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The Marines of the Ultra Variety


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Cheers people. I'm working on these pretty flat out at the moment, trying to keep the paint jobs consistent, which is hard cause I keep wanting to slack off!


Kek @ You can try. My luck has got to change some time. ha ha

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Hi folks I've finally completed my troops and start on the Rhino and Landspeeder before starting the big C. So here they are, some updates.

One nice blurry army shot


One nice blurry Tactical Squad shot




Cheers for looking. Stay tuned for more info as it develops. :o

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Awesome minis.

Your Ultra U's are near perfect, mine are still proper U's rather than the greek character!

I love the idea of a grown man putting his minis on the gravel outside and lieing down to take a picture of them :)


Keep up the good work!



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Ok finished 4 more members of the tactical squad now. The other five are being undercoated at the mo.




Hope you like. C&C as usual appreciated.

They seem to be bewildered by the strange Xeno landscape and architecture that they find themselves running through ;)

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Heh heh yeah a round here he's known as the Herald of Destruction.

Right I've finished my Rhino which means I can now move on to my Landspeeder. Also happily it means I've finished the entire battleforce box. So a few more minis and I'll be nearer to that 1500 points goal I set myself. I have to say it's times like this I'm glad a play marines and not a horde army. :woot:



Now looking at it, it seems low on many little details like tactical markings and such but I didn't want to tie it in to one squad in particular so I tried to avoid that. I'm gonna work a bit more on the red lense.

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Another update. And on the same day! Finished Landspeeder.




Haven't done freehand on the shoulder pads because they're tricky to get at. Looking at it I see I haven't painted the lamp grill. But will sort that. May do a U on the front of the Speeder as well, but not right now as a whole day of painting and gluing things has left me rather light headed. :D

Also, to get these guys on the table I'm going to field the Captain as a chapter master to boost these guys up to 1000 pts (or near enough), until I get Marneus and his posse together.

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Why would you want to field marneus in a 1000p game? he soaks up way too many points..

And it's kinda unfluffy to field the lord of macragge with such a tiny strike force IMO (I have 4500pts ultras and I still won't field my marneus since I think he should be in a force the size of 10000-ish points...


Nice speeder though ^_^

Could use some weathering :P

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Cheers, I've added a U on the front of the Landspeeder and painted the tips of the wings red (because obviously that'll make it go faster). I'll post some pics when my camera is charged up.

Sorry no what I meant was I am going to field the captain as a Chapter Master. I haven't painted Marneus yet. Waiting to get some materials to put him together. It just rounds everything up to nearer 1000 points. Once Marneus is sorted out he'll just get demoted down to a Captain again. Then again I am thinking about getting a chaplain in place of the Captain.


My camera is fully charged and here are the photos of the landspeeder.




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  • 1 month later...

Hello there, this may be considered threadomancy but it has honest to goodness updates so we should be good. So I've nearly finished assembling 2000 points together. I'm now need only a Landraider and a Razorback to complete this army. By the way the theme of this army is that Imperial Fists have been fighting a long campaign (hence the severe battle damage) and the Ultramarines are the relief force. Therefore the Imperial Fists have taken up most of the Elites selection. But enough about that how about some pics?

Army pic


Objective Markers




Ultramarine Dreadnought




Placeholder Chaplain


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