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Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra


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Extreme makeover: Xenos edition














What? :rolleyes: Were you thinking I'd post something against the rules? Perish the thought! Anyway, sorry about the poor quality pics. My original camera died so I'm stuck with my flatmate's "point and shoot". But hopefully you can get a good geezer at it.



Any questions about my painting methods can be answered here. Current progress on the rest of my LotD can be seen here.

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I agree, awesome conversion! Would do well as a Chaplain, or just as LoTD.


The Chaplain: It looks like a normal Space Marine Bolt Pistol with a Heavy Bolter Ammo Feed worked in. That's my guess anyway ;)


nsh, its probably a chaos bit-- notice the skull with horns on it.

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Well Sons of Horus, it sure is a pity that you're posting in a thread about LEGION OF the damned.


Based on feedback in another forum I've swapped the pistol for a combi-melta, so that the "beefy ammo feed" matches a "beefy gun". As I said there though:


Although it fits the ammo feed better, I'm not sure. I don't think it really works with the rest of the model's pose, especially the sword. It raises the "bulk" of the model up too high, and it even kind of looks like he is about to tap the weapon with the tip of his sword (although the photos don't really show that).








oh yeah. ps: The lord's name is Markoii. A dozen cyber cookies to whoever gets the reference. (hint:Think phonetically)


pps: pre-paint pics for anyone curious:

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/juckto/Wh40k/LotD/th_lord_postgs1.png http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/juckto/Wh40k/LotD/th_lord_postgs2.png

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now what bolter bit is that from? that's quite lovely.


unless i am mistaken, that is one of the old metal bolters that cam with the orginal LOTD models.


this is a great use of Maugan Ra. i always thought he would make a good looking LOTD commander and this just proves it. well done mate B)

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First: Inspired, very well-painted, and would love to have him in my army.


Second: Hmm, I'm split. The ammo feed doesn't look entirely right with the bolt pistol, but the natural pose of the model also makes the combi-weapon seem unnatural. I know this is asking much, but have you thought about a storm bolter?


Third: I'm... thinking about the name...

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A friend of mine at the club last night had a very good suggestion, which I have now incorporated. I'm thinking it looks quite good.





Also, I've solved my "pistol or combi-melta" dilemma. Magnets!




2nd hint on the name: Think TV series.

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