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Librarian & Chaplain, Land Raider WIP (updated!)

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I've been working on a Bloodraven army for some time now. I decided to add a chaplain to the mix next to a Librarian HQ choice, I was halfway through painting the chaplain when I noticed chaplains only wear black power armor (officially). I felt I had to repaint him to fluff standards. Now, finally, my Librarian and Chaplain are almost done. C&C please:









Very cool, i should point out that normal both the chaplain and librarian normaly leave on plate of armour (normaly shoulderpad) in their chapters original colours. As do techmarines and tank drivers/pilots ect. Something about not angering the machine spirit or something, i dunno i could have made it up, who knows most of my life is probably made up....



ANYWAY... yeah people twend to like to do it to help tie them to the rest of their chapter anyway, it depends fi the colours clash.


All in all nice job, im likeing the crazy librarian he scares me. Staring at me like that.....

Actually, I had a look at other paintjobs and thus decided to leave the bleached bone shoulderpads as they were with the exact same thought. I did not consider the red gore a very good color to use, as it would contrast heavily against the blue and I had no idea how it would work against chaos black, hence I chose bleached bone.

looks good, but as been said, Chaplains and libbys usually leave the shoulder (left) the chapter color. red looks good against black, and for the libby, you can check the C:SM as there is the exact same libby with a red shoulder...he's an exorcist, but still.

A bad thing is that the chaplains crozius arcanum looks a little bit wonky, you should straighten it out.

Thanks for the replies. Ok, wonkyness has been dealt with, as I was able to straighten the crozius arcanum just a tad, it now looks solid.


As for the colors, I might still change the bleached bone out, problem being that I really really really like the way it worked out. Ah well, I will reconsider it, as I do wish to stick to fluff.

The Chaplain & Librarian looks great, Tinus. I prefer them with the bleached bone shoulderpads.


One thing for the Libby, his scrolls and robe looks a tad too flat around the folds.


Nice start on the Land Raider. Will you be leaving the lascannon barrels red?

One thing for the Libby, his scrolls and robe looks a tad too flat around the folds.


I agree with that. Part of it is due to bad lighting (I can make decent photo's, but not great ones) and part is due to the fact that the scrolls are a tad lighter and less shaded than the papers strapped to his leg for instance. I might look into it again, see if I can tweak it a little bit.


Nice start on the Land Raider. Will you be leaving the lascannon barrels red?


Good question. I had planned on leaving it red, yes.

I like the overall dark and gritty feel of your marines. As for the colour combo of red/black and blue/black. Both colours can look very nice together, it really just depends on how you paint them. My only criticism is with the eyes of your Librarian. They are contracted which gives the impression of shock. Its more of a personal opinion rather then a rule of painting. If your going for the anger/hatred look then contracted are a good indicator of that.


Cheers, Messanger


N.B. a little tidbit of information that many may find interesting. Larger (dilated) pupils are a sign of attraction, and this dilation of the pupils is seen as attractive. Whilst contraction of the eyes is a sign of dislike. However on the same note contracted eyes (on a person and a miniature) isn't as good looking as dilated eyes.

N.B. a little tidbit of information that many may find interesting. Larger (dilated) pupils are a sign of attraction, and this dilation of the pupils is seen as attractive. Whilst contraction of the eyes is a sign of dislike. However on the same note contracted eyes (on a person and a miniature) isn't as good looking as dilated eyes.


Hah, didn't know that.


Actually, I tried to put some "awe" in the Libby's eyes. Not fear, but awe. As if he is staring down a Carnifex that just had a very bloody dinner, ready to strike it down. He now has a mixed look of awe and excitement on his face, just the way I like it. O and a slight bit of disgust too. Worked didn't?




On the grittyness: Next time I post pics, the underside of the Raider will be nice and muddy :ph34r:. War is a dirty business you know!

Both models look very good, well done!


However, one thing I have noticed - and it's probably just to do with photography conditions - is that the Librarian's Shoulder Pads looks more 'Lemon Yellow' than 'Bleached Bone'?


The Chaplain's Tabard/Robe looks very good also, care to share the method?


Blood Raven :ph34r:

the Librarian's Shoulder Pads looks more 'Lemon Yellow' than 'Bleached Bone'?


That's the light/the camera. Trust me when I say the bone looks like bone IRL, not Lemon Yellow :ph34r:



The Chaplain's Tabard/Robe looks very good also, care to share the method?


Well, it was simpler than you might think. I did the following:


First I painted the robe bits with Bleached Bone and let it dry for a bit.

I then used Devlan Mud to tone it down to a more 'creamy white' (just a quick stroke and very thinly applied) leaving the outer edges as untouched as possible.

I then applied more Devlan mud to the 'darker' more shady areas, to get the gritty look you see now. In the darkest corners, I left a pure drop of Devlan Mud to dry up even.

Then, last but not least, I added a pure Bleached Bone trim (to even it out where the Devlan Mud had spread to the edges) for outer edge highlights.


And presto, a dirty robe that actually looks like a robe.



Edit: I did the same with the Libby, using Skull White instead of Bleached Bone. I confused the two colors in my post before this edit ^_^ Corrected now.

the Librarian's Shoulder Pads looks more 'Lemon Yellow' than 'Bleached Bone'?


That's the light/the camera. Trust me when I say the bone looks like bone IRL, not Lemon Yellow ;)



The Chaplain's Tabard/Robe looks very good also, care to share the method?


Well, it was simpler than you might think. I did the following:


First I painted the robe bits with Skull White and let it dry for a bit.

I then used Devlan Mud to tone it down to a more 'creamy white' (just a quick stroke and very thinly applied) leaving the outer edges as untouched as possible.

I then applied more Devlan mud to the 'darker' more shady areas, to get the gritty look you see now. In the darkest corners, I left a pure drop of Devlan Mud to dry up even.

Then, last but not least, I added a pure Skull White trim (to even it out where the Devlan Mud had spread to the edges) for outer edge highlights.


And presto, a dirty robe that actually looks like a robe.

Heh, I believe you ^_^ Nah, honestly, it's cool, I was just confused that nobody else had mentioned it :ph34r:


As for the Robe, that's pretty cool! I may have to try that method with my Blood Angels Captain ^_^

As for the Robe, that's pretty cool! I may have to try that method with my Blood Angels Captain :ph34r:


Umm yeah, see my edit. Basically use Skull White if you want it to be a tad lighter, and Bleached Bone base if you want it to look darker. Both will have very nice effects if you do it this way ^_^




Edit: Argh. I'm at worked and I'm getting my whites mixed up. Anyway, it's correct now!

Latest update...


Today I added details and A LOT of muddy goodness:














C&C welcome ;)

War is a dirty business you know!

Aye, in more ways than one.


Nice progress on the Land Raider. Realistic weathering effects. The red lascannon barrel tips are a refreshing change, especially when you view it against the bleached bone doors.


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