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"Victory over Death!"

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Well, its been awile, had some computer problems but im back!


This thread is the one that was suppost to follow From the Ashes but some technical and financial difficulties deplayed it, but its finaly back on track


My plan is to build the Blood Ravens 2nd Company, a long term project which is ultimantly for an even longer term project. blah, enough babbling, time to get down to business


My immediate goal is to get a 1000pt army on the table, and i have a few components to it now, which include.


- 1 Predator

- 10 tactical marines with Flamer and Missile Launcher

- 1 Dreadnaught

- 5 Terminators


the models to come soon will be:


- Librarian

- Another Tact. Squad

- 2 Razorbacks


To start this project off I salvaged the Predator from the From the Ashes project and re-painted it, at the moment it is still in the painting stages, in total i have spent about three hours on it so far, with many more to come.





(Note: The floor is me experimenting with washes, still dont quite have the hang of it.)


It is, like i said, very work in progress, and those are the treads and sponsons in the background, i still have to pin them. basicaly it is in the final stages of painting, touch-ups, another coat, highlights and the small things.


And then of course, i when out and bought the Assalt on Black Reach boxed set, which so far looks like a nice set, i have yet to take the models off the sprues and put them together, but they look like wonderfuly crafted minis. The dreadnaught is a bit on the small side but that ok, adds character.





For $60 it is well worth its buy, i hope later today or tomorow i will build the models and get them primed.


Thats all i have right now, in a few days I hope to have another update, C&C is appreciated on the tank.


-Brother Azeek

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the nid' isnt a power armor related model (if you where to sneak it into the background of a picture of a tank maybe...)


the AOBR dread isnt actualy smaller then a normal dread, its just lacking detail in specific spots, and the fact that its two peice's snaped together and you have to build it there way, it makes it seem smaller when its really not.


the weapons are a bit smaller because there missing half of one side... but thats it.

nid looks good but it's gonna get taken off~washes are difficult to master but even a shoddy job with em looks good IMO,agreed with angel, the dread is the same size, and it's irritating that some coversion has to be done if you want to put normal dread parts on it

Well I have been busy lately but I did manage to paint up the Captain from the AoBR boxed set, I need to do touch-ups and highlights but overall he is almost done. I am realy happy with how the cape turned out. Hopefully I will be able to finish him tomorow!






Things that need to be done to the Captain






the Powersword is nowhere complete eather, at the moment it stands as my failed attempt at blending.


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