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Standard Bearer? Now what?


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I use mine to represent a Rune Priest- I just lopped off part of the banner pole above the fist and counted him as having a Power fist and Staff (Power, Frost, or Runic) of some sort. But that was 4th Edition, so he doesn't get out much anymore *grumble grumble zoggin' GW...*

Actually, a Great Company Banner (may be taken by a Wolf Guard) functions as a Chapter Banner, as detailed in C:SM. Basically, it gives rerolls to failed morale/pinning checks within 12", gives +1 to combat resolution and gives +1 attack to all models in the unit.


And it can be taken by TDA.


So, take 4 WGBG in TDA, tool them up for CC, give them pelts, a beardy character and this little trick, pod them next to a Deathwing Command Squad - and dare them to charge. I make that 2 base, +1 for 2 CC's, +2 for a successful Counter Attack and +1 for the Banner. 6 Attacks each, hitting on 3's. Give them claws to reroll, just cause you can. And watch them cry.

For Ale's sake - dont chop the standard off!!!!! Not till you've seen your new codex. (I havent so I'm not acting with insider knowledge here - just worldweary pessimism). What do you do if you chop up your nice standard bearer jsut as GW bring out a nice shiney new SW banner rule?


Leave him be, paly counts as or just park him on a shelf for a while. When the new codex comes out, then decide whether to keep him or chop him.

Leave him be, paly counts as or just park him on a shelf for a while. When the new codex comes out, then decide whether to keep him or chop him.


Agreed, PFed wolves are a dime a dozen. Rules or no rules, you may just want to represent your company with a banner some time in the future and if there is no rule for it, its a OOP model that will be hard to come by.


WG Vrox


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