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loyal traitors

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So i have an idea based off of various fluff sources as to how a person could have a loyalist space marine chapter created using the gene seed of the traitor legions. if i remember correctly after the Chaos Pantheon scatterd the primarchs from Terra the Emperor used the collected genetic samples of the primarchs to create the space marines and begin his crusade to unite humanity. my idea is who is to say that those genetic samples no longer exist in the vaults of Terra? and that the High Lords of Terra for some unimaginable reason sanctioned the creation of a chapter using the gene seed of those legions who betrayed the legion albeit these chapters have a high level of scrutiny to monitor for further trechary. this would allow players to have second founding chapters of the traitor legions who have remained loyal to the emperor. i also think this could be exemplafied by the Blood Ravens. in ne of the dawn of war books it is highly suggested that the Blood Ravens where founded using Thousand Sons gene seed. well thats my idea so let me know what you think of it
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Its possible... but ultimately there is one golden rule you need to remember...


Its your army, so its your choice, if you wanted to have a chapter of space marines made by crossing genetic material of eldar with tau, then you can... (they'd look a bit odd though).


Your idea is not so far fetched that it couldn't have happened so I say go for it!

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  • 6 months later...
I have a similar idea to a loyalist army that doesn't follow the emperor worship, I am doing my army based on one of the 2 missing legions, having been lost in the warp for eons they have emerged to find the galaxy has gone tits up, have played a few games with them and I am in the process of building my Legion Primarch, who has some rather unique armour. IF u wana mix chaos with space marines then why not, my Chief Librarian is a Loyalist thousand Son Scorcer with termy bodyguard, just cos a Legion went traitor doesn't mean that all its members did.
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I think that, officially, the gene-seed of the traitors has been locked away in some maximum security vault on Terra. You say talk about one "person", but I think you underestimate the task to create a whole chapter. It needs dozens (if not hundreds) of trained specialists, a couple of veteran Space Marines to oversee and later train the new Marines. Not something anyone can do on a whim.



Of course, you can always go with the Alternate Heresy and build a chapter around that.

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Go with it man!!!! It's your view on 40K, who cares what everyone else thinks!!!


And Cathar-stop being so serious about a FUN AND CREATIVE hobby!



If you took just half a minute to look through some of my threads or check out my blog, you would see that I'm not that serious at all with the hobby. Don't judge me because of just two threads I posted in.


I used to think that doing whatever you want with the 40k setting was the only way to have a unique and fun chapter. But it's actually a lot more fun to try and do something cool WITHIN the borders of this great background GW provides.


The OP asked for opinions on his idea. I gave him mine, based on the (compared to others around here little) knowledge of the fluff. AND I showed him a cool alternative to make his idea work in another way.


Your post was neither an opinion nor helpful.

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The suggestion was something the OP could consider, and as such was a useful addition to the thread.


There is a lovely little rule found in teh 5th edition rule book that simply says, its a game have fun. If both you and your opponent agree you can make an army of space mushrooms. Of course you only need to see your opponents permission if what your doing involves a change in the rules or a house rule, otherwise you can do as you please.


As far as painting and background conventions go, there are no hard and fast rules. If you think something will be cool, go for it.

In this intance, there is presidence for a loyalist chapter to be made from genestock of traitor legions, and vice versa. There is even presidence for both sides to have chapters made from and reinforced by mixed genestock.


So the OP's idea is neither within nor without the general concept of the overall 40k sotryline.

In otherwords, its fair game either way.

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