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WIP White Scars


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Hey All,


Well after a brief foray into Iron Snakes i have changed my mind and started a White Scars force. Painting a white themed space marine army was interesting choice to myself but a challenge nonetheless! Currently i have four Tactical Squads, A Terminator Squad, Two Captains, Two Librarians, 10 Bikes (whats a white scar army without bikes!!!), One Attack bike and a Land Speeder. Hopefully soon ill grab me some more bikes and speeders.


Here's my first attempt WIP at a White Scar and painting white (some of the pics are a bit blurry. Needing a new camera)




A Terminator I'm working on atm:






They both need touching up in area's on the models but they are still wip's as i said. Hopefully ill have them completed and based over the weekend. Still don't know what color I'm going to do the crux on the termie, the purity seals and the basing. Any suggestions?

I'm going to be starting a bike soon and thinking about converting up a Commander too.


More soon!


Any c&c is welcome.



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I like them. Nice acurate paintjob!


How do you do the blacklining? (do you do it at all?) Perhaps find a method to get thinner lines.

For the crux try a dark grey; something contrasting to the white. Green for the purity seal wax always looks strange to me.

Try a dark red.


For Basing you have to find a theme. Forrest, desert, ashen wastes, swamp etc. When you found a theme you have your colors.




Many Thanks Naysmith!


With the blacklining i tried it two different ways. On the power Armour it tried lining it with a detail brush and with the terminator i had it undercoated black and painted the white close to the armour edge. As for the purity seals i agree, green does seem weird now, ill have to try a darker red and a swamp type base does seem a good idea. Never seen really seen a swampy bases.


Here's is one of the Wip Librarians. He from an emperor's champion and other sorted parts. I'm going to give him a hammer type force weapon and thinking of green stuffing in some librarian type stuff onto his armour eg: books, lighting bolts etc etc. The chest definitely needs attention im thinking maybe some robes.






More Soon.

The Librarian looks good.

I like the relaxed pose :P .


I thought about blacklining again. Perhaps u can use a very thin marker pen. You can get them with a diameter of 0.3 mm or even less.

I dont know if that works and if the marker adheres to the acrylics. Give it a try.



Naysmith - I think ill look into trying one of the pens. Ive seen a lot of other painters use them to a good effect. I'm going to try using thinner black lining on the bike i'll have posted up soon.


Sons of Horus - Thanks mate. Yeah it would be good if it was another colour. I would prefer black. Easier for the eyes. I'm going to try and make the red darker and even perhaps a thin black outline. I hate using the transfers to annoying in my opinion.


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