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A neophyte's journey


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Wow, 2 months of lurking before posting. :P Anyways, here is a Black Templar army I'm working on.











Man i need to take better pictures.

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Thanks for all the comments guys :ph34r:. I'll try making the pictures bigger.


@ Fire Lord Captain: Uhh, I never really thought about the bases. Maybe a desert theme to fit their crusading style?


Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to post some more pictures of what I'm working on.

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Desert bases are easy to do, look cool, and would be perfect as a contrast to your very dark marines. Additionally, they'd give you great weathering opportunities for future models, like hints of desert dust covering their feet. I'd say, go for it. :) And keep us updated.
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Ok, I'll go with desert bases then :). Thanks for the tutorial ThomKovacs.




Anyways look what I got today!




Here is one assembled. I was using Titan136's idea :D What do you guys think?




More meat shields to come.

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Could we get bigger pics of your well-painted marines?


Here you go:














They are pretty much done except the bases.

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Thanks Blender. Nice highlights on the armour & shading on the robes. Hope you don't mind, but just a eensy suggestion: the area around the eyelenses & pipings could use a slight touchup on the red spillovers.


How long did you take to paint one model?

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Whoa. 5 hours a model is plenty quick (compared to me) for tabletop standard. Just one more C&C, a wash of black ink over the red pipings should help define them better (sorta like blacklining). Looking forward to seeing the neophytes painted up.
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Thanks for the other quick tip! I just ran out of space marine heads for the neophytes so it will be a while until they get a paint job. Instead, i have some CSM helmets arriving from an eBay seller.
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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys!


Sorry for being inactive for a couple of months. Was really busy during school. For some reason during May-June, my teachers love spamming tests. Then after the tests, I had finals and Provincials ;). Well I survived so that means more Templars.


Anyway, here is a Marshal I'm doing for the Templar expansion crusade challenge :D. There will also be a EC I'm working on.






Not bad for a 15 year old eh?


The Marshal is about 90% done. Need to do the claws, this medal thing, and a backpack. Still deciding which backpack to give him. By the way, Don't worry about the basing. I'll base them as soon as I can get a bucket of sand from the nearby playground. The static grass is also coming.


C&C as always.


I have another crusader squad to do so wait a little longer please. :teehee:

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