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Teaching my little brother to paint


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I'm gonna wait with the templar crosses on the shoulder pads, he has to learn to get the brush steadier, then we'll do them freehand for even more practice :blush:


The way he paints the white is an undercoat layer of grey foundation on top of the chaos black basecoat. then thinned down white in layers

A little update:


While my brother haven't really had the time to do anymore painting since last time I have...

I received my FW order (Ultramarine Venerable Dread) yesterday and begun to work on him:






Whiskey is always nice :D











And onther package arrived today; 5 tactical marines and some orks from the AoBR box (traded with another guy for Orc fantasy stuff)

These will be made into terrain (and the marines stripped and repainted into ultrasmurfs)






Today I've spent getting Venerable Brother Praetorus done for my local GW painting contest:



Head done:



Touch-ups remains



I'm very happy with how the details came out on him



Completely done with weapon arms (Banner isn't done and I'm not sure if I want it or not)


Sweet dread, dawg. Very clean looking, quite fit for Ultramarines. I'd make the plasma gun cells glowing though.


Also I have to ask.. What's the swedecore/d-beat-looking sticker on your computer? Some band? A distro?


Tanks for the compliment on my dread, I'm quite happy with him... and yes, I'd love the plasma cannon to glow as well, but I dont know that advanced painting tecniqeues (spelling?) if you know of a quide I'll make sure to get ALL my plasmas glowing ASAP :P


Oh and that's not a band sticker... got it as a promo sticker from www.studsnspikes.com (or a similar adress) that sells (you guessed it) studs and spikes... I cut off the lower part (which had the company logo on it) and stuck it to my laptop ^^,


EDIT: I gave glowing plasma a shot (I tried my own method), and I think it worked out sexellent...

I gave this a thought seeing as the model will be entered in a painting competition at my local GW...





Alrighty, we FINISHED his first model today (based it) and he finished the other 4 as well (apart from basing which will, hopefully, be done tomorrow)...






We named him "Hagan Adelard" Teutonic name which means "Resolute Defender"

This is by far the best thread on the B&C!!!! Keep up the good work. It's great to see new painters get started. Imagine how good he will be in a few years. Win a slayer sword at age 14?! Keep it up man. Those templars are coming along nicely. Good to see something so positive.

Great work. To the both of you.


All things considered, age, shaky hands and time spent with the hobby. His skill with the brush is downright impressive.




.. although. The Rule Nazi in me demands that I release some of the air in this balloon.


1: Black Templars do not have Veteran Sergeants, except in command squads (for some odd reason). Not even Terminator squads have sergeants.

2: Black Templars do not have Tactical Squads or combat squads. But Crusader squads, and they work differently than the "normal" tactical squads.


Nothing immensly huge. But it does limit / alter the wargear compositions options in the squads some.

Example: Vanilla SM assault squad, only the sergeant may take a storm shield, BT assault squad - everyone can.


.. that said. The "veteran sergeant" could easily be a rather basically kitted castellan for the early games .. *shrug* .. that or you could just go with basic SM rules .. *mumbles* not that they would be black templars anymore then tho *mumbles* .. that or be a lenient on the dreaded WYSIWYG.


.. at any rate. Keep up the good work.

I know it's been a long time since the last update, for that I'm really sorry, I've had a rough last few weeks in school with finals...


Anyway, just to keep this alive I had a go at some barbed wire and added it to one of my dread's base...






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