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Pre-Heresy Landraider


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Hey all,


My friend purchased a Pre-heresy Landraider awhile back, and he has asked me to put it together along with a Venerable Dread out of a Chaos Dread. The interior of the raider is finished and it is now pretty much assembled, and just needs detailing and Greenstuffing. The dreadnaught legs are close to being primed, just needs some detailing first.


I forgot to take updated pics of the interior so this one is from awhile back, but nothing much has changed except there's an additional side connected now :HQ:






And the dread, which has had all joints extended via washers:



C&C very welcome



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time!


@Shorts, as Mel said, the legs are from the Chaos Dread, the nice thing about that model is it is not very chaosy(?) so its pretty interchangeable.


I've finished putting accessories on the landraider, kept it light as I am going to try my hand at some freehand work. Its being painted to match my friends army, hence the drybrushing. Not my preferred style but oh well. Not many pics as there's only so many worth taking of a grey tank, once you've seen one you've seen them all.




And the TL Bolters:




C&C always welcome

T-2 days to get the LR and Dread finished enough for my friend to use them at the tourney this weekend. Much of the detail painting will have to wait till after that. The dread is now ready to be primed. Pretty happy with how it turned out, although feels like its missing something. I'm pleased with how the yellow came out on the LR as well.






Also a pic of the finished hatch. Still have to add some bolters to the rack, but that won't be done for awhile.



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