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My Guardians of the Covenant - New Thread


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I have moved this post from the combined thread since I can't edit when it was last updated and it seems a bit dead. I have deleted it from that post so that I dont earn the ire of the mods. Until such time as the GotC community re-activates (we mostly seem to have dropped off the boards at around the same time last year) I will use this threads to show off my 1st ever army of any sort, which I started painting last June.

I took a break from painting and pursued other hobbies late last year (was a bit burnt out), but started again about 6 weeks ago. I am doing an IG army to go with my Daemonhunters, but I am also comitted to finishing my Guardians of the Covenant. I have fleshed out some 5 man squads to the same standard as I have posted previously. What I am posting here are some "new" additions to my army. C&C welcome as always. Older posts and models can be seen in my galleries and in the combined Guardians HoH thread in my sig. I will also take some combined army shots and updated squad shots in the near future as I think my camera skills have improved slightly.

First up are my sniper scouts. Nothing amazing, but a respectable table top standard as far as I can see. I still really struggle with faces despite GW staff, How to Paint Citadel Miniatures, and tutorials online and it frustrates the hell out of me. I am coming to the conclusion that simple is better. I am also staggered at how people manage to do eyes so well - my attempts made them look like mutants! I am pleased though with the red fatigues and the black cloaks - used methods different from the rest of my army and stolen off others on the boards ;) Thanks.






Next up is a kit bashed librarian since my ebay purchased Ezekiel model looks like excrement, not to mention it being one of the first models I ever painted in my life back last Summer. I know he doesnt have the librarian horned skull on his left shoulder, but I still love him. Actually, in some ways he is one the minis I am most proud of doing in this whoel process. He is also my first ever attempt at using green stuff to fill in a gap created by his arm holding the book. His forece axe is also my first ever attempt at a lightning ttype effect. I am also very proud of the way the script turned out on the backpack scroll and in the book. I know he is not amazing or perfect, but I think he is pretty damned good personally. C&C appreciated as always.





Thats it for now.

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Next up is a kit bashed librarian since my ebay purchased Ezekiel model looks like excrement, not to mention it being one of the first models I ever painted in my life back last Summer.


I'm guessing you haven't been in the hobby long? These guys ae cool, especially the librarian's axe. Couple of things:

  • The hooded scout's sniper rifle has some mould/ left over plastic on it. Sorta detracts from the model a little.
  • The librarians axe holding hand looks like the paint has been applied to thickly and got in the recesses. I think just going over it with a wash should solve that


Other than that, can't wait to see more.

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Next up is a kit bashed librarian since my ebay purchased Ezekiel model looks like excrement, not to mention it being one of the first models I ever painted in my life back last Summer.


I'm guessing you haven't been in the hobby long? These guys ae cool, especially the librarian's axe. Couple of things:

  • The hooded scout's sniper rifle has some mould/ left over plastic on it. Sorta detracts from the model a little.
  • The librarians axe holding hand looks like the paint has been applied to thickly and got in the recesses. I think just going over it with a wash should solve that


Other than that, can't wait to see more.


Started painting last June, with a 4 month gap in my efforts from November to March. Never painted or modelled anything before that. I find the painting therapeutic, and seeing assembled ranks of painted robed marines is rather satisfying. I haven't actually played very much up to now - work, wife and toddler means I can normally scrape an hour here and there to paint but struggle to find 3 - 4 to travel 30 mins to the nearest club and play. I plan on trying to set aside one day off a month to playing as soon as I get my GotC finished. At the moment I am aiming for a consistent slightly above average table top quality and once I get that consistently, I will practice more refined techniques on collectable, signature pieces and squads that may or may not be related to my main armies.


I will sort out that moulding. I must admit that getting rid of flash/mould/mould lines etc sometimes gets forgotten until the base coat is on... and then I sometimes ignore it... I really need to spend some more time on pre-painting prep I think. Attention to all detail...


Thanks again for the comments. If you want to see more check out some of my older posts - I think that I have improved since the earliest days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

Still beavering away at my Guardians before getting sucked into my IG khaki horde. C&C of all sorts apprecaited as always.

Here is what has been finished recently - first up is an attempt at a kit bashed company champion (ordered bitz and spares off my frames). I am not overly thrilled with how he came out, but he works at a table top level. A mate (semi-pro) is doing me a champ as a present, so this guy will be relegated to my veteran squad at some point in the near future. I know I have got some basing sand on his tabard - that has now been sorted out.




Now, here is a picture of my first painting attempt of a dread late last year. Here is Venerable Brother Arias (from the early Christian "heresy")


I was never particularly pleased with him, so while doing the 2nd dread for my army, I touched him up, added some extra bits, and finished off some missed deatil work... here he is again.



And here is his companion, Venerable Brother Romach (from the Hebrew word for spear)




and finally, a pic of my dreads together... a formidable sight if I do say so myself.


Thats it for now. I have an Azreal in Guardians colours almost done and a vet squad about 60% done as well - will post them when they are finished. C&C away and thanks for looking.

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*Sarcy comment about lack of comments edited out*

My 2 year old daughter being with my folks while the wife and I spring clean has not only allowed us to get some big jobs done, it has also allowed me more painting time in 48 hours than I normally get in a week. So, for the second day in a row, here are some more of my Guardians.

First up is my veteran squad. In battle this will either be lead by Grand Master Herev (see below) or my Chaplain. I have not yet procured their modes of transport - porbably get both a LRC and a DP at some point for them and their commander. Their number will be increased to 7 when my new champion arrives from my mate. And expensive squad, but when coupled with Herev's (Azrael's) invulnerability bonus and obscene numbers of PW attacks they could cause some serious CC havoc. Since my army is 100% robed or tabarded, vets are designated by having gold trim on their left shoulder pads, and if possible a red cloth or sword pattern left pad as well.






And now for Grand Master Herev VII and his watcher. I am really proud of this mini, even though I am fully aware that he is not perfect. I still struggle with eyes - I just do not have a steady enough hand to paint such a small area black and then dot it white. Have decided to keep it table top simple instead and just use heavy washes for his eye pits.







C&C would be most appreciated.

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I likie the little yellow eyes on the watcher. It's good consistency you've got going for your army. How are you doing your gold? It looks like you could use a couple of washes of Devlan Mud to bring out the detail on the golden decorations. Or if you can get access to it, Chestnut Ink. Also a good way of getting a better coverage of gold is to work up from Scorched Brown gradually mixing in more Shining Gold untill you have pure gold. But like I said, these are nice and the cloaks and robes on the marines look very good. Well done
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Thanks Duncs


At the oment its just Shining Gold + Badab Black, but I know what you are saying. This was an ebayed model though, and had been stripped - some of the detailing was very "shallow" so I could not get much depth on it. Thanks for the comment though, and I have certainly decided to switch to Devlan rather than badab for gold.

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Hi guys

Here is a test terminator - I vacillated a lot over whether or not to dip my toe into a Guardians of the Covenant "Deathwing". Before investing in the models, I decided to paint up the freebie that I got with a WD. Here is the result - I think it looks pretty good personally and I like teh scheme. I have ordered more tabards from a bitz site to keep the red cloth continuity. I also think the bone terminatus pad is a nice nod back to the original deathwing. It is also my first ever successful use of decals, and indeed my first ever use of my new hobby drill. C&C appreciated as always.







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