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Drop Pod VS Rhino

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Why would you use Rhino's if your running squads of six? - Go with a RB with HB at least... - Bigger guns, better range, carries your whole unit. You don't have hatches, but I'll swap hatches for a HB anyday. - You can always get out and shoot all your guns.



I know what you mean as I always run a RB in my list, but I have had some good drive by shootings with my PMSB/SB rhino, melta, combi melta and PP in a 7 man + WG squad.


WG Vrox.

I was re-reading the 'Dex, and I completely forgot about the rule that if we Drop Pod the army, EVERYTHING has to drop pod...does this still apply?


The way I read this statement is more toward the teleport aspect, meaning a HQ and Retinue will not teleport unless the entire army is coming in via Drop Pods. This was pointed out to me by my LGS red shirt. So if you ask me, we can teleport but only if everything else we have coming into the game is deep striking or Drop Podding.


read it again and see if it makes more sense this way.


WG Vrox.

quick question....


I was re-reading the 'Dex, and I completely forgot about the rule that if we Drop Pod the army, EVERYTHING has to drop pod...does this still apply?


Nope, according to the FAQ we use the drop pod rules in the C:SM, so we can DP some units in and but we don't have to DP everything...

Wolves hate teleporting...plain and simple.


Drop pods aren't teleporting. They are getting your butt in a tube and getting yourself shot into the middle of a battlefield. If anything, I'd say they prefer it since its faster action and less of a specific target than Hawks.

Vrox..homie, that makes no sense at all.


What dex are you reading?


I see what your saying Vrox, but I believe that what its saying is that they wont teleport, but if everyone else is coming down in drop pods there not going to set back on the ship waiting... theyll climbi into the drop pod aswell. At the time of its printing there was no functional difference between terminator deepstriking and drop pod deepstriking... and so they had to mention that it was A O K to deepstrike with them during a drop pod assault, or the rules would have been in direct conflict.

Wolves hate teleporting...plain and simple.


Drop pods aren't teleporting. They are getting your butt in a tube and getting yourself shot into the middle of a battlefield. If anything, I'd say they prefer it since its faster action and less of a specific target than Hawks.



I think you are missing what Vrox and I are talking about...the entry states that " blah blah will not deepstrike unless entire army uses drop pods." So that is saying that termies can teleport, but only if everyone uses drop pods...but even still that just doesnt make sense to me fluff wise.

and so they had to mention that it was A O K to deepstrike with them during a drop pod assault, or the rules would have been in direct conflict.


Right, so as long as the entire army is coming in via drop pods, a HQin TDA with Termi Retinue can teleport/deepstrike.


WG Vrox

But it wasnt teleporting.... it was deepstriking via a drop pod just like all the other guys.


Yes, you could cheese it to look like that now, but its not what the rule was saying at the time. They dont teleport if the rest of the army drop pods, they drop pod aswell.

Why would you use Rhino's if your running squads of six? - Go with a RB with HB at least... - Bigger guns, better range, carries your whole unit. You don't have hatches, but I'll swap hatches for a HB anyday. - You can always get out and shoot all your guns.



I know what you mean as I always run a RB in my list, but I have had some good drive by shootings with my PMSB/SB rhino, melta, combi melta and PP in a 7 man + WG squad.


WG Vrox.


Ah, But seven is not six. - And your right my friend does this frequently with stormtroopers in rhinos. - Quite annoying. Though I don't know how effective drive by's are now since you can only go six inches and shoot 1 main gun. (Making your second shooter no good over six inches.) - At least from my understanding of 5th edition.

. (Making your second shooter no good over six inches.)


No gun on a Rhino is good over 6 " also you can not move over 6" and fire with embarked troops. But if you move 6 or under then you can fire with both SBs and 2 of your troops through the fire ports which for measuring purposed is the hall of the Rhino.



WG Vrox.


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