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BA vs Orks


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Hey everyone, this is my first time posting so be gentle :)


I'm relatively new to the game, and I only really play against the same opponent who keeps smashing me with his Orks (lots of trucks with boys + power claw, death copters, kans, warboss on a bike).


I have to come up with a 1500 Blood Angel list for our next game, could you offer any suggestions to the list below?


(I realise the points might be slightly out - I haven't added it up yet and I dont have the codex to hand)



Commander Dante

10 man Veteran Assault Squad (1 PF & Storm Shield, 2 x lightning claws, 2 x flamer)


Chaplain Lemartes

5 x Death Company


Assault Squad (10 marines, Sarge has a PF)


Baal Predator ( TL Assault Cannon, 2 x Heavy Bolter)


Devastator Squad (10 marines, 4 missle launchers)




I think that's about it... like I said, I dont have the codex to hand so this is from memory. We have a liberal attitude towards the FOC, so I realise that this list is not 100% legal but... meh :P


The plan? Sit back and shoot like crazy with the Dev's and the Baal. Once the Orks get within 18, hit them with a charge from the jump infantry and hope it goes my way. Any feedback on how to smash Orks would be most welcome :)

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Welcome to the forum mate...


Just ask a mod to move this to the Blood Angels forum first...


Even if you have a liberal view to the FOC you still need troops to capture objectives.


So far you have:


Dante (200)


VAS (370)


Lemartes (125)


DC (bought 2 and all packs I assume) (85)


RAS (275)


Baal (125)


Devs (270)


Total: 1450 (apologies for abbreviations but it is your list I'm having to work out :) ...)


Anyway - 8 man is max sized VAS I'd recommend - they do the job just fine. With Dante present a list tends to sway towards many small units - say even 6, with upgrades to benefit from his preferred enemy bubble. I'd actually change these to 3x Power Fist and 2x Melta - because you lack anti-tank, and Killa Kan/Deffcopta hunting power, or 3x Twin LC, double flamer, for scoring hits before the initiative of the Orks.


Could you also say what models you have befoe I suggest changes...


The Devastators are a little static for the rest of the list - and the Baal is one vehicle which will get popped quicky by DeffCoptas, Power Klaws etc.


You need a 2nd troop choice really - so you could use the list legally in other places. I'd maybe drop the Devastators - although they ould be good versus trukks and stuff... and pick up 2 Baals, or 2 Vindicators... If you have the models.


IMHO, for you, with you list so far, as a Blood Angels player against Orks you either go shooty with Baals, Attack Bikes, and Assault troops for counter-attack, or you go combat, with a large Death Company and VAS etc... If you want to be mean, maybe proxy 3 Baals, and a 8-10 man Death Company, with 6-man VAS w/2 Fists and 2 Meltas... and then add your own stuff - that could be quite fun


Give us some more details, make this legal, and put it in the right forum then we can really help you... :P

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Cheers for the advice, very much appreciated. I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but if the mods want to move it I won't complain :mellow:


Could you also say what models you have befoe I suggest changes...


Apart from what I have listed above, I currently own:

An AOBR boxset (tactical, terminator, dreadnought, captain)

Another tactical squad

Land Raider

Assault Terminators (4 x TH, 1 x LC)

Predator (lascannons)



BA Honour Guard

Sniper Scouts


The Devastators are a little static for the rest of the list - and the Baal is one vehicle which will get popped quicky by DeffCoptas, Power Klaws etc.


You need a 2nd troop choice really - so you could use the list legally in other places. I'd maybe drop the Devastators - although they ould be good versus trukks and stuff... and pick up 2 Baals, or 2 Vindicators... If you have the models.


The Dev's are in there purely to try and stop the Trukks from assaulting me, krak missles seem to be the most economical way of taking them out hence the 4 ML.

I generally try to shield the Baal so the copta's cant hit it's side/rear armour.


IMHO, for you, with you list so far, as a Blood Angels player against Orks you either go shooty with Baals, Attack Bikes, and Assault troops for counter-attack, or you go combat, with a large Death Company and VAS etc... If you want to be mean, maybe proxy 3 Baals, and a 8-10 man Death Company, with 6-man VAS w/2 Fists and 2 Meltas... and then add your own stuff - that could be quite fun


Attack bikes are certainly tempting, but with the sheer amount of S5 fire the Orks can throw at them - I'd be worried about their resiliency.

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Attack bikes are great at taking out tanks and trukks, they are much better and cheaper then a devastator squad. They are able to move 12", shoot and assualt which is exactly what you need to catch those trukks. Believe me my attack bikes always get the job done whether they're taking out heavy tanks to light transports.
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