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Khan/Command Squad at 750-1000 points?


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I'm wanting to make a mobile Khan list at 1000 or fewer points and was curious if it's even viable. I'm thinking about mounting him and either a basic command squad (probably just Champion and a Vet with PF) or a VGV squad in a Razorback(Command Squad)/Rhino. Then probably back it up with two mounted tactical squads and some cheap heavy/fast support. Any thoughts about a good way to design a small list around Khan?
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At such a low points level I'd probably avoid the command squad or vanguard. A normal biker unit with a PF sarge is good enough. Also, it free's up room for scout bikers ;) A few squads of bikers, some scout bikers, Khan and maybe some attack bikes (points depending) would be good at 1k points. When you go to 1500 you can add the command squad.
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With a Mounted Command Squad I either buy up or leave them in my bag. As the above poster said, you can run Khan with a PF sarge and two flamers and be perfectly set to take out quite a bit. You won't have the staying power of a fully kitted out Command Squad but you can have more ablative wounds. Also, if you have the points, you can attach a Mounted Chaplin to help out with your killing power.
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By mounted I meant in a Rhino/Razorback as kind of a LR-Lite. I don't plan on really running any bikes (except for MM attack bikes) at this point level, as I use them in my 1500 list and want to try something a bit different. Am I maybe better off running an assault squad with the free Rhino?
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By mounted I meant in a Rhino/Razorback as kind of a LR-Lite. I don't plan on really running any bikes (except for MM attack bikes) at this point level, as I use them in my 1500 list and want to try something a bit different.

The rest of the army is totally up to you, my point was that command squads and vanguard squads are point sinks at 1k. I just went with the bikes as that's what I would use in a Khan force.


Damn it, now I want a bike army :P

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Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean now. I'm playing with the Assault Squad idea, as it squeezes in a few more bodies. I actually get more atacks, but I lose the ability to get an extra PW.
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Damn it, now I want a bike army :lol:


I have been doing really well with my Bike Army lately. Yeah their expensive for both the physical Models and the Points used, but there is just something really intimidating watching 20 plus bikes scream across the board in the first turn while relentless. Cutting up your opponents line of battle. It isn't an uber list but it is strong and very flexible and can take just about everything and put up a decent fight.

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Damn it, now I want a bike army B)


I have been doing really well with my Bike Army lately. Yeah their expensive for both the physical Models and the Points used, but there is just something really intimidating watching 20 plus bikes scream across the board in the first turn while relentless. Cutting up your opponents line of battle. It isn't an uber list but it is strong and very flexible and can take just about everything and put up a decent fight.


Yeah... I use just one tooled-up bike squad in my 1500 point list and it really makes people at my local store cry. One of these days I'd like to try a full bike army just for giggles.

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