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My Chapter Master


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Hi all, been working on the current Chapter Master for my DIY, The Emperor’s Blade. Link to IA is in my sig, but to sum up quickly, they’re very religious, hence the character of the guy below.


C+C very welcome, especially any suggestions as far as working out what points value would be appropriate!


EDITED: simplified rules set


Irenaeus, 42nd Master of the Faithful, Wielder of the Emperor’s Blade


For more than three and a half centuries, Brother Irenaeus has served as Lord and Commander of the Emperor’s Blade Chapter. His skill in combat, his strategic mastery and his unshakeable devotion to the Imperial Faith have earned him the respect and admiration of countless servants of the Emperor across 17 Sectors.


On the battlefield, Brother Irenaeus makes for an imposing sight, his massive Terminator armour covered in litanies and painted in the pure black that is the sole badge of office of the Master of the Faithful. He is armed with the Sword of Septimus, an ancient weapon wielded by the Chapter’s first Commander and believed to be a relic of the early days of the Ultramarine Legion; and with the Shield of Purity, a protective device blessed by the Ecclesiarch of Terra himself.


However, it has been said of Irenaeus that the greatest weapons he possesses are his words. His knowledge of and fervent belief in the Imperial Creed, along with his natural talent for oratory, mean that Irenaeus can deliver stirring sermons to all those fighting under his command. Such powerful preaching is able to strengthen the courage and determination of any true son of the Emperor, from brother Astartes to the lowliest Guardsman, on many occasions bringing victory where there should have been only defeat.



Irenaeus, Master of the Faithful




Unit Composition:

1 (unique)


Unit Type:




Terminator Armour

Master Crafted Relic Blade

Storm Shield


Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear

Combat Tactics

Independent Character

Orbital Bombardment

Eternal Warrior

Inspiring Presence

* * * * *


EDIT: Using Gil Galed's excellent Character Generator think points comes out to 190 which is actually quite a bit lower than i'd planned originally! Does anyone think he needs anything else added? i'd be happy to bump him up to 200-225?



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Under my rules costing (found in my sig)


100pts base

Inspiring Rhetoric = i reakon 45

EW 20pts

Orbital 15pts


Terminator armour 15pts


Relic blade +15pts

~Master crafted 5


Storm Shield +10pts


3++ save 20pts



as justification this weighs him in at just under calgar. I am however hesitant about Inspiring rhetoric as a 12" power, i think it would be better to have inspiring precense (+1 attack 12" or Liturgies of battle thus squad joined). However he will certainly not be as powerful 1v1 as calgar who will have more attacks hitting at str 10 along with built in bolters and re-rolling all hits and wounds


240pts Imo



edit: the rule "all imperial" models will open you up to a world of pain if fighting other imperial armies as by RAW they'd benefit from it to, change it to friendly+allied

thanks for comments guys!


@redcorsair: hmmm, i dunno, i reckon a MC Relic Blade is pretty special?


@awesome: think i'd have to disagree there i'm afraid, 275 would put him 10 pts more than calgar in Termi armour (if i remember right?) and there's no way mine is as good as him. As Gil has said, on 1v1 personal basis, he's no match, plus i cant see his Inspiring Rhetoric being better than Calgar's ability to auto pass or fail all the army's morale tests


@Gil: cheers for that mate, we're pretty much in the same ball park for cost, i'm thinking about splitting the difference and going 245?


edit: the rule "all imperial" models will open you up to a world of pain if fighting other imperial armies as by RAW they'd benefit from it to, change it to friendly+allied


;) that is a very good point, edited to fix!



thanks again!




  • 3 months later...

Been having another look at this guy and decided that his 12" Liturgies of Battle was probably a bit too unusual to be accepted so i've followed Gil Galed's advice to swap to Inspiring Presence.


Points using the Character Generator have come out lower than i was expecting (190 pts) so i'm wondering if i should add anything extra? I was considering an extra attack or possibly a ranged weapon of some kind, maybe a heavy flamer to fit his religious 'feel'?


Any suggestions?






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