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Call of the Aobr box.


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My Last Thread has, i figure, served it's purpose now. you've seen me return to the hobby, paint up about 700 pts of marines, prepare a game table and play my first game (and if you dipped over to the waagh you'll have seen me paint 700 pts of orks in 4 days!)


So i Answered the call, pledging to paint my AoBr box contents and my librarian. if i get time i'll expand this to include afew more things too. it's my first "call" so i'm not sure how to procede but i figure if i maintain this thread, and pop two posts a month on the "main" thread (i figure i'll do that when i finish something?) i'm about right. please feel free to correct me on that anyone ;)


so i'm currenty on the build phase, and i can't leave well enough alone, so theres a few small conversions coming.


i started with the dread, and while i considered upgrading to las, i figure its a dread, it needs to be close, not sat at the back, and left it vanilla




i then piled into the termies, and they are pretty much vanilla, except one guy got a spare chainfist i had lying about




after that, i was bored so i started cutting people up :wub:



i didnt like the sergeant much so i "improved" him with a powerfist and a plasma pistol.


the captain was next to draw my attention. i didnt like the way he was holding his gun, surely he has people to do that for him?



i figured as he wasnt using his bolter i'd take it off him, and encourage him to get stuck in a bit more with a thunder hammer and storm sheild. i need to find some gubbins to make the sheild look a bit less like the assault box combat sheild, i might end up replacing it completely, but i hope i can live with it cos it fits quite well :P


so there we are for anow, nothing too exciting, but progress is progress. if i still like them in the morning i'll greenstuff them all into place prep for paint and undercoat.

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Hi sgtNacho, and thanks. as i said in the op if i do decide i like the poses in the cold light of day i'll greenstuff em :D theres even still some brass rod visible on the captain sheild arm, so theres no way i'd leave that


and Inquisitor Xenethor that thunder hammer came off an old warmachine figure, a cygnar warhound or something i think, i picked them up cheap off ebay thinking the arms and legs might make good cybork bits, and then i noticed the hoofing great hammer :)


the idea, eventually is to give the captain a command squad who all have powerful melee weapons and let him get stuck in :)


hopefully later today i'll build the tac squad that's in the box and get everyone GS'ed and undercoated.

Some nice stuff so far.


Heres a quick tip for the Sergeant: Cut the power fist of where the bulky 'hand' part meets the elbow. Then just glue the 'hand' to the existing elbow on the Sergeant mini. You should find it fits much better, looks in proportion, and eliminates the need for green stuff :P





Thanks for your words wraithwing, they do however come a tad late as he's primered now :P


when i was dry fitting him i did try a normal marine arm, and it just looked to thin, i figured i needed a taper. it is a terminator pfist after all.


now its assembled and gs'ed i think it looks fine from the side, and possibly a tad think from the front, however it is the same thickness as a normal elbow joint, so i figure i can live with it.


it'll look smaller in s darker colour too.



Ah yes, that looks much better.


I don't really worry too much about the size differance with the Terminator Power Fists. Once they've been fitted against the Power Armour elbow, and had a shoulder pad attached, they look ok.


Works for Lightning Claws though, and they're roughly the same size.


Still, its all good. I have to say, I do like the AoBR Sergeant as a base for conversions. I have one serving as a Sternguard Sergeant currently.

Thanks Wraith, and i must say i agree, the AoBR box is excellent value for money if youve even a hint of the ability to convert/weapon swap. i love the way its got peoples imaginations going :confused:



one more update for me, and it's not a part of my call as i'd already begun building him before i signed up. some of you might remember my kitbashed librarian, well heres a VERY WiP paintjob so far,




doing a UM army i wanted a slighty different shade of blue, as always cnc most welcome.

Looks like purple's a winnar ;)


thanks for the comments everyone, to answer the questions, yep thats a perfectly standard bolter arm with hand turned and the thumb "fenegled" the book i've had for a Veeeery long time, i think it came from the Mordheim sprue, along with a funky old treasure cheast and some skaven :P i've attached a pared down aquilla from a bannerpole to it to make it a tad more "imperial"


the head is the heavy weapon sprue head (i think, it came outta my bitz box) with Gs'ed hair and a marine shoulderpad carefully finessed into service as a psychic hood


as to the other bits, its the poweraxe from the assault box, a standard body, "upright" legs from the command box and a spare shoulderpad with skull/wreath again from the command squad box, oh and a "studdy" pad as i wanted to convey a sense that the guy was a bit of a vet.


going to see what i can do to that axe now, not much more to do to him, after that, i think ;)

I have issues with the concept of "finished" i could keep going and going fixing things, tweaking, but at ssome point i have to be hard with myself and stop.


so here's the "stopped" Librarian,





been a fun kitbash, and a pleasure to paint, i've got to get on with ym call now tho :yes: and takcle the dread..




i do need an Techmarine.. *paws through bitz box*

I like that Karitas, the librarian looks proper battlefield hardened, and reminds me of watching games played at my LFGS before 2nd edition! How did you go about the weathering?


I'm on holiday in Florida for a couple of weeks, I should have sent you down some stuff to be yellowed while i'm away! I'll have some catching up to do for COI when I get back!

Hi Noi, and thanks <_< it must be said i do myself pre-date 2nd ed so it's understandable i guess :)


weathering is mostly as follows - for scratches black, then snakebite smeared (i wont say blended) down to bestial to make it look rusty, with a final very thing stripe of vallejo metal medium for a shine.


the dust is a mig pigment poweder lightly brushed on, much like drybrushing, it settles in the recesses and slightly on the raised surfaces, but you have to be gentle with it and let it build up slowly :P



I wouldnt worry about catching up for CoI as most of what i'm doing at the moment isnt for the CoI at all, heh.


two things have happened which means i'm not advancing my aobr box much. i should probarbly rename the thread in light of that :)


first is that i've really got it bad for a herectic DH army and it's all i can do not to just sit here and plan my first 1k pts :)


second is that i'm in much more of a "modelling" place than a "painting" place right now, the conversions above have got me fired up for plasticular mutilations


these two things have combined to mean that i've taken this pile of stuff



and tried to turn it into what will be my inquisitor's first acolyte.


and with gs.


it's been a very long time since i tried cloth, and back then it was all milliput not kneadite, it's interesting stuff to work with that's for sure, more like blu-tak than clay. it's going to take me some time to get used to. but for now, cnc welcome. obviously theres still a lot to do, details, build up furrows, hair, additional equipment and so on, but if he and his two colleagues are succesful i might use a similar technique to try and make my own inq.

Thanks guys, comments much appreciated.


call me mental Thom, but i'm going to go radical with my DH, so no grey knights for me. :/


Wraith, i'm so rusty with the GS, it's really not that hard to make cloth though, just slap it on and poke it about till it looks right, then go in later (like i will tonight) with extra GS to smooth out the furrows.


Fire Lord - i wanted more of a "here I am" look to him, i did try with the book open but he gave off "leave me alone i'm reading" vibe, maybe with hindsight it would have been batter to try a few more things with the book, but once i saw him, "presenting" it as he is above i was quite happy.


i'll take away from this though, to try EVERYTHING before commiting to superglue, as it might indeed have looked better.



A little more GSing on my acolyte to be




(i know his cloak looks rough, i'm used to working with milliput and i'm hoping the ability to sand/shave remains similar with GS to i can sharpen it back up. if not i'll run some more GS in to smooth.)


Are the dreads too much ya think?


i'm trying very hard to make him look like an individual, not a marine.


also wraith has solved another issue for me, the command box should have everything i need to finish his two buddies and make my inquisitor.


i'm just stuck thinking about sages. anyone with any experience with them think the warhammer empire battle mages might make good candidates for conversion? My other thought was a box of flagellants and a lot of GS ;)



lastly, and to prove i have not forsaken my CoI i give you a WiP Dread with metals!




it's really narking me off cos for some reason i cant get my blue's anywhere near as smooth on this as anyting i've painted since i started again, Razorback included. Grr.

Thanks for the comments Thom,


The dread isnt for lack of time, my Razorback was very rushed and smoother than this, i can only point the blame at trying the new Blue wash, rather than my trusty old ink. anyway i will persevere with it when i find the motivation.


"stand out is good" :ermm: I need the GS practice badly so i will probarbly make twice as many of these guys as i need, so i can choose the better ones once they are painted. i can than use the rest for an elite inq's retinue at some point in the future.


Today i had my first crack at "Doghousing" a mini.






I do like it, and with practice i'd get better at it, but wether its the rest of my posing or the "pattern" itself, i think my take on it here lacks dynamism a little.


not to the point where i'll bin him. he'll get paint, but i was happier with the last guy (dreads and all :lol: )


I'll try another "Doghouse" and see if i cant do better.



man this AoBR call isnt getting done. hrm.


maybe i should production line the tac squad so i feel like i'm getting somewhere


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