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Hi people,


Looking for a 5-6 man Sternguard loadout (5+Gates of Infinity Libby, or 6+Razorback).

Will definitely be painting them as Deathwatch.


For fluff reasons leaning towards:

Sergeant: Powerfist

Veteran: Combi-Plasma

Veteran: Combi-Flamer

Veteran: Heavy Bolter

Veteran: Heavy Flamer

However, this all seems to favour getting closer than Sternguard are designed for (although GoI Libby may help.).


I already have a "standard" SG 6-man unit (drop pod) featuring 3 combi-meltas, so not looking to duplicate that.

This one needs to be a little more anti-infantry.

Looking for ideas - Plasma Cannon(s)?


Cheers, Paul.


Edit: revised emphasis (now on SG, not DW)

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Changed the emphasis of this thread, to highligh the fact that I'm looking for Sternguard squad loadouts.


10- vs 5-man (or in between)

Transport (DropPod, Rhino with drive-by, Razorback for extra heavys, Librarian+GoI, none)

How much CC (fist,sword,claw)

Short Range (Bolter, melta, flamers)

Longer Range (heavies, pseudo-dev)

tailoring Special-ammo usage for different opponents

Special character preferences (Kantor to score, Lysander for bolter drill, Sicarius for Tank Hunter, ...)


Cheers, Paul.

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I'm pretty sure you can chose which special ammo to fire each shooting phase, as long as every member of the unit firing a bolter fires the same special ammo; as such, there is no need to restrict yourself to just one type of special ammo for the entire game.



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I almost never buy heavy weapons for my Sternguard. You're paying good points for those bolters, and that special ammo is too sweet to give up (and pay MORE points). I'll usually just stick a power fist on the Sgt., and 2-4 melta/flamer-combi weapons in the squad. Well, the squad led by the Librarian gets the power fist; the squad lead by Kantor gets a lightning claw. That way both units have a power fist and a I4 power weapon (in one case a force weapon, in the other re-rolling wounds). Plus, don't forget Kantor's other big ability: he's not only about scoring vanguard units, the +1 attack to all friendly units within 12" is sick! Each of those vanguard will be retaliating with three attacks, and any terminators/scouts/assault marines (I like grey knight terminators, assault marines, scout bikes/storms with shotgun squads, in that order) you bring along get extra attacks too.
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I go devastator lite

10 men, 2 plasma cannons, b'-plasma, b'-melta and my twin p' fist sergeant in a rhino

yet to use but the idea behind the unit is to support my 3 rhino mounted tactical squads at mid to close range

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