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Okay, so I had this idea (Yes another) for a successor chapter of the Wolves. I propose this ideea to you for comments, critiques, and the like, so have at it.


They are the Hellhounds, their scheme is mainly black with trims and whatnot in red.

They are void-born and fleet centered, with close ties to the AdMech AND the Inquisition. They are oftentimes seen fighting alongside Skitarii, Tech Guard, and Grey knights. Also they have access to weaponry superior to their fellow space marines.

They have a ritual where before each battle, they soak their hands (exposed flesh) in the blood of their fallen, then light themselves aflame, so as to ward off daemons. They have a significantly low psyker count, as their forefathers would believe they should. However, those that they possess are regarded as being highly pure, and are said to be able to speak with their missing primarch, and spell portents out in glowing runes on long flowing sheets of parchment that hang from their rooms, ever filled with a smoky-sweet incense. Another prebattle ritual is to, while deploying, have Librarians walk the armoring chambers and to flll large braziers with the burning blood and incense. The incense has a special effect on the psychically-inattuned marines. If inhaled deeply, and then vigorous excercise is performed, such as battle, a marine can fight for double, even triple the amount of time a marine of say an Ultramarine can.

They do not organize into companies. They are in packs led to battle by a Pack Master. They are led by the greatest hero in their chapter: Krangar the Black or Cerberus, as he is known by the Ist Pack.



So in essence, They use combat stim-type incense then go out, burn their hands, then kill daemons with the AM and =][=.


Any Ideas?




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The only known successor chapter was the Wolf Brothers, which was disbanded due to genetic instability. Nothing says that you can't make another successor though (either a second founding, which was part of the original legion, or a new later founding with SW geneseed and officer corps to start the chapter). SWs tend to avoid Inquisitors, so they don't have great relations with any branch of the Inquisition. With the ties to the AdMech, it might fit better as a successor to the Iron Hands, which have close ties to the AdMech, better Inquisition relations, and have a Clan structure instead of the conventional Chapter organization.
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Use the rules of SW's, but instead of a successor idea, keep with the idea that your army is a separate Wolf Company, hence the different rituals followed after being fleet-borne for so long.


I LOVE Grey Hunters, so my Company is a separate one and has evolved to be mostly GH's in make up. Thats how I justify it.


To keep with the "Hell" idea, make use of Melta/Flamer weapons, and use some sort of "Pike" or "Trident" as held by the Devil himslef.


My 0.02 cents.

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Hmmm... Great Ideas guys. I do like the idea of the 13th company and a second founding chapter. I had kinda forgotten that SW don't care too much for the =][= so... although I could say they were second founding then put under much scrutiny by the =][=, with an inquisitor always there to see that they don't join the enemy? Something like that. Anyhoo, thanks for all the fast replies, And keep the ideas rolling! they've been quite useful! :lol:



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