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Lions Rampant

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I recently entered a small competition (Linky) on the only Dutch Wargame forum I attend.

The idea was to make a conversion/kitbash on a (max) 40mm base.

I wanted to do something simple as I didn’t really have the time to do extensive work. But I couldn’t make what I planned without remodelling at least the legs…



The following part is only for those with fresh eyes and a need to read the why and how of this model.


Let’s begin at the beginning;

I decided to make a space marine as I simply have a lot of them and I like building them (easy, big flat surfaces). Having no clue what to do I was rummaging through my sprue chest to see what I had. I found an unopened box of Bretonian knights which contained some nice looking lances. I decided to make a knightly space marine.

One standing proudly upright ready to defend the pious servants of the Emperor.

Sadly, this meant putting a space marine upright. While not really difficult, it ventured far beyond the simple kitbash I had planned.

From the lance and the upright position the rest of the build was logic, shield in other hand. Either before his body or being leaned on/held in position. Extra armour on the greaves, armour skirts, armour behind the knees.

The upper torso is a chaos marine torso filed flat. I liked the rounded cut out shapes of the torso and decided to bring them back in as much as I could. To this end I decided to use another shield instead of the Bretonian I was planning to use. I found an old Chaos Knight shield with the perfect dimensions, only needing to remove some edges. The shoulder pads were filed in with a round file, as were all additional armour plates.

I found a head I worked on years ago, being basically a Empire Knight head with the plumes cut off (the one with the lions head helm). This looked nice on the model and provided me with a reason to use the lions pelt from the same box.

Also it provided me with the name for the chapter the marine is from: Lions Rampant

When (if might be more appropriate with my track record), the shield, pads and greaves wil sport a rampant lion.

I used a bunch of knightly signs (fleur de lis (spelling?)) to fill some empty places and I was done.

For the base I used a 40mm base as I prefer to stick with the max and liked to make the base a bit scenic.

Wanting to focus all the attention on the model and not on the base I decided to keep it simple. Small bases like 40mm tend to get cluttered really fast so less is more in most cases.

I plated it with some square tiled plasticard. Feeling this was to empty (less is less) I removed one of the tiles and added some interior workings (two pipes, one with an handle).

I also added a lantern to light the worker doing what he does underneath the floor. This will be lighted once the base is put on the display base.

The light came from an electric candle I stole from my girlfriend. It is quite bright and even flickers a bit. I’m planning to buy more soon for other projects.


Well, enough ranting, on with the photos.



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ehm, totally finished... as in what? Painted or something... maybe next year ;P


I could use some advice for a paint scheme (just in case) I have no idea what would look good. Also, I need something very contrasting for the floor, making him stand out.



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I love the model except for the head. There is something about the open face of the helmet that seems to throw off the Space Marine look for me. I do like the lion style helmet but maybe if it was enclosed somehow. Maybe attach a standard marine helmet faceplate where the open face is. The rest of the model is great though.


Just my personal opinion though so dont take offense. I would also like to see this model fully painted.

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meh, I won't take offense (yet)

I really liked the open face helmet and although I've had multiple comments on how people don't like it, I've had as many comments about how cool it looks. Seems to be one of those things you either like or hate.



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Perhaps as an alternative, if you are able to do it at this stage, is to attach a visor, like how knight helms can 'armour up'? Although in this case, it does seem that since the top of the helmet is a lion, perhaps adding some mane might make it more... regal or feral looking, kinda like hercules in a knightly way? Hmmm... *just running ideas by* Anyways, it looks awesome, regardless of any modifications.


As for colour schemes, perhaps decide what kind of lion it is? And work it from there?

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Looks cool but the helmet lion could do with a mane. Right now it looks like a polar bear. As for the visor issue, you could have something like what Space Marines had in Rouge Trader, where the visor was separate from the helmet and could be removed. And perhaps you could have the visor part slung off his belt so that it is clear that he is a space marine, and he can seal off his suit when encountered with a harsh environment.


Anyways, I take it your going to do a lot of freehanding on this model? All those flat surfaces look like they are going to ether have a lot of arty farty stuff going on on them, or are going to weathered up heavily.

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If I will paint the model, it might be freehanded or something. I was more or less thinking about blank armour with some weathering to keep it in line with medieval armour.

They might be upgraded (or degraded, depends on how you look at it) to a Bear styled chapter, but I think the lion is obvious enough once more lion parts are painted on. Also, adding a mane would bulk up the helmet too much in my opinion... maybe a little, I'll see. I have a couple of those helmets left anyway so I can test away.


About the visor, I figured the Empire of Man to be advanced enough for a drop down visor or a forcefield visor to protect him from harm (in one of the books about the royal fleet there is a captain with a captains hat that becomes a full helmet when pulling down the cap.

I think it's pretty clear that he is either a space marine or inquisitor related being in full power armour and all (that's like saying a helmetless marine does not look like one....)



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I love the mini, but with a lance shouldn't he have a 'trusty steed'? ie - bike or something? would look great in the background :P It's my only real gripe since there's not much point wielding a lance and shield without some thrust behind you.. looks great otherwise!


Which Bretonnian set are the heads from - and are there more than one of them in it? I agree that if not a mane, maybe some ears or something are in order? i duno seems to be lacking a little something in the Lion dept... or maybe a bionic eye or respirator would be enough to give him a bit more of the marine feel?.. just a thought - he looks great either way <_<

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A marine should have more than enough thrust with his power armour. And remember that spears and pikes are not much smaller.

I'm thinking about the mane, maybe this weekend if I have some time.

The head and lion cape are from the empire knights set, the lance is from the brettonian knights, the lantern I do not remember.



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