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after years of absence another brother returns


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after 5 years i decided to get back into it. the Ultramarie is the 1st i've modelled and painted in 5 years so am a bit rusty...

so here goes. WIP of what i've done so far.



1st up my vet captain. I had alot of bits in my spares box so decided he'd look good with termie power fist and storm bolter, VIII errant armour and termie shoulder pad. Though with an initial dry run having two shoulder pads looked too big, so used a standard marine one on his right. I just chopped the shoulder down a bit to get it to fit




next up some details being a vet i wanted him to have many purity seals and relics of many battles passed.







here he is 99% done just missing decals


i thought about how he could be surrounded by lots of disguarded imperial guard equipment and came up with this...


I imagined him on the top of a small outcrop next to ruined outpost. He's over looking a vast ruined industrial landscape. Recently a squad of cadians had been sent into the sector. Initial reports were good then they dissapeared with no contact. Marines have been deploid to find out where the squad are.

Only to find the whole area littered with thier equipment, and no signs of any life forms........


here's the final piece. not sure whats up with the colours on it, photobucket has some weird compression





next up, Black Templar Assault Marine Sergent.

agai had some bits in the spares box and came up with this guy


here's what i picked out and have to play with in this instance



and his base WIP




i then found the great stuff that is guitar wire added some details to the jump pack and his leg. Also added etch brass for the handle on his Shield.




begining to paint


I prefer painting each part seperate then assembling later. not sure why. i see alot of guy assemble 1st then paint.



here's the base and legs





and here's how he is so far.




still WIP. he need his shoulder pads (they are somewhere in the post) and the armour is looking a little bit too grey. i'm also awaiting more templar seals and the such.

hope you all like!

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I've come back recently too, going to buy my first set of models tomorrow (sold others about 6 years back).


Looking good. I like your bases... pretty crisp.


Do I see alot of drybrushing? While its fast you might want to try a thin glaze over the top to blend it in. But obviously, your models... its up to you :)

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Welcome back Brother Greeble... even if you are an Ultramarines painter! :)

But i certainly can't mock your work. I too returned this year but my standard before or after my return is not to this standard. Fab works, like the diorama-like set up for the chaplain base.

Keep us updated please! And I don't say that to many imperial painters :)

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  • 5 months later...

here's a bit of WIP i've been working on recently. i've completely forgotten about this log. i'm usually on ammobunker



my attempt at space hulk scene




i wasn't happy with this at all so stripped it and started again




next up the undead in water base



and with the base ontop




with the finished deathwing




next up my Black Templar Termi

the Forge world shoulderpads






the thunder hammer




almost finished just needs a head!












now my new WIP a dark angel Chaplian. using the older metal robed vet DA maine body as a base





lots more to come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

[here's the Chaplian on the base. The base need grass and leaves etc





side 1



side 2





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Meh, drybrushing -.-



You are obviously a talented hobbyist. Your conversions and bases look very good, so do the freehand scribbles and stuff.


I just think you should stop drybrushing and try your talented hands on some real painting.



i'm trying to get out of the habit as it does make my models look dusty. the templar termi was one where i tried to not drybuh as much. i've done a few other's that aren''t marines that i've not dry brushed

pics can be seen here



any tips on how i can shack the drybrushing habit would be great

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Patience is the key. You'll have to accept that without extensive dry brushing, painting a single mini will take longer. But shading with washes and then highlighting with your base color a few nuances brighter doesn't take that much longer, with practice.


And drybrushing isn't completely useless. A common technique is to lightly drybrush the whole model with grey right aber priming with black so all the details are more visible.

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