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Chaos Sorcerer Conversion

Dahli Llama

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I am going to start working on creating a Chaos Sorcerer using various parts from the Chaos Terminator Lord set and parts of a Space Marine Command Squad I found lying around. This is really my first major conversion attempt, so I hope it goes well.


Here is some initial test posing using sticky putty to hold things in place:




Large pics can be seen at my blog (link in signature).

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The head and the staff are from the plastic Chaos Terminator Lord set. That is one of the greatest sets, and this will actually be the third unit I've made from pieces of that set (Terminator Lord, Biker Lord, and now this).


That was the most Chaosy torso I could find, other than a Khorne Berzerker torso with the Khorne icon. I may still use that one, but file off the Khorne bit and do something different.

I agree, the Chaos Lord set is simply awesome for chaos bits and stuff, I'm thinking about getting a second one. The Command Squad is also nice, so great job combining those two.


The Khorne Zerker torso will surely work better, the Khorne Icons are usually rather easy to file off and provide you with nice flat areas for freehands and stuff

Very nice conversion, well done :)


Although i'm sure you are fully aware of it, don't forget to remove the hand on the actual staff as well ;)


Heh, yup. I was debating whether to file it off or to turn it into something else, but ended up just removing it.


I decided to go with a Khorne chest, and then I found a small skull that I cut in half and stuck to the front. It looks neat. I have the body all glued together now and I will post pictures later.


Now I'm trying to come up with how to base it. I'm thinking some kind of dais, but not really sure.

What about a sea of small tentacles and a familiar or two...? Maybe some arcs of multicoloured lightening...

What power is he going to be going with?


Good ideas.


As far as powers, I really don't know at the moment. My Chaos army is kind of a secondary army to my Eldar, and is really there just to give me opportunities like this for fun conversions and painting. The army consists of Khorne Berserkers, Noise Marines and some CSM at the moment. So I'll probably play around with Slaanesh and the Lash a little bit, but otherwise, I don't really know.



Another idea I had this morning was to give him a pair of wings instead of a cape. I was thinking of a pair of angel/bird wings (they would be painted black) the would be folded or draped off the side of him as he's kneeling. This sounds cool to me, but I have no clue how I would go about modeling them. I would need to find some wings and then shape them.

Here's an update with a test of a couple wings that I have. I've also added a daemonette slave holding his book. I'm leaning towards the large wings, though the smaller ones could be repositioned more easily.




As always, more pics and larger pics at the link in my sig.

Hmm... Deamonette slave... that must come in handy!


Back on topic, if he's got wings, his bitch familiar should too.

Also, a man kneeling with a staff held out in front of him would look great if he was looking down, as if he's concentrating really hard. Just an idea.


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