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Has to be the other day when even before the end of turn 2 my marines had inflicted about 70-80% casualties on the enemy ork infantry horde for only 5 marines dead and my opponent conceeded defeat. I was shocked at the massacre it had been.
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  • 3 weeks later...

cluster mines !!!!


playing cityfight - i mined a large ruin before picking tale sides as you do - oponenet set up almost his entire ork army in the building i had mined - we got someone to rule that the mines would affect every unit on turn 1 - they proceeded to kill a full squad of shoota boys a big mek with shokk attack gun a squad of boys and half a squad of nobz - not bad for a one shot bomb !

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Apocolypse last weekend: We had some opponents that brought out all the stops such as jammers, outflanking Titans/Dreadnoughts/Baneblades, deepstriking LRs, the works (They had 3 people/armies to our 9, so they got to really stack the assets). It kind of bit them in the rear though as our Vortex grenade ate 3 LRs full of their troops, causing it to be a draw game.
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I played against a blood angels player last week. Prior to the battle, we had a discussion on orbital bombardment. He said it was useless, and a waste of points. I told him it can be useful when used correctly, it's just not that reliable.


So anyway, he gets the first turn, and deploys everything so that he can jump over ~half the table in his first turn, getting ready for the 2nd turn charge.


I steal the initiative, and use Pedro to throw orbital bombardment into the throng of his assault marines and veterans. The bombardment scatters just enough to hit multiple squads, causing about 5-6 dead marines, about 2 marines per squad - and these squads all ranged from 6 to 7 men.


This causes a massive leadership testing. He fails two leadership tests, and then rolls something like 3 5s on fall back move, losing two of his veteran units in the first turn because they run off the table. The assault marines fail their pinning test, and are wiped out in the same shooting phase from plasma cannon fire.


That's about 20 expensive models gone in first turn, with quite a few power weapons, power fists and the such. You should've seen the look on his face. :(

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Had a very cool fight for an objective in a ruin -- my Dark Angels (multiwing) vs my son's Orks (mostly a horde, but with a nob squad led by a warboss too).


The objective (a bloodstained altar) was on the upper floor, and I had a squad of Terminators in there, which got wiped out by 30 Slugga Boyz, 10 Nobz and the Warboss, but killed most of the Sluggaz and several Nobz in the process (and had already been laying waste nicely to some of his other troops by shooting out the windows). I charged in with Belial and another squad of Terminators with a heavy flamer. After a round of close combat, only Belial and the warboss were left -- in this one smallish room in which 40 Orks and 10 Terminators had died a few moments earlier! Two leaders facing off in epic combat, both bloody and wounded, surrounded by great heaps of the slain. The Warboss won (Instant Death with a Power Klaw) but it almost didn't matter -- it was such a lovely movie-moment. :)

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My BA terminators charge a Baneblade, and punch it to death. Then all but the Assault Cannon guy die in a firey explosion. He proceeds to waste a somewhat depleted command squad. Then eats a Lascannon. I love my terminators :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
My Marshal had his whole squad killed by Dire Avengers and Warp Spiders during a shooting phase. He Rightous Zealed a little closer, charged the Avengers, and over two turns killed all 8 of them and the Farseer that was attached. Next up, he finished off the guy's Wraithlord with a plasma pistol blast. After nearly dying to the final two warpspiders, he tossed a Holy Handgrenade of Antioch...err... Orb, scored a direct hit and killed the those last two warp spiders. By now he's taken two wounds and so he heads around a terrain piece to kill some guardians with his plasma pistol. I roll a 1, then roll for the wound (he has artificer armor) and roll another 1 -_- Eitherway, he and a Rhino pretty much held that whole flank after the rest of the squad was killed.
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The other day, my 10-man Fire Warrior squad beat down a Wolf Priest in close-combat :D


Okay, so that it sounds a little less insane, here were the circumstances;


- Fire Warriors were in cover (and so went first at I2)

- Wolf Priest was in TDA, so had no frags (and was down to 1 wound due to previous shooting from the rest of my army), and so went at I1

- Out of 11 attacks, I rolled 6 hits and inflicted 2 wounds (WS2 vs WS5, and S3 vs T4. Lets just say, a lot of 5's and 6's came up)

- He rolled for two 2+ saves and got a 5 and a 1


My Space Wolf opponent and I just stared at his save rolls for like a good 10 seconds, not believing it. Poor guy nearly cried, I had to give him a pat on the back and say 'I feel just as bad man...but still, ninja Tau!'


Still, that has to rank as my most epic moment. Runners up are;


- My Kroot squads destroying tanks by glancing them to death on the rear armour (I've killed a Vindicator, a Predator and a Rhino with them, it beggars belief, using 70 points of no-save T3 cannon fodder with AP6 bolters to kill 140pts+ of tank, game after game)

- My Vespid holding in combat for 5 rounds against 20-odd Guardsman (couple of Special weapon/Command squads that Deepstriked nearby, charged them then got bogged down. Hilarious, considering I killed about 10 Guardsman before the last Vespid got punched down).

- An 8-man Grey Knight squad killing a Tactical squad that charged them (it was only 7 dudes though, and he missed with the Sarge powerfist horribly), then killing an entire 10-man Assault Marine squad in two rounds of combat, only losing 3 Knights in the process (again, crap powerfist rolls let him down). Won me the game, because they held that objective by the end.

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I have some "anti-epic" moments from my game today. I guess my opponent would consider them epic:


-10 man Firewarrior Squad eats a DWML template, inflicting 9 wounds, but 0 fail of their saves! (Promptly fixed that next turn with a HF template :D )

-6 Assault Termies (1 LC) don't make a save invulnerable or otherwise the entire game: the coup de grace was when 2 TH/SS charged a Crisis Suit and proceed to get punched down over three turns of combat (couldn't inflict one Instant Death wound... booooo)

-A different 10 man FW Squad eats 9 wounds from a flamer and proceeds to make another ridiculous amount of saves, losing 2 or so before proceeding to beat my combat squad in H2H twice, break them, and catch them in a sweeping advance for No Retreat wounds. (However, my opponent was so utterly shocked that he won combat, that he didn't realize he should have let me go so I would no longer be contesting his objective and he could double-tap me with the FWs.)


The theme for that game was "Melee/Ninja Tau... WTH" and my opponent and I had a good laugh about it. I think he's going to do a model to look like that "Dynamic Rentry" motivational poster in honor of his moral victory.

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I had some epic moments in a 1500 point match against a Tyrannid player a couple months back. He sprang a pair of lictors out of cover to assault my Canoness, and they proceede to fail to score a single wound on her, then she carved the two Lictors up with a single round of attacks. My lone Seraphim Squad also managed to tarpit his entire horde of Gaunts, Warriors, and Genestealers for two rounds, which let me shoot his 'nid horde to death without ever getting into close combat with it (aside from the Seraphim's charges and the Lictor ambush).


Also a bit of an anti-epic moment, I had a match vs. a Space Marine player who must have been cursed by the Dice Gods. How else can one explain losing an entire Terminator Squad to a single round of bolter fire because he failed every 5 out of 5 2+ armor saves? The same thing happened later to one of his Tac Marine squads; eight 3+ armor saves to be made, 8 dice that came up as 2 or 1. Once the game was over he bought new dice.

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I have a few.


First one was kinda a set game with SM's, where we had a LR or LRC a full strength command squad and a commander/marshal each. Only had 45 min left of the day so aiming for a quick game.


My mate went 1st keeping his guys inside his LR and coming 3rd across the board. I started off in cover behind a building and I disembarked the squad for some noobish reason?? probably out of fear they would all be mangled when I drove my LRC out in the open. So then drove my LRC out in front in an attempt to get out ahead and get a lucky shot off with the ACannos and MMelta. Both of which missed or failed to do any sot of damage what so ever. Also moved up my squad a little further.


His turn he moved up disembarked his guys and shot 1 lass-cannon and sent my LRC flying in many directions in many differnt parts. I moved my guys up towards his command squad/commander who shot off about 4 of my guys on the way, at this point game was over really. So once I was in charge range I said Death or Glory and charged his guys with mine.


1 round of CC later after losing my whole command squad (the charge failed spectactulary) it was just my marshal with a thunder maul(hammer) and sheild. At this point he had lost about 2 guys.


To keep this kinda short, 3-4 rounds of Cc later(we don't play the 6 turn rule at home, last man standing kinda thing) I had completley smashed his fully equiped hard a*s squad and commander into the ground, passing all checks and only losing 1 wound.


However the LR sitting behind them soon made short work of me and lost the game, but that was a epic game for a little short one, still have to paint the marshal and give him some much needed attention and give him the "modeled" promotion he deserves. He is painted but badly.




2nd one was when I killed a terminator chaplin with a dire avenger exarch in 2 rounds of CC.




3rdly was, my mate got a baneblade and the full tank comany battle box for apoco games, I took somewhere in the region of 30+ thunder hammer terminators (as many as points would allow) and a chaplin, once I got into assult, 2-3 round later I lost like 5 termies and he had lost the game.


Now to point somthing out that makes all these above Epic for me is that I have the real curse of bad dice rolls. I really mean it. I can roll to hit and come out with 6's and 5's, but when rolling for damage results you know when it really counts or even if its a minor scuffle, I roll 1's and 2's about 75%-80% of the time. Any war game I play this curse follows me around, where as my mate gets just what he needs to bring the pain. Say about 99% of the time.

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I have two instances.

#1 Captain with lightning claws faceing horde of Tyranids in 4th edition. It was one of those meat grinders and the gaunts kept coming. He was my only model left and it was turn 5 when I charged him in heroicaly expecting him to die. The Gaunts piled in around him and he lost a single wound but had caused four. Next turn he caused three and took none then caused three and took none in my oponents half of the turn. The game ended and I had a single wound left on the table vs. his massive list with two of these giant crab claw like super heavy forge world slugs.


#2 Against same opponent at around 1500 points I had a Devastator squad with Heavy bolters in cover smashing up his gaunts from a far flank. I had them supporting my whirlwind and it was a mistake. He deep striked his winged tyrant in on the whirlwind and blasted it. I caused no wounds with the heavy bolters but one with the sarge's pistol. He charged me and wiped out all but the sarge. Then with the power weapon on that sarge I tore him a new Spore hole. That Devastator Sarge got a new pose and a name. I did loose the battle but he saved the lives of many marines that day and even last manned it all the way over to kill a couple of gaunts.

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My best two moments happened right beside each other.

Fighting Orks with my Sisters. Ork Battlewagon rolls up, desposits angry nobs on my flank. They charge and almost entirely kill a sister squad in one go, leaving on the Eviscerator wielding Superior. No, she doesn't go Rambo on them - my Repentia squad rolls for reserves, gets very angry, and charges a full 12 inches up to get into charge range, and THEY turn the orks into nice green meaty chunks.


In the meantime, I try to deal with the Battlewagon, firing my four multi-meltas at it from my Retributors. No dice. Next turn, he recides to roll overmy girls with that turring by ram of his. One sister elects to do Death or Glory - pens, explodes, deals shrapnel damage in one inch - hurting only the MM girl who stayed behind. She saves.

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Well, I don't have much of a memory, but I'll post one of my Best full game turn epic moments.


Rhino. Inside, 9 Sternguard (pf, 2 combi-weapons) and Kantor.


They move to a Genestealer Squad in 5+ cover and extended carapce. Rapid fire the AP4 special ammo and Dorn's arrow. Genestealers dead.


Next the Tyranid Player charges in with 2 Ravenor's, 3 warriors, and a Lictor.I diversify my attacks around and cause a grand total of 10 wounds. Everything is fearless so the remaining models have to take 10 amror saves, to which they all die. He caused 4 wounds, all of which passed armor saves.


Four Tyranid unit's dead In a Game turn, and a fully unscathed Sternguard and HQ unit. Glory to Dorn!!!!

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Definetly when I playyed my friends orks, he wiped out all my guys except Pedro Kantor and his 10 man Sternguard backup.... great movie moment with 24 shots killing 24 orks for 3 turns straight :cuss


Although 1 of my scouts loves to be the hero. Killing a bloodthirster in his debut game, 2 wraithlords in the 2nd and a carnifex in the 3rd saw him promoted to Devastator Squad, since then he has literally racked up a kill score in the hundreds, he and his squad have since undergone heavy conversions to represent the chapter master and honour guard for my marine army... hes so good at being a marine he's actually been banned from my local game spot B) love those scouts!

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Hmmm... several come to mind.


In a tourney my vindicator had lost its demolisher cannon and I was using it as a shield to protect the remaining two members of a tactical squad, the sergeant and a stock marine. A full squad of kroot burst out from the treeline and charged them. The sergeant bashes the heads of several kroot between his power fist and the armored hull of the vindicator and the rest seemed to decide survival was the better part of valor. To bad they didn't beat my sergeants initiative. To top it off it was his last thing that could score.


One of the people I play at has a semi-feared (and semi-heckled I seem to gather) eldar list with 3 wraithlord, a full unit of wraithguard and eldrad, among other xenos scum. The wraithlords try to wage war against my dreadnoughts in ranged combat. When he realizes they're not going to win that fight he starts to charge them forward. One plasma cannon shot later wipes out his seers that were supporting the wraithlords. Then as the wraithguard are finally getting into firing range I charge them with a tactical squad, making sure my power fisted sergeant is staring at Eldard in the face. After pounding the farseer into elven paste that sergeant went on to destroy all but 3 wraithguard and an attached seer, who went into hiding after that.


During my first league match of the current season I faced against Chaos (I ended up losing the match, only because I didn't pop any of his rhinos first turn.... and with all the missile launchers and lascannons I had, I should have...even he said so). When I finally pop Huron's rhino, which has supporting 'zerkers, it explodes violently. 5 zerkers are wounded. 5 zerkers died. The remaining unit (Huron, 1 zerker champion with fist and 3 regular zerkers) charge a tactical squad. My power fisted sergeant brings down the triatorous Huron before falling to the zerker champion himself. The champion ended up being gunned down by one of my dreadnoughts.


Of course I love Telion and his ability to snipe out cyclone termies... changelings... etc ;)


My previous match against Chaos Daemons Skarbrand comes in on the deamons first turn and lands in cover. He runs out of cover right in front of my las predator and two dreadnoughts...


Back like 12 years ago before Apoc was even a glimmer in GWs eyes I remember playing massive games in a friends garage/dojo (yes, his garage had been converted into a dojo). I was allied with a terrible Ultramarines player (and truly saying he was terrible is an insult to terrible players everywhere). His Marneus is standing just inches in front of my Warhound (armorcast). I get tired of him holding back so much and making me do all the hard work. The warhound levels his weapons at Marneus. The rest of my army proceeds to gun down his before focusing on the real threat again. Oddly enough I don't recall him being mad... he was used to losing anyways.


Back in those days as well we all had a 'Legend'. A custom made character that we had house rules for and had agreed upon. The blood angels player had designed a hero with a jump pack that could high fly, and fire from high flight. Oh, he had an assault cannon too. Oh.. and that assault cannon didn't use 3 sustained fire dice... it used 5, but the rest of the rules for the assault cannon were standard. Hey, they weren't called Legends for nothing... Anyways, first game we're using them his legend takes to the air and proceeds to declare his shots at some of my units. Rolls his 5 sustained fire dice. 3 jams. BOOM!

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The most epic moment I ever had was when I was playing IG vs Tyrannids.


The board was dominated by a very large set of runis, and I proceded to move my entire army inside to make use of the cover when taking pot shots at nids, however a short distance in I saw a huge brood of stealers, full size with a brood lord making a B line for me and getting ready to take out my whole army in one swoop (4th edition)


I called the Evacuation, every member get out of the ruins, wait til the stealers come out, and rapid fire them to hell.


But the one flaw in my plan is Genestealers were much quicker than my men, I needed to stall them, So I left a squad behind, on a suicide mission, to stand there and die while their brothers pull back.


Unknowingly abandoned for death by command, they look around as they hear troops pull back, but before they can react, the entire brood shreiks and leaps upon them just as they raise bayonettes. The stealers attacked, and due to horrible rolls they only inflict three wounds, and I save all of them. We strike back, and against the odds killing four stealers.


Two dice are rolled, and the 11 shown signifies that the mighty stealers buckle under such a counter, but before they have a chance to think about running away, the Guardsmen roll a 6 for sweeping advance, and the stealers fumble with a 1.


I spent two turns running my entire army away from a threat that 10 guardsmen destroyed effortlessly.

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Although 1 of my scouts loves to be the hero. Killing a bloodthirster in his debut game, 2 wraithlords in the 2nd and a carnifex in the 3rd saw him promoted to Devastator Squad, since then he has literally racked up a kill score in the hundreds, he and his squad have since undergone heavy conversions to represent the chapter master and honour guard for my marine army... hes so good at being a marine he's actually been banned from my local game spot :rolleyes: love those scouts!


1 scout did that in 3 consecutive games? thats (if true) insane. Even with a PW and being a sgt. statistically he should only cause .05 wounds on a blood thirster (.07 on the charge) while the BT (which strikes first) should on average cause 2.8 wounds.


Can scouts even wound wraith lords or was he wielding melta bombs?




My Grey Knight Grand Master did however manage to kill 2 blood thirsters consecutively (thanks to old force weapon rules and being tooled with anti daemon stuff) before being killed by a third

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Although 1 of my scouts loves to be the hero. Killing a bloodthirster in his debut game, 2 wraithlords in the 2nd and a carnifex in the 3rd saw him promoted to Devastator Squad, since then he has literally racked up a kill score in the hundreds, he and his squad have since undergone heavy conversions to represent the chapter master and honour guard for my marine army... hes so good at being a marine he's actually been banned from my local game spot :lol: love those scouts!


1 scout did that in 3 consecutive games? thats (if true) insane. Even with a PW and being a sgt. statistically he should only cause .05 wounds on a blood thirster (.07 on the charge) while the BT (which strikes first) should on average cause 2.8 wounds.


Can scouts even wound wraith lords or was he wielding melta bombs?

I'm guessing Krak Missiles.

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