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Right arm on a Dreadnought...


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Hiya folks,


I have a SM Dreadnought from before the new codex came out with the ol' fashioned AssCan/DCCW/Heavy Flamer combo attached to it. Is this still an "acceptable" loadout in the new edition and 'dex? Should I replace the AssaultCannon with the TL LasCannon? (Since there is no Multi melta arm in that box set (I think?)


There are a TON of options in the book, but the model doesn't have any of those options, does it? I'm looking at


TL Heavy Flamer

TL Heavy Bolter

TL Autocannon

Plasma Cannon


(Also the TL Autocannon for the left arm, but I'm going to leave the DCCW/Flamer on that one, or possibly switch to Missile Launcher)


Where do you get these mysterious right arm bits from? Aside from MM, what's good? This dread will probably not be podded, but will start on-table.





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Yes the Assault Cannon/Heavy Flamer setup is very useful for dual roles: You can deal sugnificat death to infantry and still asaault with str10 and you can deal penetrating hits to vehicles, 6+6+d3=15 which means you can penetrate Landraiders on a 6 5 or double 6. Drop Pod for maximum effect.


There is a nice thread in this section probably on the first page still about dread loadouts and all kinds are there for all sorts of scenarios. So if you are looking to fill a role kit your dread to that role, however i find the AC/HF Dread able to be anit infantry anti armor at the same time which if you are one of those people (myself included) that choose missile launchers so you can choose to shoot a frag or krak just incase then this flexible dread is for you.


However, MM HF Dreads are very close to the same role for only 10 Points cheaper all you need is to either but a MM arm from Forge World or Pick up a AoBR Dread and clip off the Storm Bolter for a Heavy Flamer.


I dont personally run the TL LC dread because i find that the AC does the same job and more for 1/3 the price.


Plasma Cannons are more for Heavy Infantry which i bring 1 AC/HF and 1 PC/SB Dread and go to town.


You can use the Autocannon for Light Armor at range. If you wanted to keep a dread back for a counter assault unit to defend an objective and still snipe transports. Which i have done before not so much for the auto cannon but for the counter assault. If you are planning on using the dread for tank hunting the TL LC and Missile Launcher as just as good or even the ML/auto setup.


You could even consider the ML for the frag missile and a TL Heavy Bolter for light/horde infantry.


The TL Heavy Bolter is quite good if you have a few points to spare, likely the TL HB and a HF and use the alot like a AC HF dread minus the rending however, i find that the MM may be a better choice anyway.


I once toyed with the idea of a TL HF/HF drop pod dread but for 125 points why not go a few more and get an iron clad.


If you are spending the points for a TL LC do you plan on making him a Ven as well?


You can get Out of Print Bits from online sellers. Build your own from Marine Heavy Weapons or Buy from GW affiliates.

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As to the weapon layout question there are indeed a number of useful topics on this already so I wont comment further however from a "Where can I get bits from" question I do have a few things to say.


Firstly buying an Assault On Black Reach Dreadnought is an inexpensive way of getting plastic Dread Weapons, ok they are only MM and Stormbolter + CC weapon but as they are plastic they make for better conversion fodder. (Replacing Stormbolter for Heavy Flamer is infact very easy to do).


Secondly bits sites are your friend, just google Warhammer 40k bits and you will find some interesting sites. Be aware of where they are located and where you are before making orders (not every site delivers internationally with speed).


Thirdly and my biggest tip. Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Squad + plastic card + imagination and other random bits = the following dreadnought arms/weapons:


TL Lascannon

TL Autocannon

TL Heavy Bolter

Hunter Killer Missiles


All for a reasonable price plus you get 3 dread bases for the cost as well. The Lascannons from a Landraider can also be made into TL Lascannon as well (shame the hole is not big enough to mount on AOBR Dread - but then again life would be too easy that way :) )



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