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Post most epic moment


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Although 1 of my scouts loves to be the hero. Killing a bloodthirster in his debut game, 2 wraithlords in the 2nd and a carnifex in the 3rd saw him promoted to Devastator Squad, since then he has literally racked up a kill score in the hundreds, he and his squad have since undergone heavy conversions to represent the chapter master and honour guard for my marine army... hes so good at being a marine he's actually been banned from my local game spot :D love those scouts!


1 scout did that in 3 consecutive games? thats (if true) insane. Even with a PW and being a sgt. statistically he should only cause .05 wounds on a blood thirster (.07 on the charge) while the BT (which strikes first) should on average cause 2.8 wounds.


Can scouts even wound wraith lords or was he wielding melta bombs?

I'm guessing Krak Missiles.


That could work, still a long haul though, what kind of blood thirster would sit around and take krak missiles like that :lol: , unless it was last wound on them all :P , which it probs was if he was promoted to devastator squad

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Got a couple of new moments from the Ultra meet at GW..


First was my LSS with MM shooting at a monolith, i rolled a hit, and due to living metal i could only roll a single dice.... i rolled a 6 for a glancing hit..


I rolled for damage and got a 6, which for -2 glance meant it was 4 for immobilised, but due to AP1 it was actually a 5 and i wrecked it.


Second was a single scout bike sergeant with power fist, charged a necron lord and immortal squad alongside a basic scout squad, he killed 2 immortals before the unit teleported out. The scout biker went on to charge a ten man necron warrior squad, killed two in the following turn and they ran off the board, he then went on to charge a tomb spyder and killed it in a single round of combat...


Needless to say he will be promoted to a battle company B)



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