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Pig Iron tanks


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Note: The symbol on the door of the first tank was chosen on a purely aesthetic/thematic basis, to tie it in with my Space Marine chapter, and is in no way meant to make a statement for/against nor to offend anyone. I apologize in advance if you are insulted by my choice. Please know that it is not my intent to incite conflict.



Name:Kobra Stryker Points:175

Front Armor:14 Side Armor:13 Rear Armor:12 BS:3


Type: Amphibious Tank


Crew: Human



- Smoke Launchers

- Searchlight

- Hunter-Killer Missile

- Track Guards

- Dozer Blade

- Improved Comms



- 1 Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter

- 1 AA-mounted Lb Autocannon

- 1 Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter



May replace the AA-mounted Lb Autocannon with:

- Heavy Bolter..........................................................free

- Multi-melta.............................................................10 pts.

- Plasma Cannon.......................................................15 pts.

- Lascannon.............................................................20 pts.

May take Extra Armor for 15 points.


Access Points: 2; 1 left side, 1 rear.


Transport Capacity: 15 Guardsmen or 10 Space Marines. Can not carry models equipped with Terminator Armor. May carry more than one unit transport capacity permitting.











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Name:Kobra APC Points:160

Front Armor:14 Side Armor:13 Rear Armor:12 BS:3


Type: Amphibious Tank


Crew: Human



- Smoke Launchers

- Searchlight

- Hunter-Killer Missile

- Track Guards

- Dozer Blade



- 1 Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter

- 1 Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter


Options: May take Extra Armor for 15 points.


Access Points: 2; 1 left side, 1 rear.


Transport Capacity: 20 Guardsmen or 15 Space Marines. Can not carry models equipped with Terminator Armor. May carry more than one unit transport capacity permitting.












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Thanks guys for the compliments. I appreciate it.


Mr.Bleak. At the moment I have no plans on converting any more of these Pig Iron tanks to fit with the 40k aesthetic, these two are part of a larger homebrewed Imperial Guard contingent that I plan on using in conjunction with my Space Marines for apocalypse games. Currently I have two IG veteran squads in the construction stage which will be riding to battle on these iron steeds. :) Once I have them painted, I will be posting images of them too. If you are curious about my Space Marines, you can click on the link in my signature. Also, here is a link to the conversion blog for my IG detachment that these tanks are a part of. LeeHarvey's Apocalypse Guard Detachment.


Corax, I used that symbol only to tie that tank in with my Space Marines, which use said symbol for their chapter badge. The reason for it is purely aesthetic, it is in no way meant to offend or make a statement for or against any one person or group of people. It's strictly a thematic device. My apologies if I've caused you offense, but I cannot remove it from the model, neither would I if I could, the model is finished.

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@The Damned, Sure, here you go. The base chassis' are from Pig Iron, the two are the SL2 Ironstorm and SL3 Ironshield respectively. I just scratchbuilt some minor components such as cupola mounts and the rest are bits from the IG and SM vehicle accessory sprues. You can click the link in my previous post to the guard detachment to see a more in-depth WIP log of the entire project.














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Very cool. I read your fluff about your marines and why they have nazi symbols. Not my cup of tea, but I understand what your getting at. Love the conversion though. I just realised that i purchased 20 Iron pig heads for some traitor guardsmen.
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Excellent tanks, different from the normal 40K ones, but it works great. I wonder if my Inquisition needs a number of custom Chimera's :D ...


Very nice paintjob too, it's clean, but it's got a sufficiënt 'dirty' look to it too. Well done!

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Looks fantastic! Nice subtle realism to them. Also I'm intrigued to look into Pig Iron, I hadn't come across them before.


It's also prompted me to read your blog - interesting. I'm pretty open minded and I think I see what you're doing in using the design themes. Using your army as a thought provoking mirror of popular perceptions is a bold thing to do and I wish you luck in walking the tightrope you've set for yourself - prompting awareness without inciting conflict! Personally I'm going to stick with my clearly fictional armies.

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I also read through your blog and your rationalizations. While I applaud your stand against causing offense and the satirical nature of our reasons, even I felt uncomfortable with the Swastikas. Not sure why really since I don't flinch if I see them on a model of a Tiger of ME109. Wierd isn't it?


My gut reaction aside, I must congratulate you on some amazing conversions, a good clean coherent vision of your armies, and extremely good painting skills - if only I could manage such, but than I think I am far more impatient and have far less steady hands and pratcial vision than you.


I look forward to seeing more.

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Fantastic miniatures. I've not read your reasoning for using the "swastika" symbol, but I don't take offence. With all due respect to the brave men and women that fought in the war, I think it is time we reclaimed the symbol. After all, wasn't it an African Christian device originally?


Either way, it's acceptable to create games and other entertainment using the symbol (CoD5 anyone?) so why not model?


Great work.

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Looks good, dont worry about the swasika, its clear that you are not a pro-nazi and anti-semitic from the intro, so people cant really complain from what is an excellent conversion. read your blog, adn the reasoning behind it seems fair, and also sm use semi-blitzkrieg tactics, so....

Anyways, back on topic, the converion is awesome, the freehand is awesome and the paint is awesome, conclusion; it is awesomely awesome XD



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Oh how the people have forgotten. Even Finland used the MANJI alot. (I like to think that the box shaped Manji is a peaceful good luck sign while the 45 degree symbol is indeed bad. (I know Wikipedia isn't a reliable source but you get the idea).




Anyways, I like the tank, very brutal and tough looking. I see where your idea comes from and I do feel that undeniable twinge of apprehension, but beside that it's all fine and good. The frontal armor of 14 seems a bit over, but I guess that is justified by the points.

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Lovely miniatures. Really fantastic. I think you really captured the atmosphere and regalia of WWII.


Unfortunately I can see many people becoming 'offended' as if they have some sort of right to be so.

Few people actually think about it, contemplate it at all. They just see the symbol and go 'Oh that's a bad symbol,

you are being offensive' without even understanding it or knowing why.


There are many WWII based wargames out there and all of them use swastikas freely.

It's an interesting dilemma but one that (from me at least) you need not worry about.



I really liked your dreadnoughts. They were totally class!


Keep up the good work. I'd kill to play against you... would be so much fun playing against such a clearly evil and nastily themed army.

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What schwastica, i dont see any..... ooooooh.


Very nice conversions, beutiful paint schemes, and realistic inspiration really brings character to these tanks. Also, the Higgans landing boat form of the whole tank is very cool. Gives it an aquatic feel with treads. Possibly a naval form of Imp. Guard for completely desert planets (battleships on treads)?


Though not offended, I do get the same reaction as Basilius. The whole schwastica symbol thing on a ww2 german period vehicle is normal to me, but seeing one on a non-regulation/fantasy vehicle is.... well, odd. And to Grimfang, just because someone is confused or upset about a specific symbol doesn't mean someone is being immature, it just means they grew up knowing bad things associated with that particular symbol, and recall it as offensive, or through other simmilar means. It's not immaturity, it's just the way we are taught and how we comprehend it (personal opinions are also a big role).


Anyhoo, rant done, very nice models. And as I say over in Da Waaagh forums... LOOTED!

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they aren't swastikas!!! Swastikas are turned on their side; almost like standing on their point. Otherwise they are a symbol of Buddha and the hindu religion. The Nazi's used them for symbolic reasons for their propaganda war. All that aside...


Great job on the tanks. Didn't read your blog or really of the other posts besides the first couple. Just the right amount of shading/highlighting. I like the way the blue really pops.

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Nice conversions and painting, but from my point of the view the statement you are making about the Imperium sort of stares you in the face and doesn't really need highlighting :P You take a subtle comparison and smash it with over obviousness in my opinion :(
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Wow, I've been contemplating getting some of those vehicles for a while, you've totally put me off the idea now - as theres no way I'd get them to look that good!


they aren't swastikas!!! Swastikas are turned on their side; almost like standing on their point. Otherwise they are a symbol of Buddha and the hindu religion.


Care to tell us what sanskrit word Buddhists and Hindus use to refer to that symbol? :P

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