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Crimson Fists Captain Cortez


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Hello Brothers,


I am a long time lurker, first time poster.


After several years with my Sisters of Battle, I decided that it was time to branch out into another arm of the Imperium. The new Space Marine Codex prompted me to pick up a Black Reach set, and get to work. However, I ran into a problem deciding which chapter I would do. After doing some research on fluff surrounding various chapters (helped immensely by the B&C Librarium), I settled on the Crimson Fists. The back story intrigued me, a group of stoic warriors, trying to rebuild their chapter, and trying to regain all that they have lost. Just cool.


Anyway, I found a Captain Cortez model in the bitz bin at my local hobby shop, and decided to have a go of it. This is my first attempt at a Space Marine model, so be kind, but C&C are always welcome.


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Thanks for the compliments Bloodstone.


I agree on the basing problem. I seem to run into a roadblock when it comes to creativity and ability when it comes to basing models. I didn't want to just throw some flock onto the base and call it good, I didn't think that something that simple would do a hero like Cortez justice. I have a few ideas and I will try to get something done and repost with pics. If you have any ideas as to what might make his base suitable epic I am more than open to suggestions.




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i have to agree with you Midget913. Basing can be hard if you do it from scratch. I have found pre-cast resin bases to be incredibly helpful in this regard. if i may offer the following link;




of course, this is in australia - but i am positive that there would be plenty of resin base manufacturers state-side. maybe another helpful soul could post a link?


anyway, as far as the model goes, the paintjob is superb ;)



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Very nice Cortez, good clean paintjob, and some vibrant reds you got there.


I agree on the basing problem. I seem to run into a roadblock when it comes to creativity and ability when it comes to basing models. I didn't want to just throw some flock onto the base and call it good, I didn't think that something that simple would do a hero like Cortez justice. I have a few ideas and I will try to get something done and repost with pics. If you have any ideas as to what might make his base suitable epic I am more than open to suggestions.

Good bases don't need to be over the top to work, after all, it's still the mini that needs to shine, not the base.


My most basic bases all have just sand glued and painted on them, with some flock to work as moss:



Plastic acuarium plants also work wonders:



For characters or minis that require some special treatment, painted up cork usually does the trick:



If you want something a bit more fancy, you could try these VERY easy woodland bases.

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Actually, those are pieces of cork placemats (or the smaller version to place your glass on when you're using a fancy desk :sick: ). I got mine very cheap at IKEA, but you can get that stuff everywhere I think (if you got a model railroad store nearby you might want to check out the cork roadbed they often have). Just tear off pieces to get the rough 'rocky' look and paint it up to match your gaming board.
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Thanks, I will definately have to try that out. I have been looking for a good way to model big rocks and such, that seems easy, quick, and from the looks of your librarian photo effective. I will work on getting a good base for this guy and reposting pics. Thanks everyone for the great tips.
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i would recommend getting various grades of small stones and sand/gravel, and mixing them in a tin or tupperware. coat the base with PVA and dunk it into the tin of mixed sand.


basecoat it, and paint the base, then flock with static shrubs or grass.

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I am really thinking of trying to do a large diorama with him leading a squad against some orks. I haven't undertaken anything like that before, so I am probably going to sit and plan it out to make sure that it turns out like I want it to. Keep a look out on the WIP forum for pics of progress.
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Beally nice paint job, loving it, and I just tend to addsome gravel, maybe a little flock and static grass and paint it up, usually like a city street,overrun by the wilds...

Lazy way of doing it, but who cares? ^_^


Annother thing, is Cortez still in production, as he'd do awesome as a sergeant for a certain organisation for my army - the Fist Bearers - as he's got all the insignia needed, but will need a quick weapon swap first...



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Annother thing, is Cortez still in production, as he'd do awesome as a sergeant for a certain organisation for my army - the Fist Bearers - as he's got all the insignia needed, but will need a quick weapon swap first...






To my knowledge the Cortez model is no longer in production, but I have seen a few on Ebay. I don't know if your local hobbby shop has any sort of bits bin, but that is where I found this guy. Good luck in your search.

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Like the painting, but I loathe that model.


Yeah I know it is a horribly sculpted model, definately not one of GW's best, I think the sculpt of the face is what makes it so bad. But he is important to the chapter, and a great model to test my Crimson Fists painting technique on. I am working on the AOBR Captain now, and I hope to have pics of him up soon.

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I use slate to mount my special characters, which, as I live in Wales, is EVERYWHERE!


Really, the easiest way to make a character look epic is to make them taller than the average footslogger.


haha... yeah i use slate on some of my more important models (and some miliput to raise the height of the base and allow me to pin the model easily) and because my mum loves the stuff its all over her garden... another way to get hold of it is to g to a gaden centre, they usually have a couple of bags that have split and you can either ask or just put a handful in your pocket...

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