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The Marines of the Ultra Variety


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Hello there second topic in a day woo.

Just thought I'd throw up some pics of my Ultramarines army as it stands at the moment. All the insignia is freehand (as if you couldn't tell). I feel I'm improving each time I paint the U which is nice and the squad markings are easy as pie. I've gone for an urban base for my squads because I like the Pavonis level on Dark Crusade so these are a homage to it.

I still have to do:

Marneus Calgar

Honor Guard

1 Captain - Painted

1 Tactical Squad - Painted

1 5-man Tactical Squad - Painted

1 Devastator Squad - Painted

1 Assault Squad - Painted

1 Rhino - Painted

1 Scout Squad - Painted

1 Landspeeder - Painted








Thanks for looking.

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Special characters? ;) .... nah I'd done them before I thought about doing an army in truth. I've only just got the cash together to get a battleforce and the three guys with green grass were just painted for fun before I had any itention of having an army. The rest of the army will be urban based though.
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Cheers guys. The blue is Mordian Blue with Ultramarine Blue highlights working up to 30/70 Ultramarine/Skull White mix. It's probably a personal thing with the bases I'm quite pleased with them though some people find them basic or not detailed enough.
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Very nice!

You've achieved a nice solid blue with great higlights,and the red on the chapter masters cloak is brilliant.


I do think that the two different sets of basing is odd and does affect the coherency of the army as Obliterator stated,but when it comes down to it its your army and if you like 'em then stick with them.


Hope we see more soon. :P

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I concur, nice solid blue and odd choice of bases! The bases don't really matter that much, I got a couple odd bases in my army, comes from collecting different models when I had different tastes.


Theres only one problem. They are Ultramarines 2nd Company! I like all Ultramarines except these guys, because they say they are the 'best fighting force in this, or any other chapter'. No offense but any 1st company would kick their ass.


But putting such things aside, great job!

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Is the blue straight out of the pot? Or has it been mixed a bit? Nice Ultras regardless! :rolleyes:

The mordian blue is right out of the pot, but thinned down a bit. Otherwise it is a bit too thick. So I've been busy with my day off by painting up all of my scouts. I'm not super happy with the skin but that's just something to work on I guess.





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Hello dere. I bring news of more Ultramarines entering the fray. Here be three of the 2nd Company's Assault Marines. The other two should be with us by Sunday.





Sorry about the pic quality my camera was fast approaching power depletion. I may go over the weaponry again tho with Badab Black to make them a bit more grimey.

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its good to see another marine player that loves the bolter scout. have you considered putting the spare scopes on them and maybe knocking up some silencers for them to make them bolter/sniper rifles?
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Always fun to see another smurf player in the ranks ;P


May I suggest getting perhaps about 2-3 more tactical squads?

You can just never have too much power armour toting badasses :jaw:

Too few and you'll get routed fast :lol:


PS: What blue do you use to highlight?

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Hi all got an update for ya. I've finished the Assault Squad. And I'm now about to move on to the Tactical Squad and Rhino.

Jodah @ Cheers I wanted to have an all Corvus pattern Assault Squad, just looks cool. Heh heh.

HJL @ You know I was thinking about throwing some on, and perhaps using the sargeant as a young Telion. :P Gets around the reason I don't have Sicarius as the head of the company. Ha ha.

Müller @ Fear not, there'll be more tacticals yet. But after I've got what I actually have on my desk done I'm going to get a dreadnought and a landspeeder as a priority.

The highlight for the blue is a mix of Ultramarine Blue and Skull White.

So without further ado I present the completed Assault Squad and a full army shot so far.





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A new update to these Ultramarines. I have finished my tactical sgt. Quite pleased with how he turned out. And particularly pleased with the U on the shoulder pad. 9 more of these fellas and I'll have finished all my basic infantry, then the fun begins (Marneus and his Honor Guard).







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