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Land Raiders

Brother Icipher

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Just wanting to get people's thoughts about what the minimum game point value in which a Land Raider can reasonably be used. The reason I ask is that I rarely get to play games above about 1000pts (due to time constraints), so I am wondering if there is any value in having one? Your thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.
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two in 1000 points, as mentioned in other place's, is playing to win, not for fun.


you can run one in 1000 pts, but if youre playing some one who has a very shooty army, you can bet all his lascannons or missle launchers are going to try and take it out turn one (which could be good if you dont want said squads to hit youre other units)


if you do use one at 1000, i wouldnt get to many more specail units like that, its 1/4th of youre army. and two of them is half youre army for two models....

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I can't bring myself to consider a LR at under 1500 (and actually don't use one until 2000), simply because a couple of my main opponents are Tau. A railgun that penetrates 1/3 of the time and either imobobilizes or kills a LR 2/3 of those pens is not fun when that LR is 25% of your army. However, I get the feeling that Tau aren't very popular in 5th, so my metagame might be significantly different than everyone elses.
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