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Marines Penitent WIP update (pic heavy)


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A couple of months ago I put up a wip chapter master of the DIY chapter I made and I promised to put up his honor guard, but I'm lazy, so i put it off. That, of course, leads to more models and more painting so I have a buncha models to put up for C&C.


:lol: First we have the fixed up chapter master & honor guard. I made all four of these guys with spare parts on a whim and I'll be the first to admit my green stuff skills are sub par, but I am very happy with how they are coming along:


This was the last honor guard I made, still having trouble with his loin cloth.


This one was fun to make. I realize the spear looks primitive so I added the braided power cable just recently


Here is my chapter champion, Leon de Lupe.




Here is my captain of the second company. I want to figure out something better for his banner symbol and shoulder pad.



Here's my terminator chaplain, he is basically done but there's been a lot of wear and tear on his paint job.




This is my current priority, my terminator captain made from the chaos lord box and some misc bits. I cant decide on a color for the cape and loin cloth, red was my first thought but it might be to much. his crux is just a place holder till I can get an actual one.





:lol: Now we have my two terminator sergeants both are outa the assault on black reach box

first one I left as is.


the second one I got I decided to spice up a little.





so there we have it, comments and criticism are welcome. if anyone wants to see more of the marines penitent lemme know i have a lot painted up that I could put in the role of honor or something.


For The Emperor!

I really like the colour scheme. I think the blue and yellow were a great choice.


As far as C&C goes, I really don't like the basing on your chaplain or that second terminator. I think it's kind of distracting from the rest of the model in that not-very-good kind of way. I would recommend going with some slate/sand and static grass. If not decorating it with cool debris like several of the other models.


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