserve roll and the outflank roll is going to be used alot methinks



Hint... they can still take assassins.


I see no incredible problem with it. It's not that much different from a Chapter Master's Orbital Bombardment, except you have NO defense against the Chapter Master's, as it is Barrage.


Mmm... I think I've talked myself into using my CM again ;)

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I remain unconvinced that he's better than:


a) A squad of stormtroopers

:P A squad of psykers

c) A squad of ogryns


And given that I only have 3 elite slots, I'm not sure he's worth a force org slot with other cool stuff in it, regardless of his 'cheap points cost', since he's unlikely to survive a single game. Maybe in a sub 1000 point battle... but still.

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Ditto. He may be cool but having a squad of psykers to fuel an Animus Speculum (which becomes a S5 AP1 Assault 11 weapon with a full squad) is much better. Even the Ogryn are better.


The whole squad only counts as one psyker for the purposes of the Animus if my take on the rules is right. The _unit_ gets the psyker trait, not the models. Amusingly enough this means that if the non-psyker minder guy, the unit still counts as a psyker.

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