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What to do with the last 10 points?

Chalx the grey

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Hi wolf brothers,

I'm getting a small 750 point army ready for combat (it's just taking a lot of time to paint it at the level I wanted!) and I'm pretty happy with my selections, but I have to find the best way to put my last 10 points to use. Here's the list:

HQ WGBL Solrak Thundershield (100 points) FB, SS, WP, frags

ELITE Dreadnought (115 points) Plasma Cannon, DCCW


10 Grey Hunters (213), 8 Bolters, PF, MG, frags (213 points) in Rhino (35 pts)

9 Blood Claws, 2 x PF, Flamer (156 pts) in Rhino (35 pts)


Predator, Heavy bolter sponsors (85 pts)

TOTAL 739 points

Here's a pic of the almost finish dread by the way, hopefully I can find time for the last couple details and the base this week!


So I have 10 points left, and now let's see my options:

- Wolf Tooth Necklace for BGBL. Now this would be cool (and wolfy) to go character hunting, but this guy will be leading the blood claws so I hope the powerfists will do the job ;)

- Plasma pistol for the Grey Hunters. This is nice since I can shoot it from the rhino, otherwise I will be firing a meltagun and just a bolter. Thing is, I have a lot of plasma already on the dread and I fear overheats!

- Power weapon on the Grey hunters. This is my favourite in terms of how the squad would look, but they are supposed to be shooting (the PF in the squad is just to scare big guys from charging them), so I fear it might become a waste of points in the long run.

- A heavy flamer on the dread. This could be useful for handling hordes but I don't like the range difference with the plasma cannon. Also I like keeping dreads cheap!

What would a long fang suggest in this situation? I think I will be playing lots of marines, I guess that should guide the choice, but I want to keep the army as versatile as possible.

Any other suggestions for those 10 points? Thanks in advance for your comments!!

very nice job on the dread and i realy like your list ,i would go with the wolftooth necklace to help with enermy lords the claws may struggle with


and in your next 750 pts i would look at a speeder with multi melta or a attack bike,


also i use a iron priest to control my claws if i want my heros some place else

All of the options are good selections,

Runic Charms are almost as good as an extra wound, I love them


Heavy flamer upgrade for your dreadnought is also a very good choice, I like to run my dreads as MM+HF or AC+HF so ill either have a dedicated anti infantry dread or a rounded take on all comers dread. With the Plas Cannon it becomes anti heavy infantry and light mech, still well rounded as it can smash vehicles with S10 DCCW hits.


Extra powerfist attacks are also always very helpful, As a long time Space Wolf player I always find myself in CC, even when i probly shouldn't be there.


and a Plas Pistol is also an excellent choice for some rhino top hatch shooting.


one thing you might want to consider is dropping your current WGBL, switching your dread to a venerable, changing rhinos for drop pods, and upping the BC pack to 11 (so you can get the 3rd PF).


that way you can drop in the blood claws and dread on turn 1, start kicking ass early. Then on a later turn when the Grey Hunters decide to show up you can just park them on an objective.


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