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Blood Angel Company Champion


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Painted this fellow up for Salute 09's painting comp in London a couple of weeks back. It didn't place, but then the level of competition was obscenely high!


Fairly straight forward kit bash, with the addition of a "double" pad on the right arm - more details in the WIP section. I scaled back the amount of weathering too, mainly because of the base - I wanted a change from "URBAN WASTELAND".

I was really pleased with how he came out, and with a slight tidy up after some good advice, here we are...




I would appreciate any C&C, and also CMON votes on the link below.


CMON voting linky


Cheers all :devil:

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Very, very impressive model and nice NMM! It really looks stunning on the imperial eagle. I think the boltgun is a bit dull compared to the rest of the model - is there a reason for this? Perhaps a coloured gun-casing would shine things up a bit?


I'll vote on CMON :P

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I'm liking the gold a lot but the red isn't quite doing it for me in this photo, at least not on the shots taken from the front- it looked kind of better in the WIPs. I assume this is some photographic phenomenon.


Still, its a fantastic model.

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I love the red...it's very realistic, and flies in the face of the old school orangy BA's. I have a soft spot for old school, but you know I like the muted pallette. I like the model very much, and I'm voting, and leaving a comment on CMON now.
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Thanks a lot guys! :lol:


I'm really pleased with the feedback and the model is still looking cool to me too!


@Brother_Kluft - It's difficult to explain the recipe for the NMM gold. There's a lot of backwards and forwards involved. Essentially, I use GW bubonic brown as the mid tone, with snakebite leather as a filter. Then there's VMC Smoke and VMC German Camo Black/Brown, GW devlan mud, GW gryphonne sepia and GW badab black as shades; with P3 menoth base, P3 menoth highlight and VMC off white as the highlights. Thin layers, bit of wet blending and 1 or 2 other little tricks.


@Vadskær - Thanks. The casing is deliberately a bit dull, with just the "etched" icon onto the gun metal casing. Even when I do "coloured" casing, I tend to make them as dull as possible. Thanks for the vote


@Sir Clausel - Thanks also - The red soft armour is actually a quite different red to the "hard" armour, but it's not so obvious on the pics, unfortunately...


@Blood Raven 240 - I hope that it does inspire you


@Drathmere - I'm glad that it has had a positive effect. It is amazing what can be achieved when you slow it down a bit and actually look at the models properly


@tortoise - Red and photos.... tough combination! :D I tried my best to light him properly for the photos and reduce the amount of colour balancing on the PC, but my photo-fu is pretty weak to be honest...


@Cornelias - Thanks! I guess that he couldn't be anything like pre-heresy, but much of my work is inspired by the heresy stuff ;)


@I am Legion - I haven't "played" for over 10 years, but funny enough I did use to be a BA player


@Lunchbox - Thanks a lot, J! (and for the vote/comment) I too love a bit of old school - what with the whole being old enough to remember it 1st time around too!!

However, the EM style is really something that I try and distance myself from - as you do - and the "muting" of such intense colours is a great thing to try out. This red is a really great - almost accidental - discovery, that I'm so pleased to have added to the skill set. Losing the orange/yellow tinge was quite hard to do without going pink, but I'm pleased to have got there in the end. A bit more practice and I will be very happy with this one


@GumbaFish - Cheers! My wife would probably agree with you!! This model involved some seriously late nights, but I hit my stride and finished up with about 55 hours all told. A lot of work, with a lot of reward - no prizes, but some good kudos from some really great artists, which in many ways is better.


@Sons of Horus - Thanks! He's here in the WIP forum. He's also on Platoon Britannica and The Great Crusade...


@Gil Galed & Burias-Drak'shal - Thanks to you both! ^_^

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