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How to deal with Rambo


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o i itch to buy some guard.... but the money argh, i want a valkarye to, but i want inducted Grey Knights... and i have 2000 points of tau and 1500pts of wood elves to paint.. not to mention literally every piece of LoTr ever made... the humanity... maybe i just buy Rambo and play him with my space marines... :)
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He uses the same rules as the Callidus Assassin. He is placed, he throws the demolition charge, and then he assaults. Still, he is only Toughness 3, so will die easily enough. The problem is that he will do quite a bit of damage before that. For the record, he has Initative 5, not 3.
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Have you guys never faced an inquisition assassin? They do the same thing, DS anywhere the want without scatter and shoot and assault.


they don't drop demo charges tho :P

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Well, first thing ist he can't move or assault, just shoot.

Second thing is he is Ini 3, T3 and 2 Wounds - every model in a Marine Army is a serious problem for him in CC.

And the final thing is: how much can he kill with his demo charge? vs mass infantry he is not likely to get his points back so the only interesting target are marines and terminators - first can be usually found as 5 men groups where you hit a maximum of 3 and terminators. Well, i havent seen ONE f... player who uses terminators without the 3++ save since the new codex. And still you hit only 3 of them if they aren't in a LR.

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Marbo is Init 5, has 2 wounds and a measly 5+ armor save.


I would define him as a glass cannon. Yeah an on spot demo charge is nasty... but with the popularity of mechanized lists what do you really have to fear? Maybe loose a rhino? Top it off with how easy it is to get cover and you will find its not as bad as it may appear.


I picture people taking all 3 elite choices with the psyker squads as they are far more devastating than a single demo charge. As another plug the battle psykers all have the psyker trait and only count as a single psyker for using their powers. This means that the animus combo would indeed work and could even get nastier if they take 2 battle squads in chimeras.

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I had a read through the new IG codex at the shop this weekend. /yawn.

There's a lot of flashy bits in there, but little meat. The trait of Guard is the same as it was last edition: fragility. So much of the list is glass-jawed. Massive firepower up front, but unable to handle hits. Lots of the "big scaries" have limited uses on the table. Valkyries have several one-shot weapons, as do the missile launcher tank platforms. Guard are still chumps in close combat, and have mediocre to poor saves against incoming fire. Piss-poor morale across the board.


I do like that the Guard now have a lot of different options for builds. You can actually play a fluffy Catachan force, and be competitive! Sentinels look great. I can hear the cash registers ringing up Leman Russ tanks already. K&J Magnetics will be getting a boost in sales, too.


Bring on the squishies!

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