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Lysander Vs Pedro for Sternguard?


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I was just wondering what people think about putting lysander in with a squad of SG seeing as how the squad would gain re-rolls on hitting? would this be worth it? A downside would be is that lysander doesn't have a ranged weapon.


Or is Pedro the best option?

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Well Pedro is well suited to SG, very well suited... I suppose it all depends on what you want from your SG, scoring or punch.


The plus side to lysander is the fact that he is a H2H god, and lets face it, SG's #1 weakness is in combat so he will make it a lot more dangerous for people to assault the unit.... but your right, without a shooting weapon, lysander will be there only for the re-rolling to hit... which is a bit of a waste as assaulting with sternguard is a waste of kill potential.

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Lysander with SGV for shooting, good if they use those gets hot shots and you can re roll over heats


Pedro with SGV for shooting, he has 4 shots he can add to the mess


Lysander with SGV for assaulting, I have seen him in action and i am now a believer


Pedro with SGV for assaulting, he gives guys with 2 attacks 1 more yay!


All in all id go with lysander, i run him out of a land raider with terminators myself (yes regular i know) I cant get over his str 10 hits and that he has to have every single wound taken from him... he will help with thier shooting and if they get assaulted will wade through what ever they throw at him, i think he can take a carnifex by himself.


I would recomend combi assault weapons and a powerfist for the SGV's and just drop them shoot them and assault with them!!

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Lysander with SGV for shooting, good if they use those gets hot shots and you can re roll over heats


You can only use lysanders re rolls w/ bolters not plasma


So basically it would be better to use pedro than with him making the SGV scoring and giving units within 12 inches an extra attack?

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Another problem with Lysander & Sternguard is that lysander can't enter razorbacks or rhinos. So unless you want to droppod your sternguard or drive them in a LR, Lysander will have trouble keeping pace.
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Yea that makes sense on the lack of mobility unless podding or in a LR, but if you did drop pod them lysander could give them some extra durability if they do get into close combat like they most likely would after they deep strike.
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With the way I use Sternguard (as a firebase with a pair of plasma cannons or as a squad jumping out of a transport for a drive-by with special ammo), Pedro is the better bet. I don't like using them as a drop-pod unit, as their defense is just too low and their cost too high. Pedro can also pinch hit in several different areas of the army.


Lysander, on the other hand, I like with a normal, shooty Terminator squad. Their high rate of fire means lots of rolls will benefit from his ability, and that squad isn't one I'd mind seeing in close combat, where Lysander can eat a few power fist attacks and splatter people with his S10 attack and the rest of the squad can pitch power fist attacks.

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Also another thig to remember with lysander. If you pod the sternguard then you can use his bonus for their shooting and then always detach him the next turn and assault stuff. Remember he doesn't have to stay with the unit.
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Thanks for the response jackelope king, i like your idea and i hope you don't mind if i steal the idea about the mobile firing base with the plasma cannons


@Stargazer: Thank you also for that tasty piece of info, there are just so many dang options for this game its ridiculous, but i really like that idea

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Thanks for the response jackelope king, i like your idea and i hope you don't mind if i steal the idea about the mobile firing base with the plasma cannons

Can't take credit for it. Warp Angel posted his army list a little ways back and pointed out that Sternguard were the cheapest way in the Codex to get a pair of Plasma Cannons on the table, and they have the added benefit of being able to have the rest of the squad fire 30" bolter shots with one of the special issue ammunitions, so they actually make a pretty fair firebase. It's been serving me well, though, especially when the other half of the squad (all with just plain bolters and special issue ammo) climb aboard a Razorback and do their drive-by.

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