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Post most epic moment


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Post your most epic moment that your hardy space marines defied the odds and did something awesome.


My lone assault marine with powerfist and plasma pistol was given the job of taking down a defiler. The defiler deflected the plasma bolt and the lone marine charged. The machine struck first and the guy hit twice. At strength ten he insta-kills if he rolls anything but a one... He proceeds to roll two ones. My lone marine hits three times, penetrates three times, and gets a explosive result. The defiler explodes and kills a noise marine. The lone sergeant dies 1 turn later after 3 noise marine squads kill him in a barrage of fire.


I lost that game...

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Something that a scout did against my plague marines...


5 scouts in combat with 7 PM's... 4 scouts die on first turn... final scout procedes to kill the ENTIRE unit of PM's and then charge in and tie up a second unit, preventing them from scoring and forcing a draw....


And the *bleeping* scout lived through out the whole game... 6 turns in combat and he didn't die... being repeatedly hit in the face with a powerfist... and he didn't die....

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I have this squad of scouts I call my "All-Star Scouts", because they've won, almost single-handedly, more than 75% of the games I've played with them. The two most epic things they've ever done for me:


1. They outflanked and got the table edge I wanted (for some reason they always come in where I want them to...) and it just so happened to be within charge distance of a full strength squad of Kroot sitting in cover on an objective...with a devilfish full of FW inside and his commander suit joined to the squad. I proceed to shoot them, kill 1 solitary kroot and then charge in. I proceed to lose 1 scout in cc, but kill 12 KROOT! They fail their morale, the commander is joined to the squad, so they run, I sweeping advance them and suddenly, the board is barren. The next turn they get picked off a bit by devilfish/FW fire, but they proceed to charge the FW and lock the devilfish up at the same time. I krak grenade the devilfish so that it explodes and get the FW to run. By the end of the game, they had killed another devilfish and had hacked another FW squad to half strength before the Scout serg finally died. All in all, they took many times their points back, cleared everything off that side of the board and allowed one of my tac combat squads to easily move up and claim the objective.



2. I outflanked the same squad again. This time against IG. They proceed to charge through cover at a huge stormtrooper squad holding an objective, kill them all (no need to make morale, they were wiped). I stay in cover for consolidation, then next turn pop out, charge a Russ that was stationary the previous turn, blow it up with a melta bomb and then proceed to chase an already fleeing squad of storm troopers off the board. Not a single scout died the whole game.

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It's always the Scouts, isn't it? B)


Mine isn't even a squad, just one Scout - my one shotgunner in the entire army. In every game he has been in he has always survived, and always scores two hits and two wounds with his shotgun every time he fires. In addition, he always kills something every turn. It's come to the point where I can charge my Scout against a Veteran Sergeant with a Power Weapon and win.


Such are the deeds of Shotgun Sam.

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I was fighting vs Tau, and I had some HORRID rolls for rounds one and two. By round four, I had a single lascannon marine left sitting on my objective, and an immobilized Vindicator with the demolisher cannon blown off.


Would you believe it if I told you that Lascannon marine (who was in 4+ cover) survived until round six with two hammerheads shooting at him (rail-gun + missiles) and a firewarrior squad? IT WAS EPIC.


I had him "Go to ground" and he basically soaked up an armies worth of fire for 2 rounds. One of the missiles on a hammerhead got him. (The last one, firewarriors and the other hammerhead had already fired.)

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Right now, I think my most epic moment was sending a 6 man scout bike squad against a landraider with a combi-melta. I wrecked the landraider on turn one and proceeded to assault and kill the command squad w/ captain inside. The fight was mostly over in the first round. I then had 2 scouts spend 4 turns of combat to kill a lone apothecary. The lone sergeant was the only one to make it out of combat at the only to get gunned down by heavy bolter fire. But, not bad results for ~130 pts of scout bikes.
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Right now, I think my most epic moment was sending a 6 man scout bike squad against a landraider with a combi-melta. I wrecked the landraider on turn one and proceeded to assault and kill the command squad w/ captain inside. The fight was mostly over in the first round. I then had 2 scouts spend 4 turns of combat to kill a lone apothecary. The lone sergeant was the only one to make it out of combat at the only to get gunned down by heavy bolter fire. But, not bad results for ~130 pts of scout bikes.


I had something similar but i use a 3 man squad with combi-melta and meltabombs, i failed the attack and the LR survived but i was charged by a tac squad amd captain and managed to hold them of for three whole turns... love it :P


Thats not my greatest story though, i once had a 5 man sniper squad take 3 wounds from a DP in a single turn of shooting..


Scouts seem to be the biggest surprises at the moment..



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My Baneblade was wrecking the Eldar until a squad of fire dragons got dropped off and they melta/assaulted with melta bombed it and it exploded in apocalyptic fashion.


The sole surviving model within the maximum explosion distance (which destroyed all of the terrain - including a nearby lake, one of the objectives - one I was counting on holding to at least draw, all of the infantry models, and the Falcon grav tank that dropped off the fire dragons in the first place.


One lone guardsman. Literally within inches of ground zero... He made his cover save before the terrain was removed.


One lone guardsman, the only thing other than a large crater in a huge section of the table.


One lone guardsman, surviving where Baneblades fear to tread, and the Eldar evaporate.


One lone guardsman... All alone.

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My scout squad charged a fully tooled up Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour...after about four rounds of combat they killed him :lol:

I have a similar story to that, except my scouts died..........The tactical marines finished his squad off though, but then they died too.........Eventually my chaplain came in and killed him.

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When I first started playing (1500 pnts to my name) we played a Mega Battle for the release of 5th Edition. I had a 10 man assault squad with Chaplain moving across the board towards a building filled with a Ork Tankbustas. The Tank Busta's shoot up the squad killing all the marines and leaving 1 wound on the Chaplain. The Chaplain managed to assault them in the building and through 6 turns of assault kill the entire unit of Tank Bustas. Then he moved back out of the building and was shot to death by a grot...
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In the 4th ed... i sent in a newly promoted castellan from the rank of inititate becos i forgot to bring my lc marhsal D in a 400 points patrol game in a city terrain against tyranids.


After being shot for 1-2 turns by bio acid spore mines from the biovores and venom cannons from a squad of warriors

why running in open terrain

My castellan charged out with nothing except a power axe and a bolt pistol charged into a squad of 10 hormagaunts, about half a dozen guants, tthree warriors with scything talons, rippers.

It was epic :), he not only killed the entire lot in 3-4 turns, he made a total of 29 saves in those turns without dropping a wound, not one...... since then he has lead a squad of his own, crusader squad, until he finally became an e.c. in 5th and slaughtered half a full squad of csm including powerfist guy in my last game, although he only lost a wound in that game.



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Just the other day I had a Marine Sergeant with a power axe and melta bomb go toe-to-toe with the Death Company Furioso for 4 turns of Assault until him rolled a 6 to hit, succeeded in penetrating, and rolled a 6 to destroy that reaping monstrosities. He even passed his armour save. Only 7 Marines were lost in this attempt to keep the Dread from charging my last functioning Redeemer.



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In 4th my jump pack librarian charge my mates carnifex of close combat death and insta kill it. He then charged the nearby hive tyrant. In the next 5 rounds of close combat the battle was joined by a warrior and 6 hormagaunts. The libby was fixated on trying to kill the hive tyrant, but couldn't wound him. My mate got frustrated with his troops inability to squish the libby, so he fired a spore mine at them, right on his head. Killed the warrior and 4 hormagaunts. The libby eventually got smacked down by the tyrant, but is in the process of being healed (new model based on Chaplain Cassius).


I also had 5 scouts step out from cover in the last turn of a game and fire their bolt pistols at a leman russ that had been pounding the rest of my army. 4 shots hit, all rolled 6's to penetrate, and 1 6 on the damage table. I promoted that scout to sergeant and gave him a power fist.



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My command squad rushed out of a land raider with the profile below


-2xpowerfist veterans

-apothecary with power weapon

-company champion power weapon

-1 random guy


They charge Marenus Calgar with 8 man body gaurd, 2 got shot down.


Locked in combat for about 2 rounds until it is just the Captain with 2 wounds and Marenus with 1. I auto fail the moral check at the end of his assault phase and run back 8 inches. I regroup and move back into position to charge Calgar again and fire the Captain's bolt pistol- Marenus dies from a pot shot to the head and the captain lives on to destroy a rhino with a ten man squad instantly killing 4.

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i have a load:

Sgt with PF jumps on the back of Carni and prombtly smashs his fist thourgh the Carni's head (twice) killing it (after his squad took it to pieces with bolter fire last turn)


10 man CC scout squad with PF get assualted by Defiler, after about 6 turns of combat with the scouts kraking the Defiler and 2 PF attacks i finally took the Defiler down but all i had left at that point was my Scout Sgt.


15 Lesser Deamons got shot at by my Plasma Squad of Doom (squad above) and in 1 turn of shooting got wiped out ;)


i have more but i am tired


Athiair :D

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In as local tournament, outflanked 2 squads of bikes (Ravenwing). The rest of my list was in Devastator squads (which weren't doing much to him at all. All his guardsmen were in cover, and my penetration rolls were horrible). The two bikes squads deployed on opposite sides of the table. They must have just said "Meet ya in the middle!" to each other. Over the next 3 turns, through assaults on multiple units, they killed over 1200 points of a 1500 point army, only taking 4 casualties the whole game. While yes, guardsmen are poor in combat, even his shooting was having problems. It felt very good to use 600 points to kill pretty much his whole army. The only thing they didn't kill was a squad of Grey Knights, which were vaporized by concentrated Las and PC fire.


I have a squad of scout snipers that has punched 3 different Lictors in the face after being charged, twice to no losses. "Get outta my cover, foo'!"


Belial, Interrogator Chaplain, and 5 terminators with DW banner taking on a 120 Boy-strong Green Tide in Apocalypse, then killing the whole formation in 2 turns, to only one loss.


Suicide Flank Marching meltagun rhino squads dashing for the Reaver Titan my opponent was using, then firing out the top hatch. Between all the squads (4 5 man squads with meltas, combi-meltas), they destroyed it in one round of firing. The Reaver went Apocalyptic, destroying fully 3/4s of his army. The Rhinos survived, with the marines inside them.


Azrael with Legion Relic charging the Heirophant Bio-titan and killing it in one round.

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The most epic moment I've ever had in 40k was actually the last Epic moment, as it was my last game of Epic 40k: 2 Imperators, 6 Warlords, and 86 Imperial Knights vs 3 Megagargants, 4 gargants, 5 slashas, 12 stompas and a rolling tide of green. I did have a company of Space Marines riding along with each Imperator; however, they never did have a chance to come out and play, as it was the Titans turn to play that day.



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