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Nasty orks


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Right i am goint to have my first game with my shooty imperial fists army next week and my opponent has decided to use the horrid speed freaks army with wasdakka, nob bikers and trucks. all in a thousand point game!!! i cant persuade him this is very beardy and unfair so if you guys have any tips or ideas that would be very much appreciated. I have 2 full tactical, scout sniper squad, dev squad (2 plasma 2 missile) captain and vindicator this is all i have at the mo so cant change it much.


Cheers guys

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I dont advocate this much because I am a firm believer that every battle teaches you something. However given that this is going to be your first game dont play this person. Just refuse to play against this increadibly powerful list.


I suggest this because if you have never played a game before the absolute worst thing you could do is play a power player straight off the bat. If he is unwilling to play you with a nice balanced army to allow you to get to grips with the game before then working up to this tournament army then play someone else.


There are power players on this board which will say that no one should alter their playing style to accomodate you but I definitely think that you need to play someone else until you get a working knowledge of the rules. You are not going to be able to do that against this very tough army.


Find yourself another game.



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Well guns is always choice 1 when it comes to orks. So Heavy Bolter Devs and Autocannon,Heavy Bolter Preds are on the menu. One 10 man dev squad with HBs is 240 plus the pred is 85(i think). so theres 325. Add in the two 10 man tacs thats roughly 700 points gone. it goes quick.


Maybe a CC HQ next, libby or chappy. Although the Chapter masters Orb Bombard would be nice to use.

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Oh, fair enough then. I think your list could do with Lysander. No only does he make Tacticals a nice speed bump (stubborn is awesome) but he can also Bolster Defences (2+ Scout Cover Save) and if you load up on heavy bolters in your Dev Squad will be able to pump a truely awesome amount of firepower into those Nobs at 36" and then a shocking amount of accurate firepower at 12". He can then simply take the Ork charge and get on with munching through the squad that was silly enough to charge it.


I think you will see that he is worth the 200 points if you know where and how to use him. Plus all you really need to represent him is a single Thunderhammer and Stormshield Terminator (which someone should be able to lend you).


But as for tactics use cover. He is mainly on bikes and therefore if he wants to move into cover he has to take dangerous terrain tests. Simply keep your units spread out and in cover and he will have to engage you in cover to make the most out of his points. Shooting you is an option but given that he has chosen Nob Bikers he will have geared them for combat and wanting to go for the charge. Its a risk but he could end up doing more damage to himself simply going from combat to combat than you might be able to do attacking him (nob bikers are mean!).


To this effect give your Vindicator a Siege Shield to get it into cover, dont be afraid to move it through cover to avoid the nob bikers.


Essentially though I think you need to concentrate fire on the Trukks first then worry about the Nob Bikers, simply because at T4(5), W2, SV4+ and FNP you are going to waste a lot of shots trying to damage those Nobs but your bolters and Rokkits are going to be able to make significant dents in the Trukks straight away.



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If you want some ideas on what to expect from Orks here's an link that discusses them in depth. There should be some strategy links in there too. It's a long read so make yourself comfortable:




If my post isn't of help to you since you're using a different army all together I would look into some killhammer, just type "killhammer" to search for articules that have helped me alot with strategies and tactics, and how to use units effectively.

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