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Blood Angels on the painting bench


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So, I'm totally back in the swing of the hobby after a massive break, but I'm back with a vengeance.


I decided I was going to paint my entire army this time round, and I'm not playing a game with any unpainted models. This used to be something I was terrible for, but I'm making amends. I have made a few sacrifices of quality in exchange for a greater speed, but I'm happy with these as table-top models. I kinda like the realistic, dirty, gritty look I'm getting though.


I've taken influence from a lot of members here and heavy lurking has gone down. On the paint bench right now I have:


5 Bikes

An Attack Bike

An Honour guard with JPs

A 5 man assualt squad

5 Scouts

5 AoBR Terminators

A 5 man VAS

A Razorback

A slightly augmented AoBR Dread


Then there's a few marine squads Ive not even built yet...


So, without further ado, here's some highlights of my work in progress!


Scouts, front.


Scouts, rear.


I've gone for the volcanic ash/urban camo scheme on these guys, I'll be adding a small red inset on the shoulder with a white X numeral to denote the chapter and company. It's my first attempt at painting camo, but I'm pleased with the result and may try it out more. These guys would look sweet with an accompanying LS Storm in camo.





I've gone for some extensive weathering here, I think it looks effective considering how fast I could paint them... Took about 4 hours to get to this point... Maybe I'm just slow? I've primed the riders now, so I'll post them when I make some progress.


Honour Guard with Jump Packs...

Standard Bearer


Melta Gunner




Sanguinary Priest


Rear Jump pack detail





AoBR Dread


Thanks! I wanted a speeder originally, then looked at the Ravenwing boxset and figured, "what the hey?" So I splashed out. The ravenwing extras sprues are so useful.


On the bikes, 2 of the front shield bits have only 1 set of wings on because the riders are weilding close combat weapons. I figures the wings would get in the way and also act as extra shielding on the off side... A bit like knights. One of them even has a chain-lance... :D

Thanks for the kind comments guys...




This is deceptively simple.


It's a nice smooth Mechrite Red base painted over black. As usual, it's better if done in 2 smooth, thin coats instead of 1 thick one.


When that is fully dried, I go nuts with a muddy mix of Devlan mud and badab black washes slightly thinned with water.


When this is dry, I often go back over with pure Badab Black ink to pick out details, like eyes, breather grilles etc, a bit like easy black lining.


I barely ever bother highlighting the red these days. I had such trouble with it coming out either pink looking, too orange or just plain OTT. The most I do is to pick out any highlights with a Mechrite Red/Blood Red mix, but I do this VERY sparsely.


With the dread, I used this mix on the top half of a few of the main armour panels, and left the bottom halves grubby. I also painted a few rustly oily runs and drips on the armour with a slightly dried mix of bada black/devlan mud. mix it roughly and leave it to dry a bit on the pallette, wait till its the consistency of spit and them apply at will.




Again, so simple. All it is is a directional drybrush with astronomicon grey slighly darkened with a touch of black. only very lightly though. Build it up with multiple brush overs.


I also then stippled pure astronomicon grey into a few areas to show dust buildup.

back when i played BA gold was traditional for honour guard.


but your army has a very "real" look, which i personally like very much and strive for myself, so gold might not be appropriate.


how about a red or black (in honour of the death company) cscheme with a heavy gold trim?

back when i played BA gold was traditional for honour guard.


but your army has a very "real" look, which i personally like very much and strive for myself, so gold might not be appropriate.


how about a red or black (in honour of the death company) cscheme with a heavy gold trim?


You sir, are a genius.


I wanted to do black, but thought it might seem like a cop out, but some gold trim... Now we're talking.

Oh man... the 5 bare scouts head has given me such a concentration headache. How do people deal with painting guard?


Edit... OK, instead of spamming the poop outta my own thread, here's some horde shots...


Armoured Division



Assault Wing



Tactical Division



Still to be built...


Tactical squad.


10 man assualt squad without jump packs


5 man jump pack Death Co. and Jump pack chaplain


5 Man honour guard without jump packs including "classic" models with an old school Rhino to ride in.


1 Rhino


Metal scouts


Captain on foot with Storm bolter and Power sword.

Nice Horde!


Those are going to look amazing once they are all painted up


one question - the glowy red guys, an early paint job or a fluffy reason why they are new and shiny? ;)


Thanks man... Well, those glowy dudes... I painted them the week the multipart tactical box came out... We must be looking at 8 years ago? Maybe more? Anyway, yes, an old paintjob. I plan on repainting them as the current job is pretty thin but for now I think they can be "new recruits" fresh from the scout company.

Nice Horde!


Those are going to look amazing once they are all painted up


one question - the glowy red guys, an early paint job or a fluffy reason why they are new and shiny? ;)


Thanks man... Well, those glowy dudes... I painted them the week the multipart tactical box came out... We must be looking at 8 years ago? Maybe more? Anyway, yes, an old paintjob. I plan on repainting them as the current job is pretty thin but for now I think they can be "new recruits" fresh from the scout company.



Absolutely :(


i am always torn when it comes to this - sure we all improve over time, is it better to repaint, or to leave the models, so we can pull them out form time to time and see how far we've come....


personally i dunk em in dettol :(


actually sometimes, if theres a model i remember being proud of at the time, i keep it for comparison, :)

Yep... I did have another assault squad I was really proud of, but in my teenage "off the hobby" period, I think I actually binned them.


I'm gutted about it now!


Those 5 guys in the middle of the 3rd pic, I think they are the oldest models that don't need a repaint... painted just after the glow squad. The power fist dude is a Games Day exclusive from 99 I think?

Woah... Well... I've been painting a fair bit and decided today that enough was enough. I needed an airbrush, so I picked up the GW one from my local store and I'm quite well pleased.


Prior, my efforts had gone on painting the scout squad, basecoating the bike riders and painting the Sanguinary Priest from the Honour Guard.


Scouts, getting there...




And the reverse...




SP from Honour guard... Just a few things to touch up and finish off...




Camera 2...




And 10 minutes of Airbrush fun resulting in the rest of the HG being nicely basecoated.




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