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Blood Angels Tactical Squad


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These minis aren't new. They are the first bunch I painted in this hobby. I took them and repainted many parts of them, and I feel they've sort of become all new minis, so I thought I'd share. The third model on the right is the first one I've ever painted.

I'll probably replace the sergeant's ugly chainsword with a powerfist and rebase them too, though I'm still waiting for my new bases to arrive in the mail. Then they'll be completely table worthy B)


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Awesome! personally i'm not a fan of glossy marines though (I tried gloss varnish on a few of my Black Templars, couldn't stand the constant-shine lol) but it doesn't look bad atall on bright red. All you need to do now is slip on some transfers for that finishing touch ;)


edit: forgot to mention your Apothecary you posted in my thread is incredible, good job on that.

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The glossy finish is not due to gloss varnish and certainly was not intentional. When I first started painting, almost 8 years ago, resources on the net were far fewer and painting tips were hard to come by. I looked around for painting tutorials for Blood Angels and most of them were the 2nd Edition black trimmed, orange highlighted kind. The one tutorial I saw that resulted in a red I liked extensively used Red Ink. I ordered GW Red Ink and went crazy with it. On later models I just used a single wash of a watered down mix, but with these, I did something around 3 coats of watered down ink over the paint.


Fortunately, the blacklining hides most of the overdone inking, and I've painted over so many mistakes with Blood Red that the gloss is not as bad as it was on day one. It still shows on the shoulder pads and helmets though. The shoulder pads will be covered by decals so that's fine. I'm confident they'll end up looking much better that way. It took me a couple squads to master my red painting method.


I basecoat my marines white and paint Blood Red, then shade with a watered down wash of Red Ink. I'm considering doing something different with the Terminators thought. I might start with a Chaos Black basecoat. I want them to look darker, more matte and more serious. But I'm not sure if they would look out of place though.

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