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The great swamp of power armor


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Hey, I was wondering if anybody has had any success using a marine horde with the new codex. I was thinking of using Sicarius as my HQ (He's not as flashy as Vulkan or Pedro, but there is really no situation where he isn't useful) and fill the rest of the army with Tactical Squads and Scouts. No tanks or transports, just tons and tons of power/carapace marching towards the enemy wrecking things. Is this a terrible idea? I don't play all too competitively, but it's still nice to put up a decent challenge to my opponents.


On another note, how do you all equip your scouts?

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I play an exclusive scout army, with all scout units with the exception of Khan on bike...

I normally have about 70 models in my army and so far it is unbeaten (out of 4 games).


I find the half company to be a decent list to play and not too cheesy either, thats 3 tacs, assault and dev, normally with an assault chappy or soemthing similar.

Rhino rush is very effective too.


As for scouts, how you arm them varies on the jobs you want them to do, click the link in my sig for some indepth looks at scout units.

If its just a single unit you want i would suggest either snipers or ccw scouts as the two best support choices.



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If you want marine swarm i would take the works. I am talking about command squads, devastator teams and assault units. Because if you want to just use just troops you will have to have some kind of fire power and close combat component. There are some scout tacticas popping up you should read those to figure out what to do with them because there are several ways to play them and you could quite possibly do some damage with some CC scouts and an out flanking unit. You should even consider Sternguard for your elites.
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I think in an non kill point battle the swarm would be pretty great to see. Combat Squad everything and see if your opponent can kill enough, would be really funny sight. As as CSM player having 1-20 troop selections is the way to go for MEQ swarms.
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I think in an non kill point battle the swarm would be pretty great to see. Combat Squad everything and see if your opponent can kill enough, would be really funny sight. As as CSM player having 1-20 troop selections is the way to go for MEQ swarms.

Fortunately my gaming group doesn't use kill points when we play. They're stupid and our modified VP system is better in pretty much every way :P .


And to greatcrusade08, thanks for the link, reading it now.

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I think in an non kill point battle the swarm would be pretty great to see. Combat Squad everything and see if your opponent can kill enough, would be really funny sight. As as CSM player having 1-20 troop selections is the way to go for MEQ swarms.

Fortunately my gaming group doesn't use kill points when we play. They're stupid and our modified VP system is better in pretty much every way :P .


And to greatcrusade08, thanks for the link, reading it now.


i play a horde dp army, 4 tactical squads and 2 scout squads, normally with a dread all in drop pods bar scouts, thats a max of 10 scoring units

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I play horde: Chaos, Orks, Tyranid


As far as I can tell, SM horde isnt as viable with the melee as chaos, and your special weapons are fewer. No INV save options for your guys/FNP options. I would run with a line of grey knights in front of your guys to start with, then have sisters of battle line in front of them when you get closer. Shrouding keeps them from being hit, allowing cover to units behind them, then the really cheap numerous SoB take over that role getting closer where shrouding doesnt do so well. All giving you bolters bolters and more bolters. Dont bother with many scouts when you can use sisters. Otherwise, Khan would be a good idea. Though you would lose combat tactics in the process. Your talking about a bolter horde here. Those are best used with rhinos. (storm bolter on rhino = worthy of its 35 pts when a GK costs 5/7ths of that)


Otherwise, I would persue using land speeders, since they can stop an advancing melee army and still let you shoot under your own vehicles so you can advance with speeder-of-fury style.

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I have taken Tactical Heavy lists before and from that I concluded that a MEQ Hoard just wont cut it for me. If you want to maximise bodies and avoid transport then the Tacticals are just too slow and their shooting is too short range and lacks the power to deal with MEQ or Hoards.


Also being 16 points each means that you "feel" the loss of each and every marine more than a standard Hoard list and do not really have enough sacrificial troops to risk winning by just throwing more numbers at the situation. A hoard Ork list will still out manouver, out shoot and out attack you in CC. Your Tacticals maybe better shots, faster in combat and better armoured but they will still not be able to fend off 180+ Orks (total maximum boys in a standard FOC).


Not too sure about Nids (am learning them now) but their standard troops are about 1/2 as cheap and while they do not do particularly well statistically against MEQ they do have the advantage of sheer numbers and a bunch of nasty MC's to back them up.


With the release of the new Codex Orks people have been gearing their lists to be able to deal with more bodies and when it comes down to it if you have to keep making that 3+ save you are going to fail sooner or later.


Just my 2 cents but I am a firm believer that the Marines have to be backed up by some harder CC and shootier Support than the average Tactical or even Scout can offer.



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I have been experiementing hard for a few months or weeks now and my current revelation is...for SM Dex lists -


Kantor. This is a big secret, so do not tell anyone.


He is the best force multiplier in the new dex. Kantor should be the anchor of any SM anti-horde force. His job is not to get into CC unless you have to. His job is to direct, make stubborn, and increase the CC capability of your force, and stay alive. Think of the impact. An orc or bug horde starts on turn 1 charging toward your line. You get MAYBE (if you are playing against a sub-par opponent) 2 turns before the charge arrives. Sometimes just 1 turn. You can fire all you want, but the 30-ork mobs will still be coming in, with or without the Kans and Nobz. Who else in the SM dex can turn those measly 11 CC I4 tac squad attacks into 22? Who can take those 10 sternguard or assault squad attacks, or even assault termie attacks and increase them by 30%? - 20 going to 30? Even Kantor's storyline foreshadows his impact. He hates orcs, period. If I told you that Kantor causes 3 tactical squads to take a charge like they were 6, would you believe it? 2 fist attacks become 3? Losing assault by 7 and you still use your basic LD of 9 for the sergeant?


In a Blood angels army, there are a few other force multipliers that give you the same or better impact for the charge. My next army (under construction for a while now) is the BAs. It centers around the force multiplying effects of it leaders. There, the multipliers increase your A values, but can also go further when you charge.


The mathhammer in any SME dex is not there on being able to wipe out a horde-wave assault. So you have to be able to get over that and accept that you need to fight better than them in assault, even if you are the assaulted one. If you have been lucky to fight an ork player with small units your probably have no idea what I'm talking about. In a torunament this weekend, our local ork master not only won his three games, but he typically tabled his three SME opponents in 3.5 turns...he beat templars, beat generic marines, and beat dark angels. Some of his opponents had Tellion, and it helped for naught.


In my best game this past weekend, Kantor's presence helped a terminator squad take down a tough chaos tac squad that had FNP; then turn right around and wipe out a chaos demon prince, then run over and rescue a tac squad that was being worked over by two other chaos squads. In another game, his presence helped a tac squad supported by a demisquad take down a terminator squad.


Now Kantor is not the win-all character. He just has his place in games against the horde. Your other force measures also have a great impact. Even with him in the list, as they say, everything can die. You can just take more with you before he goes...

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as for anyone who play marine horde power armor the other problems that every army has ap based stuff in there most basic units and even that isnt enought. most people i play aganist dont really exact marine horde but i nice to see it played everyone once in a while to keep everyone on guard. as for marine horde the - min is two transport in any army because you still need so kind of gap support to run the whole when you getting over whelmind
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viable since 6 squads of 10 with a power sword and free weapons costs about 1200 in points, So you have at total 300 points to spend on ether giving them lascannons or heavy bolters to take down whatever and then some points (since at total your spending about 100 points or less ) for a HQ choice of your choice to choose a squad to lead that chooses what it wants to do and applys ork tactics to it (aka instead of sounding WAAAAGH and running galely at the foe or shooting madly, you start sounding FOR THE EMPEROR and start running galely at the foe or shooting madly accruately, hmmm about hell knows how many bolter shells at 24" will silence even ork mobs quickly).


and if playing 1750 (like I do mostly) take rhinos and viola you have a fully meched list of swarming and tank shocking. Enjoy!

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my friend used to run a 100 count marine army for 2000 pts....













he out gunned tau (actualy, due to luck, he got into close combat in turn one)


he murderd dark eldar



he killed, EVERY THING!











natualy, we shiped him off to mexico.... couldnt stand having our defenceive line overan with such an unstopable beast.


this was back in 3rd ed, but i just did the math, you can get 100 marines still

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