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Okay, having finally worked out how to post images, I decided to post a few of my conversions etc. First up, you need to start KUNG FU FIGHTING :lol:





Proud as I am of the conversion, the paintjob is CRAP :P

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that's awesome


there should a name for dreadnought kung fu


the paint jobs isn't that bad don't worry about it


the main things is that you have got a dreadnought kicking Ork but with kung fu

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Thanks guys, and I'll be giving that weak black wash a try. Tried it on other models but need to muster motivation to do it with this one. To be honest it was one of my Conversions were I thought, This is a great idea....four hours of work later...Do I HAVE to paint it.. :)
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A good wash followed by some highlighting will help that model a lot. Don't be afraid to make the wash pretty dark, and use a bit of color in it- I suggest a warmer color to offset the glare of all that white and give a feeling of "earthiness". You should almost NEVER use pure white on a model, and certainly not as a base paint layer- it leaves nowhere to highlight to! The wash should help bring out the details of the metalics on the gun as well. Its a flamer, so its not gonna be all shiney clean, not after use. The orc's weapons (especially the chainsword) could use similar teatment, if only to keep them from drawing the eye away from the dreadnaught as shiney objects tend to do.


Once you tone down the base color and put on some highliths so the shape of details pop out a bit, try doing some battle wear. Paint chips (just a bit of silver metalics where paint would get chipped of, maybe with a touch of dark gray on the top edge) look great on white vehicles, and with all the kung fu he does, he'd get a lot of them. Dried mud (and maybe some flecks of gore) on his feat and the lower edges of the leg armor would work well too.


And paint the base! You can't just glue down raw dirt- it doesn't look right "at scale". That means even dirt needs to get a dark shade and then some drybrushing. This also gives you a perfect chance to add that dried mud on the dread, since it lets you make the colors match.


Scale painting is all about playing up the contrasts so that there's the same amount of detail for the eye to pick up as there would be on a full sized object. That model has some NICE detail, but by painting it flat, bright white it looks (at a distance) like a flat sheet of paper. Don't be afraid to make the shadows / low areas darker than they "should be", because you can't make the highlights any brighter than white (and probably should even slightly tint those).


All that said, I like the model and base paint scheme- wouldn;t have bothered with all that typing if I didn't!

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MORE! YOU WANT MORE! Maybe :( That said I do have a conversion planned of a marine hanging onto a Sentinel punching his way through into the cockpit. :lol: Anyone wants to do a good version of that is welcome.


Anyway, thanks for the mini tutorial on how to improve paint job Lord H :D That should help be a few thousand percent. Thanks for all the nice stuff everyone's said about conversion and thanks for all the tips for paint job

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MORE! YOU WANT MORE! Maybe :drool: That said I do have a conversion planned of a marine hanging onto a Sentinel punching his way through into the cockpit. :tu: Anyone wants to do a good version of that is welcome.


Anyway, thanks for the mini tutorial on how to improve paint job Lord H :woot: That should help be a few thousand percent. Thanks for all the nice stuff everyone's said about conversion and thanks for all the tips for paint job



and i have been wondering what i was going to do with that single sentinel sitting there on my shelf!!! that is wicked i will get to work on that right away ha ha ha. so what if all my current projects are getting shuffled.....

i still think your Fu'Nought is awesome.

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"Eat foot!"... or maybe "I have more awesome and win in this foot than in your whole codex!" :P



lol very good, decent conversion there ;) Funny, I was thinking more Mortal Kombat than kung-fu. It's Shao Kahn in a Dread :P


*Splat!* "That was Pathetic"

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