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Got another box of CSM


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I think he means 6 Oblits, about the weapons setup: well bit hard to tell, you cant go wrong here if you always take 2 specials in a squad and if you dont mix rapid fire with assault weaponry. So it just depends on your choice here. With normal csm I think plasma guns are overall the worst choice. By plague marines it is a close call because of the feel no pain.
Zhukov, out of curiosity, why would you say that plasma guns are the worst choice for a CSM squad?

I think it's because you don't have FNP to negate Gets Hot! like you do with Plague Marines.


Anyway, they're built from the torso down people, if you have suggestions, give them now.

Yeah there were some discussions about the usefullness of plasma guns on plague marines and plasma guns in general. The became worse with 5th edition mainly because cover, but vehicles are also harder to destroy. On normal marines overheat becomes for me a serious isue, you will lose csm's to overheating. But currently i'm taking again some plasma guns on plague marine squad without fist for home objective holding. Its just debatable, also because it is the most expensive weapon, but its has its advantages of course (extra range when not moving/ extra shots).
not bad, not at all. Although if you want a heavy weapon I think an autocanon/missile launcher/lasscanon complements the plasma gun more, but thats only a minor thing. Heavy bolter will do, but why not 2 plasmaguns? You not always need to have one squad which really 'camps'. My aim is always to put the objectives to the front so 24 inch should be good enough range. Lets face it it becomes either a highly static squad or you are wasting the heavy weapon if you move. Thats one of the big pro's csm got over normal marines: the ability to take 2 specials, its almost always the better choice to do so.
trust me, 2 meltas, a powerfist for asp champ and mounted in a rhino...best darn troops choice in the game!


QFT. Faced 4 of these in 2000points the other day. It was VERY annoying. Get your long range shooting from some other slot; your troops should be punching in faces.

Yeah, right yeah.

10-man CSM w/Dual Meltas, fist champ and an icon of chaos glory, that's one hell of a troop, your CSM should be punching your enemy squarely into face, not backing down. Plasma guns have one big problem, their armour piercing capabilities. Flamers have the same + they don't do a thing against elites. Melta insta-gibs, destroys and wounds effectively. Less range more firepower, and your CSM are going forward.

You even said in an earlier post "Heavy Bolter will do, but why not 2 Plasmaguns?", so I was following that premise.


Also, my army is only Khorne/Undivided (although I might have a few Icons of Tzeentch in units, to represent force field generators), so no Plague Marines. Also, Oblits are a... Bit hard to afford at the moment, even if I did the "Buy a box of Termies and convert to Oblits" thing.

Yes I know I said that, but thats because if you want plasma its better to take 2 plasmaguns in stead of 1 plasma and 1 heavy bolter indeed. But that doesnt say that I think meltas and flamers are better weapon choices for them. I'm just talking about the most effecient things you can do.


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