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Drop Pod Killahammer Question.

War Angel

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im going to be playing a large game (possibly considerable to appoc standards, though none of us have such units so i think its being kept standard.)with a group of people.


We have set up a unique scenario in wich, I, the Space Marine player, Am responding to a destress signal. all i know is that the planet is an imperial guard training grounds, and is being wiped out by other force's. I dont know if these force's are necron's emerging from there tombs, eldar pirates, or even the force's of chaos.


once i arrive i will be droping my force's onto the battle feild via drop pods (only at this point do i know what im upagainst, as the imperial force's will be able to send a message to my ship's once i am in orbit. my force's at my disposal will be an entire battle company of 100 space marines (plus command and the dreadnaughts attached to said company) which will all arive via drop pods (aside from assault marines)



where im having a bit of trubble is determining how to outfit the differnt squads. as the game isnt until the middle of summer, i have plenty of time to build up my force's and train them, but i dont want to have to build several differnt company's for later use, i want to be able to use these squads untill GW decides that space marines will no longer form up into 10 man squads, but into 2 man fire teams (that would blow). following the story line of our game, im number my squads, And to keep them in unision i want to have my 6 tactical squads outfitted with a few differnt weapon layouts to allow them to preform the differnt roles of killahammer (cleaner's killer's defender's and firebase are all i remember right now)


ive looked at alot of differnt thread's on drop pod tatcis, and ive gone over some of the killahammer threads many times, But i dont think any ones ever dropd 11 drop pods (plus two assault squads) onto the feild, and the common advice of "drop 3 pods, 2 of them being iron clads and one being a tac squad) isnt going to be much use.


im forceing alot of this army to fluff, But really im just looking for little things like differnt kits for the squads so i can fufill the various roles. Due to the size of the battle im going to be landing on, im sure there will be plenty of oppertunitys for me to wreak havok on the enemy.


thanks for any support you can give

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It might be best to go with a generalist approach, with maybe a power fist, plasma gun and missile launcher in each Tactical unit, take a Master of Forges so you can shift your Dreads in to heavy slots which will free up your elite slots for more role-specific units.



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If you have the 5th ed codex, there's a picture showing the whole 2nd company of ultramarines.

You could follow that if you were going for fluff.


I think Warp Angel's Killhammer article on equipping tac squads lists some cmbinations, and there are plenty of articles on this topic that predate it, and are 5th ed oriented (the 4th ed 6 man las/plas isn't legal anymore).


When looking at drop pods, you need to think about whether you'll be dropping close to the enemy (offense) or not (defense) eg near some stronghold, or even trying to use the pods as cover.

Remeber that you can combat squad on disembarking, so you can get additional mini-dev squads by clumping the heavy halves of the tacticals, and pseudo-assault/mid-range bolter squads with the other halves.


Whether you opponents are mech/horde/monstruous will make a big difference, and of course a real general would hopefully know what he/she's up against, and would arm appropriately. YOu don't mention whether you'll be dropping any armour. If you're not, then you should strongly consider dropping several "empty" pods too (Forgeworld deathstorm, or just GW deathwind). Liberal use of locator beacons will also assist.


Off the top of my head:

ranged/shooty squads for defense can/should include lascannons (anti-mech), plasmacannons (anti-TEQ), heavybolters (anti-horde) or missile launchers (mixed-purpose) with plasma guns (for the range), with combi-plasma or stormbolters on the sergeants, ccw (PW,PF,BP,Chainsword) choice up to you. Of course you need to look at how you're equipping the "real" devastator squads as well.

triple melta (combi-melta+meltagun+multi-melta) is a good anti-tank squad (esp with fist) for agressive pods.

I think the dreads and assault squads should work in tandem, but having said that, with no armour, your assault squads are the ONLY squads you have with any mobility, so you may want to equip them for multi-purpose.


Hope this helps,.

Cheers, Paul.

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Drop a combination of stuff.


Tacticals should be kitted out for generalist duties.

Devastators should be kitted out to land well away from the enemy and smoke things from range.

Dreadnaughts should be dropping in close to rip, rend, and shred.

Sternguard to obliterate the elites and other hard to kill stuff.


I'd deploy the devs and dreads first (at their appropriate ranges) and save the tacticals and whatnot for later. Combat squad the devs into 2 heavy weapons each to minimize the ability of your opponent to wipe you


This advice, changes completely depending on the battlefield and opponent setup.

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@ Paulochromis: No armour, just drop podded units (might be able to get landspeeders, not sure if fluff allowes but i think they might)



im glad you showed up warp angel. i was actualy going to have a dev squad with multipul multimelta's....but im seeing youre point now.


not entirely sure what you ment by tacs having generalist role's... im assuming you mean hunter's and defenders?

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Generalist duties would be best for the tacticals, but if you really want killhammer tacticals just go for certain set ups. Plas/MM/Fist squads make good holders for example. But remember that the real thing doing damage with those squads will be your bolters, so i wouldn't deviate too far from a Anti-Infantry set up. MG/MM/Combi-melta may be a bad set up for example. But to maximize poddy goodness take a MotF. And ask about LS's because they can deep strike.
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A generalist build is one that is not focused on one type of role, yet can be good at several different roles. An example would be a 10 man Tactical squad with a power fist for anti-armor/MC, a meltagun or plasmagun for anti-light vehicle/TEQ/MEQ, and a missile launcher for anti-horde/anti-vehicle. While one squad like this is generally not as good as a focused anti-<insert role>, 2-3 generalist squads are awesome at any role they tackle together.



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ok, ive begun making my list and devideing up the weapons amungst my squads, currently it looks like this


Squad One: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Infantry Hunter

Squad Two: Melta/ Multi-Melta - Tank Hunter

Squad Three: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Infantry Hunter

Squad Four: PlasmaGun/ Rocket Launcher - Meq Hunter

Squad Five: PlasmaGun/Plasma Cannon - Meq Defender

Squad Six: Flamer/ Heavy Bolter - Horde Defender



i dont think i understand killahamer on this factor.... dreadnaughts, i imagin them to be a very killy thing on the feild of battle.... i have the standard layout one from the AOBR box, so its got a multi melta. this makes it very good against other tanks right? but what makes that more killy then a squad packing melta gun and a multi melta of its own??? just its shear ability to shrug off normal hits? or am i wrong in thinking its a killer and insted is it a hunter? (its in a drop pod of course)



BTW, thank you for responding to this warp angel. youre threads are inspireing.


i havnt gone though the squad leaders weapons yet. and im trying to decide which squads to give deathwind launchers to, but im thinking hunter squads, as they'll likely be fired closer to the front lines...

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i dont think i understand killahamer on this factor.... dreadnaughts, i imagin them to be a very killy thing on the feild of battle.... i have the standard layout one from the AOBR box, so its got a multi melta. this makes it very good against other tanks right? but what makes that more killy then a squad packing melta gun and a multi melta of its own??? just its shear ability to shrug off normal hits? or am i wrong in thinking its a killer and insted is it a hunter? (its in a drop pod of course)


Let me attempt to answer this.


First and most important factor is as you have mentioned, it is essentially immune to every standard issue gun across the 40K game (exceptions are S4 shooting at its rear and Gauss Weapons :D). This means that no matter how many lasguns fire at it, they are not going to do more than scratch the paintwork. This makes it both more and less survivable on the battlefield, it only takes one hit to ground it but it has to be high strength and lucky in order to achieve it.


Secondly it is relentless which means that it can move and fire its multimelta. This is important as it means that it can fire it once it has podded in and can chase down armour that is trying to get away from you (hopefully keeping it within the vital 12" double dice zone). It also means that it can charge into the tank and strike at S10 I4, ok against tanks it makes no difference but against something like a defiler if you are lucky enough you can wreck it without sufferring any damage in return.


With the squad you will either have to stand still and hope that your two melta weapons do the damage for you or pay for a Power fist and not shoot the multi melta.


Thirdly it wastes less points of killing potential. Think about the sacrificed shooting of each of the two options for a moment. The dread is cheaper from the start and only wastes 1 storm bolter (or H Flamer) when shooting at tanks however if you are standing and shooting you are wasting 16 potential bolter shots which are much better at killing infantry. This means that each turn you decide to shoot your full tactical at a squad you are sacrificing the following kills from bolter kills alone:


1.8 MEQ

7.2 GEQ

0.9 TEQ


(Mathhammer assumes 16 bolter shots and no cover saves, it is probably wrong as well)


Ok I have focused on killing armor for the potential but something else that needs to be considered is assault. A standard 10 creature S4 squad is going to be able to force a lot of wounds in assault with your Tactical Squad however unless they have a power fist your dread is going to be fairly immune and an effective speed bump. Drop Podded dreads are my number 1 tarpit troop, my MM and ML dread has enabled more victories that almost anything else in my list without actually killing very much, simply by killing an odd tank then tarpitting the nearest infantry squad whilst the rest of my army deals with the rest (last game 14 lootas, previous game 10 Thousand Sons... the list goes on).


As you have lots of tacticals I would definitely consider an AOBR Dread as tank hunter, if the MM fails you then charge it. If nothing else it will force the opponent to dedicate a lot of fire to taking it down. It is never a killer unit though as it fails to create enough damage and isnt survivable enough to take more than 2 enemy choices before getting stuck or destroyed.



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Say you have 9 pods and are allowed the ability to deploy (not just be the IG reserve).


Drop your advance force during deployment - Say 2 dev squads or tank hunters and another long range unit, deploying three only, and siting the pods to be cover or terrain blockers. Sure, they have to be deployed in your side's deployment zone.


Turn 1 - deploy half the remaining pods in drop pod assault. 3 more come down, this gets you to 6 units on the table, and the devs, placed during deployment, are already firing. The first wave turn 1 podded units should be shorter ranged, and dropped to be able to clip enemy units with short-range rapid fire. In this case, clipping means being able to see more than half the enemy target, while limiting the target units ability to return fire with their MEQ killer weaps.


Turn 2-on - the remaining 3 pods drop in by reserve rules. Place them where you need them most. If you have any assault jump troops, have them just deep strike as reserves or deploy, depending on going first and density of terain, horde vs. other.


If the game was big enough - and fluffy enough - go for a battle company-type deployment. 3:1:1:1 tac:dev:ass:dread. See ShinyRhino's suggestion for libby with dome / Machine Curse as one of the HQs. I'd use Kantor for the other, or Sicarius (even better) for this force).


Overall, this way, fluffwise, everything drops in. Everything is killy. Podding devs as reserves negates their killability for two turns or more.

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A dreadnaught is a killhammer "hunter" unit. It is great for wrecking tanks and requires a lot of attention from the enemy to deal with. It's essentially expendable in the grand scheme of things, but has a potential to creat a kill gap in one of two ways:


1) Killing the enemy faster than they can kill him

2) Requiring lots of enemy resources to kill him that would otherwise be spent killing your other units.


Also, this may be a battle where jump pack Vanguard actually make sense. Nothing else in your army can assault after deep striking, and there is probably going to be a time and place for a brutal assault.


Terminators are also something to consider... especially the basic terminators. Deep striking a squad with one or more assault cannons/cyclones is brutal.


Don't forget the "S" gained from having homing beacons.

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ok, this is making alot of sense. (though im still not sure the actual defenition of Meq, and ive never seen Geq or Teq, ive assumed Meq is more of an elite infantry, with high save, based on thoes numbers, Geq is light infantry, and i assume that the T stands for tank?? is that right?)


so really, space marine tanks dreads, tac squads... maybe even assault squads if i remember right, are all not killy, though with the ability to form a kill gap, they dont land and say "hey, that squad there is gone". My killy squads are the terminator's, vanguard, sternguard, (and possibly command squads? commanders are the best close combat statline we can get with wounds aside from chaptermasters)


i think i may have failed to read the killahamer fast attack... im wondering if a landspeeder squadron with assault cannons is a killer. i'll go check after this post, but i can only imagin that 12 rending shots that can move 24" a turn are very killy.


so all thoes are things i need to work into my support units. but how is the basic layout of thoes troops for being balenced? of course to me i feel its ballenced, but as i created it, i would see no problem with it. its got 3 anti infantry squads, 1 more aimed at anti tank (but melta guns are a safer, if slightly weaker, alternitive to killing terminators [and that 8str makes for killing toughness 4 multipul wounds so much more satisfying]) and two anti Meq.


thats just in the troops of course, to me i feel its ballenced because as meq's cost more, there are generaly less of them, and tanks all the moreso. there are always troops running around more when its a bigger game (every one wants to command thousands of unstopable warriors!!!), and if theres not then youve still got rockets to use on tanks, or instant kill a chaos marine.


correct me if im wrong, and thanks for continued advice.


im going to start toying with the heavy support squads now.

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As far as I know (which might not be accurate):


GEQ= Guard Equiv (T3 with 4-5+ save)

MEQ= Marine Equiv (T4 with 3+ save)

TEQ= Terminator Equiv (T4+ with 2+ save)


In my example the Guard EQuivilent (GEQ) was a 5+ save, which meant no save when shooting with bolters.

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ok, added in two dev squads. I read the killihamer heavy support, and it said something to the effect of other units being able to do most jobs better (higher survivability with the same firepower) then choices you can get in youre heavy support group (though i think this moreso applies to chaos? cause i dont think theres any close combat in heavy support)


after that, it says that Heavy Support is best used to fill gaps left in youre army by other units, and though i dont have the rest of my units chosen yet, i thought the best way to kit my dev's would be to fill in what my tac squads lacked.


so first, i'll repost what my tac choice's are, though they havnt changed, i know you probably dont want to scroll up to check on things


Squad One: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Horde Hunter

Squad Two: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Horde Hunter

Squad Three: Melta/ Multi-Melta - Tank Hunter

Squad Four: PlasmaGun/ Rocket Launcher - Meq Hunter

Squad Five: PlasmaGun/Plasma Cannon - Meq Defender

Squad Six: Flamer/ Heavy Bolter - Horde Defender


sofar, its 1/2 anti horde, 1/3 anti meq, and 1/6th anti tank.


Squad Seven: Lascannon Lascannon/ Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher - Tanks or Heavy Infantry (range 48)

Squad Eight: Plasma Cannon Plasma Cannon/ Heavy Bolter Heavy Bolter - Light to medium infantry (range 36)


that seems kinda balenced, the first squad is the best thing the marines have for hitting tanks at a distance, and is still useful for bringing the hurt to other squads based units, like terminators.

the second squad is great for anti infantry, and i still remember the first time some one put an AP2 blast marker on my terminators back in 3rd ed.


Warp angel, you mentioned that i should make my devistator squads long range, which really only leaves lascannons and rocket launchers at the max range. im wondering if my second squad is going to be too close being 12 inch's closer, or will i be able to avoid this by deploying it on the opposite side of any fast units.


would a possible tactic to counter that be, to deploy the two squads oppisite, maybe the longer range squad in the middle back of the table, still able to hit every thing, And the shorter range squad off to the side abit, able to wreak havok on slower infantry units. As my opponent change's course to engage the second, the lascannons can be used to destroy there transports followed by masive fire upon the now unprotected troops?

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I did something quite similar recently and this is what I came up with.


Tac 1 (shooty) - power wep, plasma pistol, plasma gun, lascannon/plasma cannon - TL LC Razorback

Tac 2 (shooty) - power wep, plasma pistol, plasma gun, lascannon/plasma cannon - TL LC Razorback

Tac 3 (melta) - power fist, melta gun, heavy bolter - MM Razorback

Tac 4 (melta) - power fist, melta gun, heavy bolter - MM Razorback

Tac 5 (general) - power fist, flamer, missile launcher - TL HB Razorback

Tac 5 (general) - power fist, flamer, missile launcher - TL HB Razorback

Assault 1 - hammer, flamer, flamer - Rhino

Assault 2 - hammer, flamer, flamer - Rhino

Dev 1 - powerfist, HBx4 / HBx2 PCx2 - Rhino

Dev 2 - powerfist, LCx4 / LCx2 PCx2 - Rhino


Add a command squad, vets, terminators, scouts and a bunch of tanks and you can mix and match for pretty much anything.

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I think your mix on the Devs is a good balance between points availability and mission.


The LC/ML squad is great anti-MC and adequate anti tank. It's got reasonable anti-horde to supplement the Las Canons as well if you use Frag missiles.


The PC/HB squad is great anti-infantry of any kind (including terminators), and a threat against most MC and light tanks.


The two have enough overlap and redundancy that you're going to be fine if one or the other gets wiped out.


I like their loadout, especially since you don't know what you're up against. The 36" range isn't a problem... that's long range enough.

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thanks warp angel, i dont remember where i read it, (i think it was in dealing with IG in 5th ed) but you said something about combating squads to make them waist shots with over kill. Would that work with my dev's? cause if it did, then i could have the choice of combating them once they land (depending on how things look first) and make even better use of there weapons by splitting them into groups of two.


or is that only good againts IG?





now its time for the assault squads. The killhammer article on fast attack units starts by stateing that many people dont use them because they've had poor experiance with them, Then follows up saying that there often being used wrong.


heres a list i can think of as to useful ways to use them. i'll probably save them for my wave two drop, As there jump packs can make up for the distance lost, And i can use the drop pods locators to drop them where i need them.


1. use them to engage a unit who is sneaking up on a devastator squad. While my dev's could certanly take them out, Shooting kroot that are sneaking though the trees with a lascannon, While i have hammerheads running amuck, Is simply not productive.


for this mission, i can immagin two flamer's being useful to take out light infantry in cover? hell yes. should make up for the loss of two attacks in close combat for at least two turns, maybe even more. only time giving them the two flamer's would be a down side would be if i was attacking something that laugh's off flamer templets. (this is also effective against nids, was very happy when it roasted the lictor)

a reason why taking plasma pistol's would not be as effective here, Is if its worth getting plasma shot at it, chance's are its worth the devestator squad to shoot at it as well...right?


2. Additinal close combat support with other squads. there added attacks, and ability to get there faster then a regular squad could can save me a squad that would have been lost, or alow the squad to get unstuck and start fireing again.


3. say i had a squad or two moving to take an objective, And maybe they where very compatable with each other so that if one squad couldnt handle a task, the other could, but that squads now gone... i can quickly support this squad with the special weapons from an assault squad. (as an example, scouts in the woods or something, they've got a high cover save, And ive got no flamer.... Assault squad jumps up close, burns them, then they can assault together for the finish.)


im thinking for this squad, i may want to switch it up abit... not just do the oppisite of the first squad and have two plasma pistols, but go for one of each? and as an added kicker give the sgt a fist or melta bombs, incase its some Termy's or a tank.... god forbid a MC.



so, once again, a recap of what ive got



Squad One: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Horde Hunter

Squad Two: Flamer/ Rocket Launcher - Horde Hunter

Squad Three: Melta/ Multi-Melta - Tank Hunter

Squad Four: PlasmaGun/ Rocket Launcher - Meq Hunter

Squad Five: PlasmaGun/Plasma Cannon - Meq Defender

Squad Six: Flamer/ Heavy Bolter - Horde Defender



Squad Seven: Lascannon Lascannon/ Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher - Tanks or Heavy Infantry (range 48)

Squad Eight: Plasma Cannon Plasma Cannon/ Heavy Bolter Heavy Bolter - Light to medium infantry (range 36)



ive got alot of hunters, and a preaty adapt firebase.... two defenders, but becaues im using drop pods, Im probably going to be doing a static aggressive stance, and thus the defenders are there as added support and just incase, i dont want it to ever come to them needing to actualy hold off an attack. (the best defence is a good offence)



Squad Nine: Flamer/Flamer -Cleaner (i suppose they could be a hunter, cause im going to aim them at any light infantry that trys taking a shot for my dev's, But really, even then there going to be cleaning up that area of the board, to make sure that the dev's dont have to, and can continue on there mery way of happly poping tanks, and taking chunks out of the horde

Squad Ten: Flamer/Plasma -Cleaner (this squad will defenitly be hanging around with the tactical's, whereever they need assistance, these guys will be there.)



Ok, so how is that looking for a battle plan.


made a mistake, i just noticed that theres a counter role, which im assumeing that the first squad (if not both in a little way) is actualy a member of?

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Couple things to think about here:


1) Combat squadding is good whenever combat squadding makes sense. It's usually only useful to increase offense against weak opponents, to set up ablative casualties against CC monsters you're not going to be able to avoid, and to force your opponent to split fire when they've got an overkill amount of firepower situation.


2) Deep striking assault squads is a bad idea. Especially big ones. If you deviate too far away, your flamers and pistols are wasted. If you deviate into the enemy, but not within 1", you're losing a lot of marines due to inability to place them. If you shoot them when they land, then a pie plate will kill them all. They can't assault the turn they land.


3) This may be one of the rare situations where a Vanguard squad is by far the better choice. They can land AND assault. Don't go nuts on the power weapons though.


Assault Marines, in general, are most useful coming in from reserves from your table edge or running up behind some mechanized cover. Deep striking them is about the silliest thing imaginable. It uses very few of their strengths and exposes ALL of their weaknesses.

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well, i probably wouldnt deepstrike them... but depending on how the battle is going, turn two i may be attacking the rear of (insert diabolical force here) While there pie plates are hammering the guard. if they bring in a reserve unit to flank me, (but because im smart and kept my units a bit away from the edge, he needs two turns to get to my dev's) i could have an S where deep strikeing an assault squad, (locator beacons on pods) will help me out. If thats not the case then i can run them on the side.


by the way, the place we play at, the tables are 5feet inbetween where we set up (and then 3 4 foot tables connected lenght wise) so appoc i think we end up useing a 5 by 12 table? kinda allows for a situation like that to arise to the occasion.


just a thought

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I think that you want to keep as many of your options open as possible. Are points an issue for you, or do you just get to deploy a standard battle company kitted out the way you like via Drop Pods?


On Devestators, I would not waste the limited ranged anti-tank you have on hvy bolters. With a huge board area I would outfit your Devestators with las cannons, plasma cannons and missle launchers. If you want some variety, I would go for Devestators armed like this:


Sarge w/combi-flamer, 1 las cannon, 1 plasma cannon, 2 missle launchers.


The sarge can buddy up with either the las cannon or the plasma cannon to enhance it. The missle launchers can be split and join up with each of the other heavies, should you wish to combat squad them in twos.


Don't forget, this squad has a bunch of bolters and pistols. If the situation is such that you wish to deploy your army to one flank, you could saturate the landing zone with localized bolter fire/flamers, establish a perimeter, then bast at range with your heavy weapons in the following turns.


You could also just deploy the Devestators more standardly in good cover and let the Drop Pods land emply, (hopefully with deathwind missle launchers, to support.) Let these empty pods be some of the ones you choose to land in later turns, allowing you to get more boots on the ground early.



I would outfit your Tacticals with different roles in mind.

2 anti-tank w/combi-melta, power fist, melta and las cannon

2 antiMEQ w/power weapon or power fist, plasma pistol or combi-plasma, plasma gun and plasma cannon.

2 anti hoard w/flamer, missle launcher, power weapon, melta bombs, comi-flamer.


Assaults are the only squads you have that can maintain mobility. I would keep them in thier jump packs. Usually I would suggest going with flamers and powerfist. But, I can also see a nice flank attack possibility on rear armor, hidden all the way across the board. Or the need to take down some powerful leader. I would outfit the 2nd squad w/ thunderhammer and plasma pistols.


You could either deploy them initially in or behind cover, or bring them in as reinforcements. With the huge width of the board, you will probably want to come in from your own side, instead of outflanking.


A Thunderfire cannon and las-cannon armed Dreads would be some nice additions. As well as a Scout squad w/Land Speeder Storm. One squad of Sternguard in a Drop Pod would also be sick. With your lack of heavy weapons I would give them two plasma cannons, and combi-meltas.


With the Appothecary, I would give the Command Squad a lot of plasma, and use them on heavy armored types.



Warprat ;)

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hmmm so much to respond to in that post, But i have to log off now and get ready for tomorrow's workload. I will ask this question though.


with an aprothicary, how does the feel no pain work now? on multipul units in one turn?? during close combat?? more then 2 inch's away??? Plassma weapons? instant kill weapons??



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