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tactics for large squads and mainly for bt players


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i thought that i would post a few of the well known and simples ones, for those who are very new to this game :)


hello, after my usual browsing here, i found tactics for bts that inspired me to come up with a few along with what i found.


1.??????? NO NAME YET, X FACTOR? but flat form?.

this one shows you how to literally twist the idea of a cover save and is better than going to ground, works with a minimum of two squads

thank you corpse!




another one is



moving two rhinos along side each other then when your men disembark, turn the rhinos so that they form a wall of steel presenting the side armour to the enemy creating a large wall and pop the smoke launchers for additional protection.




| = rhino

x = squad


| |

they then turn around like this after disembarking

_ _

x x




this one involves however many squads you want and having grimaldus in the middle


G =grimaldus and retinue

x = squads

they are placed in position like this


grims retinue is placed like this:





this makes any unit within 6 inches of any friendly bt unit fearless, think this only extends to grimadlus not including his retinue however it still works whether his retinue counts or not









this is literally attack bikes with multi meltas that are just behind the first line of your squad of marines or termis and when you shoot you can just move the marines out of the way so your enemy doesnt get cover saves from firing through your own men and then move them back in front of the bikes again when they run! i choose the bikes because they can keep up with the bt run! dreads can be replaced instead of the bikes however they are much slower.

this technique allows the already Toughness 5 bike with 2 wounds to achieve literally a 4+ invulnerable save ( note that it is a COVER save not invulnerable i am just comparing )




X = squad 1 ( doesnt matter between neophtyes or initiates )

O = squad 2

B = attack bike


STEP 1 deployment





STEP 2 move and then shoot






step 3 running back into step one




this tactic must use a minimum of TWO marine squad and one attack bike squad.




This tactic is mainly against squads or characters like abaddon that you assault knowing that he will cause serious casulties, you simply place your most powerfist at the back of the squad and let him chew through the majority of the squad, then attack he has had his attacks and you have had your he cant hurt you powerfist guy you can then swarm in and take the advantage, becareful not to place your power fist guy base to base contact with the enemy. eventually they will lose precious models to your hidden power fist while you will lose models, you will most likely lose less vp points than they will.



X = men

A = abaddon, carnifex, whatever is big, large and/or nasty ( or any enemy squad e.g )

P = powerfist guy


Step 1







Step 2







This involves any 3 transport vehicles, razor backs are less attractive for this tactic, and the bait.


R = rhino

E = enemy

0 = men/squads inside the transport when they disembark

J = the bait ( dont have to if you dont want )




step one - deployment -


The enemy is 24 inches away



..R.JR..12 inches max no more i usually do 8 max or 10 between the rhinos



step one

move everything at the same pace, you first move the rhinos at 10 inches in the first turn not 12 due the unreliablity of the running phrase and your formation should stay the same.


- note - make sure the bait is right near the edge of the deployment zone and that the back rhino has its front armour at the back of the first rhino line - note -


The enemy will play his fastest unit and try to break you believing he has the upper hand he will most liekly send in two squads of deadly close combat enemies maybe three if he is desperate.


step 2 - your 2nd turn -


you bait , J , will move out of the trap just behind one of the rhinos he can either do this in the shooting phrase or the movement ( i would do it in shooting so that he/ or the squad cant be picked out and can cause a head ache for the opponent and make him/her hesitate more )

the rhinos then move full speed making it a total of 22 inches in two turns and trap the enemy

your troops then disembark place your most dangerous units inside the trap and rapid fired them to death.







your enemy will no have either lost two things,

the tip of his formation or attack ( his elite units or even his large troop choices ) and will now have to split his forces into the corners making it easier for you as you can now concentrate on only half of the remanding force and forget the rest or just take pot shots at one side and annihilate the other.


or he has lost 1/3 or 1/2 of his army and will have make a run for you as you can prepare for an assault.


MORE will arrive later, however i am busy at the moment, if you ahve any other tatics please share them.

why wont this text box show any spaces when i place the x apart? please comment or give ratings!



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