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1000pts of Salamanders


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I was trudging about with this idea for a while now. But didnt really get pushed into gear with the idea till about 1-2 weeks ago (early april.) I had bought all the stuff and started some initial work on the army but got distracted. So when I got back to it the army was about half built. Though it still required massive amount of greenstuff work (Rescaling parts of Dreads, filling gaps and similar. Building the boots onto the scouts). I wish I could have taken better pictures but my camera is old and its overcast outside. Since I have to give this army away, towmorrow I didnt have much of a choice. (I may try to get some better pics in the early AM or with some different lights tonight)


More or less the army was originally going to consist at 1500pts of:

Master of the Forge with Conversion Beamer,

3 Ironclads with Assault Launchers & Heavy Flamers,

10 Tactical Marines with Power Weapon and Basic Weapons

10 Scouts with Missile Launcher & Tellion

3 More Ironclads like above.


Though the change from being an army for myself and a gift prompted the dropping of 2 Dreadnoughts, 5 scouts and 5 marines to bring the list down to 1000pts.


Without further ado, pictures!


An Couple of Army Shots:






My HQ, He was my First wanderings into an almost Full Body/Leg/Arm Sculpt and hes my second favorite part of the army.



The Elite Slot Dreadnoughts(I admit the arms are pretty poorly done.):



The Heavy Slot Dreadnoughts (I admit the arms are also pretty poorly done.):



The Only Squad thats not really converted (The Tactical Marines):



And Finally my Favorite Squad, the Scouts with Tellion:



I used Dark Elf Corsairs much to the dismay of many people when they heard my idea, though I feel they came out as the coolest part of the army (The pics of them are especially poor :)) Conversion Work consisted mostly of Replacing Crossbows with Guns, Replacing Heads with Scout Biker heads, and Sculpting Boots and KneePads onto their legs. I still have 5 more Corsairs to build so I may make a squad for my Own enjoyment.


Thats all I really have to say and show...just hoping my friend likes the gift :P

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Is that Tau bits i see in the conversion beamer?!! B)


Your salamanders look ace. I especially like your scouts and master of the forge. Have you given any thought to what type of basing style you are going to do on your models?

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Arg, I'm sorry to say but I actually thought when I first looked at them, that they were incomplete. So much green, so little other colors. Something is needed to break it up, anything. I've seen and liked other sallies, but I dunno, green...


But thats just my 2 cents.

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I agree. When I saw this I thought it was a WIP too. However, just a wash of black or devlan mud should finish these guys up. You could follow it with a drybrush/ highlight of a lighter green for extra effect. They have potential, but right now they are not as awesome as they could be.


Nice Master of the Forge though. Hate to face that conversion beamer!

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