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Go Big or Go Home - Project Battle Company

Twin .44

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well, checked out and pads should be in monday. yay! along with a Vindicator and Drop Pod, woo hoo! I should have a third tactical done by then. Got a barbecue tomorrow so I will most likely get the filing and basecoats down afterwords. If all goes well, I'll have it done Sunday and have a fourth Monday. yay four day weekends! got another one next week. I'll be dipping into vehicles then, my greatest enemy :D


I can't wait to see them fully done up too. they shouldn't be too long to paint up though, just highlight and red.


And I'm glad to get someone motivated to paint! I love getting people involved in the game in any way shape or form. I have two grasshoppers right now (oddly enough, one is playing Grasshoppers. :) nids). thanks alot, it's stuff like that which will keep me painting and completing this thing!

Hey everyone! well, I got the third Tactical squad done without the guards and packs of course. Monday can't come soon enough. I really hope that the fourth is done tomorrow or Tuesday. So, here you are, the third Tactical squad!


Personal favorite is the Missile launcher model.

you sir, are clearly insane...


Thats awesome!!!! I truly hope youa re able to accomplish your Call, and from the looks of it, you're already well on your way.


Now if i could jsut get my hands on a battle company box....assuming of course i could find one...

I really like the conversion you did on the missile launcher marine. Things are looking great, keep up the good work. <_<


Why thank you Midge. Things are going excellent for this project. currently squad 4 is almost complete, I just forgot a pair of arms. I can't keep my head straight. and we won't get to see the shoulder pads until the end of the week apparently. i think the place I order from is screwing me over.


you sir, are clearly insane...


Thats awesome!!!! I truly hope youa re able to accomplish your Call, and from the looks of it, you're already well on your way.


Now if i could jsut get my hands on a battle company box....assuming of course i could find one...


If only I had a nickel for every time someone has called me insane from this project. I'm really hoping to get the first of five vehicles done this weekend, even though vehicles have turned into my enemy in the assembly process. and good luck on the battle company search, you will need it. I recently talked to a friend about getting another one (or just buying all boxes separately) to create the Angry Marines. If you've never seen it, PM me, I can get you a picture lol.

And i was just playing as Angry Marines in DoW with the FoK mod. hehe.

HA! Win!

Anyway, Here it is, as promised, Tactical Squad 4. Yet again without guards and packs. Got Half my order in, but it was the Vindicator and Drop Pod :D .


Be carful brother, if you are anything like me I cant stand painting back packs, for some reason I just hate them so they often get painted hasitly and without much care. If you do not take much care you will find yourself with an army with no backpacks and no will enough to paint them. The idea of having done all the great fun bits and then having nothing but backpacks left would drive me nuts and my army would remain back-pack-less forever.
Be carful brother, if you are anything like me I cant stand painting back packs, for some reason I just hate them so they often get painted hasitly and without much care. If you do not take much care you will find yourself with an army with no backpacks and no will enough to paint them. The idea of having done all the great fun bits and then having nothing but backpacks left would drive me nuts and my army would remain back-pack-less forever.



Thanks for the concern Brother Jester, but fortunately the painting of backpacks will be all too exciting for me, along with the guards. Just the idea of finally completing the squads is jittering. especially since these are the first actual tactical squads I have assembled since i started the game (usually box sets or purchased already assembled). That and each squad of backpacks I estimate a 15 minute time tops. Just highlight, detail and paint the fist!

Beautiful work here Twin .44, can't wait for these to be finished. Makes me want to paint up a squad of CF myself (might just do that..)


I'll be watching this project closely for inspiration, a project of this size derserves praise. Good luck.

Right. That's it. I am going to paint an entire chapter....


Nah kidding B)



But I am inspired to do a full company. Wonder how long that would take me...


Great job so far! You are one zealous painter ;)


My next CF project (which will be after I finish my 2K list, and arming up some more Black Templars) will end up consisting of doing the Entire 128 Member First Company!

And the Zeal comes from my days as a Black Templar :D


Beautiful work here Twin .44, can't wait for these to be finished. Makes me want to paint up a squad of CF myself (might just do that..)


I'll be watching this project closely for inspiration, a project of this size derserves praise. Good luck.


The CF truly are an amazing chapter, and I am truly glad to be an inspiration, but I am a servant of the Emperor, I need no praise.


Dude to have achieved so much in such a short time is fantastic. :lol: It takes me about seven days just to fit a five man assault squad in around work!!!


Due to lay offs, I've had some free time lately. We managed to make a compromise with our Employer and take five unpaid days off this month instead of job losses. So the extra time has helped in this project.


Hopefully the fifth squad will be complete this Friday (tonight got a 'Hammer matchup and haven't begun the Filing yet) and that should be when the last bit of my order gets in. So hopefully Saturday the first part of my vow will be complete and I can move on to the Five Rhino's for them. thanks for tuning in all!

Be carful brother, if you are anything like me I cant stand painting back packs, for some reason I just hate them so they often get painted hasitly and without much care. If you do not take much care you will find yourself with an army with no backpacks and no will enough to paint them. The idea of having done all the great fun bits and then having nothing but backpacks left would drive me nuts and my army would remain back-pack-less forever.


I HATE painting shoulder pads for some reason, so for awhile I did have marines without shoulder pads.

well, it's been a while. I kinda lazied out this weekend since I was extremely agitated that my Pads and packs never came in and started a little work on a drop pod. But, the fifth tactical is all complete now, of course without some vital things.


And in appreciation for all the views and words of encouragement (and that includes those that call me insane, cause it drives me forward ^_^ ) I would like for all of you to name my squads, and please, no jokes. also Keep in mind I would like to keep it along with story lines and they do kinda need to be Spanish names. thanks alot folks, I appreciate it all!

can i ask, what special/heavy weapons kits did yuo give them, and why did you do it that way? (throw in sgt kit's too if you would be so kind)



I'm using bits from the devestators sprues for the heavy weapons. most Plasma pistols are right on the sergeants sprue in the tactical squads, and the powerfists are from several spots. the right hand pointed finger is from the Assault squad sprues, and the left handed fist is from the Devestators. The clenched one is from the Commander sprue. Most power weapons are found from Assault squads.


I did most of them this way for versatility in the battle field. I never target one army directly and I try to create my lists for such reasons. of course i can switch out sergeants, Heavy Weapons, and special weapons as I need to, but I prefer to keep things less complicated. Any more questions feel free to ask!


-edit- And all special wespons (flamers, melta-guns, and Plasma guns) are all included in the tactical sprues. Tactical squads don't give you powerfists, or power weapons and the only heavy weapon you get is a missile launcher.

Glad to see someones company is progressing, mine is currently languishing due to me being outside in the good weather.


On the bright side, I have sorted out a pile of weapons from the bit box to do some kitting out once i get started again.

im sorry, i ment how did you outfit each squad lol. ie 1st squad looks like you gave it plasma cannon flamer. (serg has BP power fist)


You are correct on the first squad. If you're asking for what each squad has I'll run through that.

1 - Plasma Cannon, Flamer, PF

2 - Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol/Power Sword

3 - Missile Launcher, Melta Gun, PF

4 - Lascannon, Flamer, PF

5 - Multi-Melta, Melta, Power Axe/Plasma Pistol


I outfit them all for several different battlefield roles, except tactical 5. They are meant for maximum Armor Penetration of just about anything.


Glad to see someones company is progressing, mine is currently languishing due to me being outside in the good weather.


On the bright side, I have sorted out a pile of weapons from the bit box to do some kitting out once i get started again.


Unfortunately I now have to halt production. My Pads and Packs still have YET to come in. Starting to get rather agitating. but oh well, I finished up my drop pod and am now working on the Vindicator which will be nice to have blowing stuff up soon.

And I hear you on the nice weather, but it's really hot up here in NY. 96 today. If you start a WIP on your company, let me know! I'd love to keep track!

love what yer doing man!!:)...its hard to keep the impetus to keep going sometimes..:)


Yeah, that is very true sir. sometimes it's rather frustrating, especially when I have so much on the table to paint as it is. You end up as a hermit when you do this stuff.


And since I cannot move any forward on this project until I get the pads/packs in, I'm going to show what my test model for vehicles is tonight. I finished up the majority of my Vindicator. all it needs right now is battle damage, Highlighting and Transfers. I will be showing it with a comparison to my hand painted Rhino (done the same as the sarge in my first post). I think it turned out extaordinarily well for a day and a half project. i may very well show my drop pod as well for laughs.


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