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Reserves & Outflanking


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Hi all.


Question: Are there any Characters, Wargear, Psychic stuff or anything (including Imp Arm stufff) that gives SMs

a modifier to either our Reserve rolls or our Outflanking direction roll?


Background: The latest iteration of my 2k Marine list involves taking Kor'sarro Khan on his bike with a unit of

bikers (counting as Troops).


Along with the bikes, I have 3 Tac squads with Rhinos, a small Scout squad (Snipers), a full Assault squad, a 6-marine

Termie Assault squad and finally a Redeemer.


The idea is for the Scout squad to Infiltrate and provide general nuisance factor, the Tac squads to do the objective

hunting (if required) and everthing else (bikes, Termies, LRR, Assault squad) Outflanks using KK's Chapter Tactics

rule and delivers the pain.


The reason I'm interested in any Reserve or Outflank drms is that I plan to put the Termies in the Redeemer, but

that's over 450pts sitting in Reserve in one unit and it would really hurt if it sat there until Turn 5!!!


Cheers for any comeback.

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Tigurius allows you to reroll reserve rolls. Unfortunately he is a rather expensive special character. With Tigurius and Khan you will have 390pts in special characters. (more if you got the bike for khan) The Tig-Khan combo is mean but a bit of a point waster.



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Cheers for the reply Thaylen.


I've just read about Tigurius and while he is a good Character (as far as Psyker's go..),

you're right that he's way too expensive to mix with Khan in a 2k list.


My total SM list tops out at 4,200 pts, so I think I'll replace my Epistolary with Tigurius

in order to use Khan's Chapter Tactics to max effect in larger games, though.


Tig's 3 psychic powers per turn won't be a bad boost either!



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The Damocles Rhino can re-roll 1 reserves per turn.

It also helps with teleporting if you need that, and comes with an orbital bombardment.

Much cheaper than Tigurius, however I think he allows re-rolls on ALL reserves. No codex with me at the moment.

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Cheers dude. I checked out the Damocles and it certainly seems like it'll help a little.


I posted a question regarding the Damocles' 'Improved Communications' in the Rules

forum if you fancy chipping your 2 cents in!



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